

                                                                                                             Seattle, WA

Saturday August 8, 2009

     7:15am  I woke up about five minutes ago with about seven hours of sleep. I'm alright.

     9:39am  I've had another relaxing morning at my little camp here. I had some projects. I cut out eleven sheet's worth of havethisbook.coms. I got enough sleep, I guess. I'm packing up to go into town now. I have to wait until Monday to type here. I am thinking about going to a community college, I walked by one the other day. I'll see if I can type there.

                     My setup

     11:01am  Adam just walked by and gave me some money. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.
                     This pretty Green Peace girl walked by and I didn't recognize her and offered her my website. She said she already talked to me. She winked at me. Sorry, I'm a little obsessed.

     11:44am  Right now this big group of girls came up to me and asked me, "Hey, were you in San Luis Obispo not that long ago?" Sweet, recognized. She said she had taken a picture of me and even showed it to me on her camera. Hell yeah, I'm everywhere.

     12:15pm  Jack just gave me a cigarette on the corner. I appreciate it, Jack. Everybody gets credit.

     1:01pm  This one ignorant girl won't accept my website. She'll take my picture, though. Man, NOBODY wants world peace! I was just testing you.

     1:15pm  Cynthia was nice enough to give me a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it, Cynthia. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     2:08pm  Gary hooked me up with a cigarette on the corner. I appreciate it, bro. I got a light, thanks.

     2:15pm  Tanya let me do a breast exam! Thank you, Tanya! Haha, awesome, awesome! See people, it's all a number's game! Tanya walked up to me with her arms in the air, "Here they are." I told her, "You're the second one now! Wait, let's get somebody to take our picture.

We're making history here."

                   Man, all I had for breakast this morning was a dollar burger from McDonald's. I just got hooked up with this big burrito this girl's boyfriend was holding. They walked by and I said, "Spare some food for world peace?" She stopped and asked me when was the last time you ate? I told her and she grabbed it away from her boyfriend and gave it to me. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, guys.

                   I've been in front of Talbot's since this morning, where all the foot traffic backs up and people are waiting on the other side of the street for the light to turn.


     2:43pm  Alexandria just volunteered me an apple. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

                   Haha, right now this guy got all pissed off at me. When he walked by and I asked him to give me some sugar he tells me fuck you. I yelled my usual, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace! You're a good little slave! I got you all riled up!" He told me, "Come here!" I said, "No, I do what I want." He walked off with his family and I was sure to throw in a loud, "Damn, have you always been that ignorant?!" Haha, I'm going to get in a fight.

     2:51pm  Amy-Good just volunteered me a banana, and a hug!

                   Bob just hooked me up with a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Here, chekc out the website when you get the chance.

                   These three guys, I busted out telling my story because I got all stoned. These two girls were listening to my story and these other guys walked up and started listening. The girls were spellbound, but then one of the guys, the white dude asked me if I was high right then. I told him how I stayed high and he said, "Oh, well I am offended," and walked off. I should've told him I'm glad you're offended. There's no such thing as bad publicity! I didn't, but next time. I want to offend people with my truth. I want people to get real mad.

     3:56pm  Bear Toe hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   People are hooking me up. This dude and girl came up to me and asked if they could take my picture. I told them document me, please. That's what I'm here for. They told me, "You're sign is the shit."


                    Almost did another breast exam.

     7:17pm  Gary was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     7:58pm  I forgot to tell you. Not too long ago I punched out. I walked to the McDonald's and bought three burgers. I had four dollars left. I went to the tobacco store next door and bought some rolling papers. I'm going to snipe hunt on the way home.


     8:35pm  I got to my camp about fifteen minutes ago. There's this big Mexican party going on. I can't believe I am here so early. I just walked through the bushes from the sidewalk and assumed my squat.

Next day..

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