

Boulder, CO

Friday August 5, 2005

     10:28am  I woke up around ten. I didn't get that much sleep. Like five hours. I'm packing all my stuff. I'm going to take a resin-hit.

                     Oh yeah, I'm at the Conoco already. I woke up this morning around ten or something. I went to bed around five or six this morning. I didn't get enough sleep. I'll try to take a nap sometime today. Last night some old dude ended up smoking us out. I had a little resin in my pipe and I took a hit earlier. I woke up and smoked some snipes I found last night at the 7-11 down Valmont. Oh yeah, I stashed my boots behind the Flowerama, so I'm not lugging those around anymore. I'm traveling lighter now. Right now I'm walking to Pearl Street Mall. Oh yeah, last night Brooklyn Tony bought me a camera. I have pictures to take. The other day this guy who knows Tony asked me about Fawn Journeyhawk. He told me that he had already read her Message To All. He had found it on the Internet himself.

     11:22am  Just walked Folsom. Turning Right on Pearl Street.

     11:34am  I am in Pearl Street Mall.

                     I found the gang. Juanito and everybody.

     12:40pm  Jim just gave me a cigarette on Pearl Street. I appreciate it, Jim. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Jim from Missouri.

     1:20pm  Megan was nice enough to braid my goatee for me. I appreciate it, Megan. What waas your email? Megan: " and I'm doing a documentary during this year, so I might want to talk to you about that."

     1:32pm  This old wingnut Stacy. Last night she was just moaning and complaining all night. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I overheard her telling somebody, "I clean up all the cigarette butts I see." I gave her my littering script. "This land has already been raped and paved over. We owe it not respect. There are people who get paid money to clean that up. I wouldn't want to deprive anybody of their job. If I'm in the woods and I see trash I'll pick it up. But you can't litter on concrete. Down with Babylon." She got all riled up. She sent some thug to come talk to me and tell me, "You just offended my friend." I told him, "Sticks and stones, dude. Words can only offend you if you let them. Be bigger than that."

     1:36pm  Max gave me a cigarette on Pearl Street Mall. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Alma is reading me something out of this 13 Moon Calendar that she has. "The first day of the new year in this calendar is 26. There's thirteen months with twenty eight days each. You add that up and then you have one extra day which is not part of the calendar. Your totem animal is a monkey. The traditional Mayan calendar, umm, these right here are solar fields, they're weekdays. Completely unattached from the month. They rotate separately." Umm, I can't make anything out on the recording. Let me email Alma and ask her to tell me that stuff again. Ok I did and here's what she replied with:

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 17:21:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Alma Little Bird" <>
To: "victor antonio" <>

OK, so there are indeed 28 days in each month (moon) and 13 moons. 28 times 13 is 364, so that's one short of the 365 year, hence the extra day out of time. This way there is no need to add an extra day onto the actual calendar and mess it up!
Today is in fact the day out of time, the calendar begins tomorrow on what corresponds to the 26th of July in the Gregorian calendar (the calendar most people are familiar with).
Today is also Steven's birthday, do you remember him?
There are 20 'solar seals', which are similar to week days. There is a separate set of 'week days' called 'tones'. There are 13 of them. These and the moons are all on independent cycles.
Also there are 260 possible combinations between the solar seals and tones. There is a chart of this called the Tzolkin, and each combination has a 'kin number'. Your's is 215
There is the daily solar seal and daily tone, which changes each day. There is also a tone and solar seal for each year, and the solar seals for the year go in a different order than the days! Beyond that there are also special measurements of time besides moon and year called wave spells and castles, but lets not go into that right now, especially since I don't remember how many days they are :)
Anyway, the oracle is the name for the chart, which is drawn as a square with another square on each side of it, kind of like a cicle, but asquare one! The destiny is the one in the middle and is the day you were born on. In a sunwise circle around that, starting from the side on the left, are your challenge, guide, likeminded, and then the hidden power on the bottom.

Your destiny is the blue resonant eagle (eagles are always blue anyway, because the solar seals are arranged in set groups of colors and clans, and earth families)
The eagle is in the blue sky clan, and the polar earth family.
The challenge is the red serpent.
The guide is the blue hand.
The like minded is the yellow seed.
The hidden power is the white world bridger.

The challenge, guide, like minded and hidden power all have the same tone which is different from the destiny but i have forgotten the formula to figure that out.

The year is the spectral yellow seed.
The wave spell is the magnetic red moon.
You are in the green central castle of enchantment.

Your poem or affirmation is:
I channel in order to create
Inspiring mind
I seal the output of vision
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of accomplishment

You were born in the resonant moon (7th moon), with the monkey totem.

Each moon has a totem animal, this whole thing is separate from the solar seal cycle, but as there are 13 moons and 13 tones, each moon has a tone. The moons are not actually based on the lunar cycle though, they are just called that, probably because they are very close in length. A moon on the dreamspell calendar is 28 days, an actual lunar cycle from one full mon tpo the next full moon, or one new moon to the next new moon is 29.5 days.
It is also important to note that this is NOT a traditional native calendar, it is BASED, somewhat loosely on the traditional Mayan calendar, and is therefore often marketed as such, it is in fact a new age hippy creation inspired by an indigenous tradition. Maya people do not favor the use of their name being attached to it.
Tread lightly and remain skeptical, most dreamspell practitioners, as with modern practitioners of many ancient ways, don't know much about the traditional cosmology. I definitely don't, I'm just in it for the math :) Dreamspell definitely has beautiful and amazing mathematic correlations.
Dreamspell is also calculated somewhat differently, the traditional calendar also has a 20 day cycle but dreamspell it doesn't match up exactly with dreamspell, plus the names are different. For example the day of the jaguar in the traditional calendar is called the day of the wizard in dreamspell. I think there's about 6 day of difference between the 2 calendars.
There's also 2 ways of calculating the traditional calendar which differ by about 2 days.
You can also check out or

Peace, Alma

     4:20pm  Wish I could celebrate. Moss just stopped and listened to my whole story.

                    I forgot to mention, Moss invited me over to his house so I could burn CD's!

     8:04pm  Ahh, it turned out that I couldn't burn my CD's. Moss' hard drive wasn't big enough. Just a 6gb with Windows 98. I ended up leaving my backpack in their car, so they're going to get it back to me later on.

                    I am not part of the Rainbow Family. I'm part of your family.

     9:00pm  I'm just walking around now. I'm going to ask people for spare change for world peace. I'm hungry.

                    I'm standing in front of the pizza stand asking people spare change for world peace. My friend Moss came over and he gave me dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:15pm  Laura just walked up and volunteered me a dollar. I appreciate it, Laura. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:24pm  Heather just walked by and gave me a dollar for world peace. Everybody gets credit, sister.

     9:31pm  Otto just walked by and hooked me up with five bucks! I appreciate, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:35pm  I am telling Otto my story. What was your email, dude?

                    Superb presentation with that guy Otto. He was all, "Thank you so much." He was all excited. He's going to tell all his friends.

     9:57pm  Bee hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:11pm  What was your name again? Yotam hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:22pm  I'm talking to Jason. What was your email?

     11:21pm  I'm talking to Alia. What was your email?

     11:42pm  Some dude hooked me up with twenty bucks (couldn't understand recording).

     12:07am  Dave hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Juanita's Mexican Restaurant.

     12:19am  I am talking to Anastasia. What was your email? " and I would like to hear all the words that you say."

                    Ahh, I've had a pretty eventful night. I'm still in the mall here. I walked down Pearl Street to where all the bars are and I saw Tony. Now, rumor has it that Tony said that I was talking shit. I went up to Tony and asked him what was with all the drama going around. Him and Juanito are all buddied up. See, right when I walked up Tony pulled out a hundred dollar bill and said, "Look what I just got." From this couple sitting down behind him. He totally lied and told them that he was going to go feed his kid with the money. So I solicited them for my free story. I told them I wasn't asking for anything. Midway through my presentation the dude gives me a twenty dollar bill. He asked me if I would go buy him a beer and I said sure. They wouldn't let me in the bar with that scanned ID that I have. But, when I walked back to the guy, he slips me fifty more bucks!

     1:50am  I am talking to Mike in front of this Mexican Grill place. Mike's had a lot to drink. And even though alcohol breeds ignorance he has this to say, "I've listened to all Victor has to say. I think Victor is right."

                     Mike, "Louisville, CO, which is just south of Boulder was rated among the top five cities in the United States to live. When asked, they had the second highest amount of people admitting to smoking marijuana in the last month. That means that smoking marijuana leads to a very happy environment."

     2:22am  I am talking to Kenny and Jared, telling them my story. They play guitar on the mall. What were your emails?

     3:05am  I'm talking to Shera and Doug, telling them my story. What's your email?

     3:19am  I'm walking home. Haha.

Next day..

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