

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Wednesday August 8, 2007

     4:45am  I just woke up.
     6:14am  I just got up and got on the computer and started proofreading some more and making HTML files. I just proofread all of October that I just typed up. October 2006. Man, I'm really obsessed with this proofreading.

                   I found an anomaly on 10-12-06. At the end there I have 6:51am. Hmm, that shouldn't be there. Hold on.

     7:05am  I'm going to crash out again. I'm still tired. I made a lot of HTML files.

                   I hope I wake up before twelve so I can go get smoke out at the skatepark in Babcock North by some eighteen year old kid who I talk to on MySpace. He told me he read all of my website. He said it had taken him all morning.
     10:22am  Oh man, these dogs my mom has piss me off. They keep waking me up with their barking. Some dude is at the door. That's why they're barking. I didn't get that much more sleep. I'm still going to walk down to Babcock North around noon. I'm going to wear my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt, hehe.

     12:03pm  Oh, man. I've been on a regular goosechase. See, I was supposed to meet this kid at noon at the skatepark in Babcock North. I thought I was going to walk it. I need to walk. I've been sitting on my ass on the computer for a while now. Typing and proofreading. Around eleven thirty one of the Mexican roofer guys knocked on the door. I answered it and he told me in Spanish, "I need the trailer." 


 My mom hired these Mexicans to re-shingle the roof and they had a whole roof's worth of shingles in a trailer in the driveway. Well, this dude knocks on the door and tells me he needs to use his trailer and he has to dump the shingles. Well, the free brush collection truck was doing its rounds and he got the idea to see if they would haul it away. Thing is, they had already done the collection for my mom's street. They were going down the street perpendicular to hers. This Mexican dude gets the bright idea of seeing if could go ask a neighbor if they minded me dumping some stuff in front of their house to get picked up. Oh yeah, and the brush collection flyer clearly states no roofing material. He told me, "Maybe we can save your mom a hundred dollars. Maybe you could keep it." Yeah right. That pile is worth a lot more than a hundred dollars to take. I went and asked a neighbor if it was okay if we dumped some stuff in front of their lawn. Permission was granted so this Mexican dude drives the heavy ass trailer to this neighbor's down the street and started unloading shingles, by hand. I started helping him at first. He told me it would only take fifteen minutes. Then the neighbor's neighbor saw what we were doing. I told her the guy said it was okay, but when he came out and saw the big mountain of shingles I called it all off. The roofer drove the shingles back to my mom's house and proceeded to dump them on the sidewalk, because he needed his trailer so bad.
                     All this time it's crunch time for me, getting closer to noon to go get smoked out at the skatepark. I was hungry. I hadn't eaten anything all day. I had been planning to walk to the Church's to fuel up for my walk to the skatepark, but screw it, I took my mom's car. I am already late. I'm supposed to meet this kid at twelve 'o clock. I emailed him and told him I would be like fifteen minutes late. I drove to Church's and Chastity hooked me up with three sandwiches for a dollar. I'm driving right now down Braun Road on the way to the Babcock North skatepark. I'm going to get smoked out.

     12:18pm  I came to the skatepark at met Keegan, which I found out his name is. The kids at the skatepark here like my shirt and Mark hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:46pm  I came to the skatepark and met Keegan. I'll show you his MySpace. I thought he already had some but he's working on getting the weed.

                   052-MMT, this dude just pulls up. Me and Keegan were driving in my mom's car and we ran out of gas on Tezel and Braun Road. I called my sister on Keegan's cellphone. While we're waiting we're getting stoned and I'm telling Keegan my story. Dude, he had told me he had read my whole webpage and he hadn't read any of it. Which was alright because I got to captivate him with it while we waited for my sister. Anyway, I'm wearing my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt and this car just pulled up and he had the window down so I asked him, "Hey bro, do you have any gas?" He said he didn't but he volunteered me like three dollars! He was all smiles with my shirt.
     2:08pm  Rob just pulled up and gave me a cigarette. We're out of gas waiting for my sister. You don't have any gas, do you? Hehe. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:15pm  Man, I have to make a total update. I can't believe it's taken me this long. Where did I leave off? Let me rewind. No, I'll remember. Anyway. I'm all stoned, that's why, hehe. This kid Keegan ended up being sixteen. He says he's eighteen on his profile for the chicks. He's a playa, hehe. I thought he would've had the weed when he got to the skatepark but he still had to get it. I had the vehicle so I drove us around. We scored some marijuana and he just kicked me down some for a little later. I appreciate it, bro. We came back to my mom's house and smoked on the back porch.  

                   Oh yeah, after driving around and getting weed and stuff we ran out of gas. We made it all the way to Braun and Tezel and we ran out at the light. I steered and Keegan pushed the car into the median where cars wouldn't hit it. Right behind the neighborhood sign. He had a cellphone so I was able to call my sister. She was working at her apartment locating job on Wurzbach and Fredericksburg and she told me she would be there in about thirty minutes. I had just gotten hooked up with three chicken sandwiches at Church's. We threw a munch. I got to tell him my story. He told me he had read my whole webpage, but I guess he never clicked on ASK ME HOW. Oh yeah, and from just standing there at the corner with my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt on, some guy rolled down the window and grabbed his wallet. I asked him, "Hey man, do you have any gas?" He put his wallet down and told me no, sorry. I told him, "But if you were going to give me money that would be cool too." I told him, "" He repeated it back to me and everything. So when my sister showed up and she asked me, "Do you have gas money?" I told her, "Yeah, I just got blessed with my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt.

     3:42pm  Keegan and I came to this old guy Buzz's house in Babcock North, where all the kids hang out. I ran into this Ryan kid who ended up being friends with Keegan. Ryan is the kid I met in the ditch when I first got back to San Antonio(6-26-07-6:40pm). I took his picture 

and everything. I'll show him to you. And at Buzz's I also ran into these kids who said they had seen me at Marleyfest(4-6-03)a long time ago. That they had smoked a blunt with me.
Oh yeah, and I've been letting Ryan drive my mom's car. He's going to give me weed for that. I got some good nuggets to smoke now. I bought a nickel sack of shwag earlier. Now I've got some nuggets. Everything's cool. Just like the good 'ol days. Hanging out with kids in Babcock North. Just like old times. Marijuana everywhere. I love this, man. Every day I have a new adventure.

     3:50pm  We came over to Buzz's. How old are you, Buzz? Eighty years old. All the kids hang out at his house. He's cool with all the kids. Ryan just hit him up for some money for gas so he could drive my mom's car. Buzz just gave him ten whole dollars. He appreciates it. Everybody gets credit. Thank you, Buzz.

     4:55pm  I should make another update already. I got to hang out with the kids in Babcock North again. I had fun. My sixteen year old friend Keegan. He's giving me so much weed just for letting him drive my mom's car. He's always asking me, "Can I drive? Can I drive?" I thought screw it. He can drive my mom's car if he gives me weed. Hehe, I hope she doesn't read this. Anyway, everything's fine. Alright, that's it. I'm driving back home. I got some dank ass weed. I got some shwag too. My sister gave me ten bucks for cleaning yesterday. I keep getting hooked up at the Church's. I have a burger waiting for me back home. I got weed! I'm going to do so much more typing.

     5:02pm  Just got home.

     7:20pm  I just got up from a little nap. I'm hungry. I'm going to go up to Church's and get something to eat.

     7:41pm  Ahh, I was thinking since I got this dank nugget. I went up to Church's earlier and offered to give AK my last dank nugget. He told me, "That's alright, I got enough." I paid two dollars for sandwiches since the manager was there. I'm going to go back home and smoke my friend Katt out. I'm going to smoke somebody out with this nugget.

     8:39pm  Amy Thomas, Joey's girlfriend, she wants to say something into my recorder. Amy: "I want to be documented. I'm sitting here listening to Victor's story right now. It's awesome. Umm, I don't know what else to say. Bye."

     10:18pm  I just got home. What a crazy ride I had today. I hung out with kids all friggin' day. I went over to Katt's house. Katt is never there. She's always at her boyfriend's. I hung out with Amy, Joey, Katt's brother's girlfriend. a different Amy besides Katt's sister. I smoked that nugget with her. We got all ripped. When Joey came home we drove over to Westchase, close to Bandera and Eckhert to score some weed at this apartment full of kids partying and drinking beer and shit. I got to tell my story outside to this guy and girl sitting on the stairs. Hopefully they will remember my webpage. Oh yeah, at the party me and Amy, Katt's sister, we were trading licks punching each other in the arm. The stupid drunk kids were all, "Oh, you shouldn't be hitting a girl." Amy was all into it and hitting me pretty hard. She was having fun. We were just playing around. We hit each other hard, hehe. Oh yeah, I had driven us in my mom's car. So when we go to leave all these drunk kids walk out to the car and I roll down the window. One Mexican dude says, "You were putting your hands on the sister a little hard earlier." I went, "Who?" He says, "That sister right behind you." I told him, "Let her get mad. We were just trading licks. We were having fun." I just rolled up the window. He all backed up threw a can of beer at the car. I just drove off. Dumbass drunk kids. Picking shit with my peaceful ass. Anyway, I'm going to get on the computer. I'm glad I took a nap today. I need to do a kickass cleaning tomorrow. My mom comes home. Laura's going to give me fifty bucks. She told me she wanted my mom's room to look like a hotel room.

     3:43am  I'm going to sleep. I got distracted by Tetrinet and marijuana, hehe.

Next day..

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