


Berkeley, CA

Monday August 11, 2003

Email with mom

     8:21am  I haven't been making too many entries. Right now I am standing in line at the church waiting to eat breakfast. I slept at the laundromat again. I'm wearing these silk khaki shorts that I found in the freebox, because my cargo shorts were falling apart. Maybe that's my cue to leave, I don't know.

                   Since I'm just standing in line waiting, I counted all the email addresses in my pocket calendar. I have 280 or so. I have approximately three hundred people who will listen to every single word I say. I am jumping the ignorance-barrier. Awesome.

     9:05am  I finished breakfast. I was outside smoking a cigarette that I got off of CJ and this guy Que walked by and said, "Hey man, they need your help in there." I said Okay, got all my shit together and went over there. I told them, "Hey, somebody told me you needed my help. You guys need any help?" They told me, "Oh no, we're all done. Thanks anyway." I was just wondering.

     9:38am  I checked my email at the MLK building. The computers there reset like every ten or fifteen minutes. My dad actually emailed me again. I am going to tell him off some more. I told him, "I assumed you had taken the hint after not hearing from me in a while. I'm going to make this crystal-clear to you one more time since you never pay attention. I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE. What are you more to me than a failure who keeps on failing? You loser." I didn't have enough time to write the whole email, so I forwarded it to myself at my address. Now I am going to go to the Doe Library, where I am able to check that address and keep writing him back and get my emails onto there.

     12:50pm  I just got out of the Doe Library. I was getting sleepy in front of the computer, so I decided to take a break and look for a cigarette. I don't know if I'll go back. I'm on track now.

     1:20pm  Jay was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jay,

     1:41pm  Earlier, when I left the library again I was just searching for a water fountain that worked in the Doe Library, so I could refill my bottle. I finally found one and I went back outside hoping there would be someone outside to bum a cigarette off of, so I could go smoke in my little corner, my little hiding spot. Nobody was smoking outside, so I walked over to the other side. I was walking down what eventually turns into Telegraph and I bummed a cigarette off of some Asian guy, Jay, I think. Then I stopped over by the creek and smoked a cigarette in the shade. Now, I'm walking and I heard someone say, "Hey, Victor." It was some student heading to class. Wow, that's not the first time someone has recognized me in this school. Just from me flying my sign on Haste and walking around so much. So now, I'm going to go back to my corner and get even more exposure. Through word-of-mouth let it be known. The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary.

     1:43pm  Todd hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:16pm  Joe has given me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Joe. That's very generous of you.

                   I just asked this dad and son to read my sign and they just kept walking by. I said, "I am saving the world for your son. Too bad his dad doesn't give a shit."

     4:18pm  Ooh, It's almost 4:20. I'm not sure if I'll celebrate this hour. Oh yeah, but I'm talking to Jesse Harrison who came up to me and asked me how I'm going to do it. I'm telling him and he's telling me about some chemical that's produced in our brains.

                   Jesse: It's called DMT(diamethyl triptamine). It's produced in our Pineal gland in the center of our brains. The Pineal gland is shaped and functions much like an eyeball. I don't know the exact specifics to that, but it produces this chemical which some believe is the center of the soul. They believe that near-death experiences trigger it and causes us to see what we see as the afterlife. It has been proven that it will release this DMT after the brain is considered dead. Another interesting thing is that it is formed in the fetus 49 days after conception and the Buddhist Book of the Dead says that 49 days after death, you are reincarnated. There's a book called "DMT The something Molecule."

     4:53pm  Carlos gave me the rest of his cigarette. Thanks, brother.

     5:08pm  Sean hooked me up with a couple cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Oh yeah, I forgot, Doug is smoking me out, too. I totally forgot about that.

     5:40pm  I just got smoked out again. This group of kids and I went and smoked out of my one-hitter. We smoked like three or four big resin hits. I'm all stoned now. So, now that I'm ready, I'm going to go fly my sign. Oh yeah, I got some gifts. Right next to where we smoked out, someone left a box on the sidewalk. It had a lot of good stuff in it. It had a hair trimmer, some shelf, a skateboard wheel and there was this really cool picture frame that said, "Love is Forever, Love is Always" all over it. It's like a $32 picture frame. I also found this little photo album and a Volkswagen binder. I'm going to give them away. To the people who actually stop and read my sign. I'm going to have a present for them.

                   This dude Wayne read my sign and I recorded our conversation:

    Victor: 2060 West 13th Eugene, OR?

    Wayne: Just tell them you know Wayne.

    Victor: Tell them I know Wayne on Telegraph?

    Wayne: Adrian's there. It's Adrian's house.

    Victor: What was the address again?

    Wayne: 2060 West 13th.

    Victor: 2060 West 13th 1-3.

    Wayne: There's a big ship in the front yard.

    Wayne: It's really a great place. They're really cool. They would love to hear from you.

    Victor: I'll go check it out.

    Wayne: Also, check out Terrance Mckenna, Ecobotonist. Research on plants, drugs and the human mind.

     6:03pm  I just had me a really good conversation with that guy. He's really cool. That was awesome.

     6:46pm  I'm over on Telegraph and Haste. I walked across the street and Lilly was generous enough to give me two cigarettes. That's very generous of you. It'll come back to you.

     7:15pm  Whoa, this one big bible-thumper just came up and told me, "Jesus love you, Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you."

     7:30pm  Ha, I reeled another back with, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

     8:05pm  Dan hooked me up with the 45 cents I need for a donut. I appreciate it, Dan. Dan said, "Are you putting that in your book?" Nothing but the truth.

                   2060 West 14th, Eugene, OR. Tell them I know Wayne from Telegraph. Adrian's house? What was the address again? 2060 West 13th 1-3. There's a big ship in the front yard. Alright.

Next day..

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