


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday August 12, 2008

     5:55am  I got 6.5 hours of sleep. Almost seven.

     7:43pm  I tried to take a nap, but I couldn't fall asleep in my mom's house. All I did today was clean. This house is spotless. My mom is all mad at my sister because she's moving out to pay seven hundred dollars a month. She's pregnant for crying out loud. And is moving back to the fancy side of town, Alamo Heights. All on that ultra-secure employment West Telemarketing has to offer. My sister is a stupid-ass. Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it! My mom told me that Child Protective Services(CPS) has threatened to take the kid she already has away from her, my nephew Charlie. It would probably do him good the way she's stunting his mind. She's raising that kid all wrong. Now she's knocked up again by another guy who split. Thing is, she didn't get pregnant on accident. She actually got married to this guy and got pregnant "on-purpose." Then he changed his mind.

     2:01pm  Let me recap. I cleaned a lot this morning. Laura is going to give me fifty bucks for cleaning and five dollars for giving Maggie the dog a bath. That's my money I can walk around the loop with. I can get some weed and some shit I need to get. I should buy a new recorder, because this one is going to break. Anyway, I went over to the Perry house and hung out with the two Amies. All of a sudden Erica calls and she was looking for somebody to ride with her to take a piss, she said. I said, "Why doesn't she take a piss at her house?" She meant she has to go take a piss-test, downtown. A urinalysis.
                   I ended up going with them. Erica's brainwashed ass stopped at the pawn shop to sell some movies. While she was inside I loaded a hit of weed in my one-hitter and asked Amy if she wanted a hit. Amy went, "Oh no, Erica will get mad. She's going to take a piss-test." I said, "So? There's not going to be any smoke. Blow your hit out the window. Here, hurry before she gets back." Amy took a hit. By the time I got my one-hitter back and loaded me a bowl Erica was back. She saw what I was holding in my hand and said, "No! No smoking dope in the car! Have some respect!" She's all paranoid and scared.
                   Fuck that, I don't want to ride around if I can't even smoke. I sat there without saying a word, wondering where I would hop out. We ended up going downtown, even though Erica said we were going to San Pedro. Downtown, by the courthouse at the red light I said, "I'm getting out, bye." So I got out and took a hit of weed. Fuck Erica for getting all butt-hurt and disrespected. Marijuana is the key to my mission, after all. Man, NOBODY wants world peace! Hehe. I wanted to go to the Health Department anyway, so I walked to it. It was on my to-do list in my head.
     3:28pm  I am leaving the health department. I spent a long-ass time waiting and it was cold as hell. See, when I walked over to the Perry's this morning it was pouring rain outside. I walked over wearing my rain poncho and I hung it up right inside the front door. When Erica came over she wouldn't let me take my poncho in her car because it was still wet. What a bitch. So I need to get it back. That poncho is mission-critical. Thank you Ryan from Tampa. Umm, I'm going to
walk around and go to Rivercenter Mall and see if they sell CamelBak 3 liter liners. I want to see how much they cost because the one I have now, when I close it, it leaks. It's not watertight. Like, the plastic threading of the cap is stripped.

                   I walked around The Riverwalk for a bit.

     5:02pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Andy and Katie from New York, over close by the Greyhound station. Welcome to San Antonio, guys. I would've taken their picture, but my batteries are dead.  If you guys read this send me a picture of you two, please.

                   I totally made those kids feel welcome in San Antonio. They told me I brightened their day. I told them my story and smoked them out.

     5:43pm  Hell yeah, I gave these Bible-thumper kids in the park a taste of their own medicine. Like six of them listened to my story. Nice.

     6:01pm  The nice driver on the 92 is giving me a ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:48pm  I'm at the hospital. I was able to tell the bus driver my story on the bus. Right when I got on I hit him up for it, "Will conversation distract you?" I should've asked him, "Will presentation distract you?" Hehe. I told him my whole entire Odyssey and everything. It killed time great. It seemed like he really enjoyed my story.

     6:54pm  I am waiting for a bus at the hospital and Mary just volunteered me a cigarette. Thank you, Mary. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:31pm  Tattoo Tony and Chelsea.

     8:10pm  I am home. I got to tell my story on the bus all the way home. I told the bus driver my whole Odyssey all the way to the hospital and at the hospital I told this couple my story and they got on the 606 too and I was able to keep going with it.

     9:58pm  I just got back from the Perry house. I can't believe I hadn't tried it. Amy told me she saw a videoclip of the news report of my fence tagging on Youtube. That she searched Youtube for OLD TEZEL NEEDS A SIDEWALK. Holy shit. I can't believe I hadn't tried that. I've searched Google and lots of other search engines, but not YouTube directly. Even though a Google search would turn up any youtube links, hmm. That would be awesome if I could put a link to the news story on my site in my journal. Let's see if it's true.

     12:55am  I'm going to bed. When I got home Laura was on the computer and I told her and my mom that the fence tagging was on Youtube. Laura searched it for me, but it didn't find anything. I did find it on, though. I also played some Tetrinet on the computer after she got off and ate. I'm going to bed now.

Next day..

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