


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday August 13, 2008

     8:00am  I got seven hours of sleep.

     12:24pm  I'm walking into town. Actually, I am out of little papers, so I'm walking to the library. My mom's printer doesn't work so I need to get a couple printouts at this new public library they built on Mystic Park. I'm going to walk Wickersham to Tezel to Braun to Bandera.

     12:44pm  I walked down Braun Road and I am turning right on Brevard. I used to live in this neighborhood, Woods End. Pre-1990.

     12:49pm  I walked Bianca to Ford's Landing and turning left. I remember these street names. Blast from the past.

     12:51pm  I walked to the Ford's Landing shopping center and I'll walk the sidewalk of it over to Bandera.

     12:58pm  Turning right on Mystic Park/Bresnahan. The library is right here.

     1:24pm  About two minutes ago I left the library. I got four sheets of havethisbook.coms. I printed them in the 14 size font, so they're a little bigger.

     1:34pm  I walked over to Guilbeau and stopped in the shade in front of Cabo to smoke. I sit down on this wooden thing and all of a sudden this police car pulls up behind me. I took my hits of weed anyway. They seemed to be just sitting there in the shade doing something.

     1:39pm  Taking off from my rest. The cops didn't talk to me or anything.

     2:12pm  I walked to Bandera and turned right and I am already over here past Eckhert at the 'ol RaceTrak. Well, it's a Valero now. I scored me a full bag of ice. The cool guy didn't charge me for it, cool.
     2:17pm  I'm going to stop in the Pizza Hut on Bandera and see if they have any mistakes for my walk downtown.

                   Beatrice is being nice enough to let me hit up the buffet. She said they'd throw it all away, to help myself. I really appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. This should get me downtown.

     2:30pm  I just got hooked up at the Pizza Hut. I'm going to go sit in the shade and smoke a cigarette now.

     2:47pm  Passing Poss Road.

     3:08pm  I am almost to Loop 410. It's really amazing, and saddening, the construction going on at this intersection. They're building it all up. I should take a picture.

                   Sweet, I got recognized. John Michael and Shelly. I gave them my website.

     3:18pm  I just walked underneath 410.

     3:38pm  Just crossed Evers/Benrus.

                   Zoom in for the downtown skyline.

     3:48pm  I'm going to stop and rest in the shade in front of Sunpark apartments over close to Broadview.

     3:58pm  I am up from my rest at Sunpark in the shade. I'm going to keep going.

     4:33pm  I'm going to stop in the Pizza Hut at General McMullen and get some water.

     4:49pm  Rosie, I talked to Rosie at the Pizza Hut and she hooked me up with some water. She talked to me a lot. She kept asking me if I was married. I told her I was married to my mission. When I first went up to the counter she saw my shirt and said it out loud, "World peace through marijuana? What, do you smoke all the time?" I told her, "Well, yeah. I try and stay high. It's the key to mission."

     4:53pm  Passing Cincinnati street. I've been to Cincinnati before. Three n's, one tee.

     5:01pm  Walking in front of the HEB Super Mercado. About to get on Culebra.

     5:30pm  About to walk underneath I10.

     5:42pm  I just got to Fredericksburg. I'm going to turn left and aim for the McFarlin Tennis Courts over by SAC. I'll go harvest some tennis balls and then walk downtown from there.

     5:48pm  Walking down Hickman over by the big tall sky scraper old people apartments. I'm going to go to the tennis courts. I should stop and say hi to Jade and Leanne, but not today. I need some tennis balls for my walk around the loop. Then I'll walk to Travis Park and ride the bus home.

     5:56pm  I'm walking up to the practice wall(3-18-05-3:10pm, 4-5-05-1:40pm, 5-7-05-11:26am, 5-17-05-3:19pm, 5-18-05-8:43pm, 5-20-05-12:21pm, 5-24-05-9:10am, 7-28-07-1:06pm) and there's shitloads of tennis balls stuck up there. There's like twenty up there.

                   I left four up there. I can't possibly get them all. I don't have a bag with me today. I only have cargo pockets.

     6:06pm  I got seventeen total. My pockets are all bulging.

     6:17pm  I'm getting a courtesy ride to Travis Park.

                   It was awesome. I was just walking down San Pedro almost in front of the stop at the main bus station. I hear a bus slowing down behind me, so I hurry my pace, maybe I can get a courtesy ride if somebody's getting off and I have time to walk up there. I could run, but nah. Anyway, I see the bus stopping at the stop. No one got off. I walked up to it expecting it to take off any second. I get up to the door and the driver opens it and lets me on. I ask him for a courtesy
ride to Travis Park. "I'll keep walking it if I have to." He let me on! He told me he had pulled over for me. Gawrsh, thanks a lot.

      6:41pm  I walked to Travis Park and hung out there for a little bit. Perfect timing though. I asked some people if anyone had a transfer I could look at. This one guy showed me his and I found out the letter of the day. I looked in the meager transfer stash I have in my wallet and I had one J. I trimmed it to the right time real quick and when I turn around the 91 pulls up.

     7:41pm  Hell yeah, I had a badass presentation with Benjamin at the hospital while I waited for the 606. I told him my story, the important part and I even told him the Note From the Rich. I asked him for a cigarette and he hooked me up with five of them!

     8:02pm  Nice Mr. Wilson is giving me a ride home on the 606. I got on the bus and we left the hospital transfer center. I got on hoping there would be somebody to tell my story to to kill the half hour bus ride. I saw this lady sitting towards the back. I walked up to her and hit her up for my story and she got all scared, "No! Get away from me!" I laughed at her and said, "Damn, have you always been that ignorant? NOBODY wants world peace!  That's right.  Be afraid, be afraid!" I got this lady all riled up. She turned around and was all screaming, "They've got a psychiatric hospital right there!  Get out of my country!" Ha, and she thinks I'm crazy. Just like I want her to. I've got everybody tied around my little finger.

                   I walked past the ignorant lady and sat down in the back and pulled out my tape recorder. She heard me making that last entry. I thanked her for making my story so interesting. I told her, "The whole world is going to read it! Sucker!" Hehe, I have fun with it. Man, that lady is never going to forget me. I hope she sees me walking around or on the bus again. I hope she looks up WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA on the web and finds my site.

                   I took a picture of the back of her head, teehee.  I hope she saw the flash.  I should have told her, "Be sure to remember this day so you can look yourself up on my website."  Haha!

     8:42pm  Haha, right now the lady got off the bus. When she stood up she looked back at me with an evil stare and vowed, "You will not get your way!" I yelled back, "Just watch me, lady. My name ain't Victor for nothing." I wonder if she knows about my sidewalk, hehe. Mr. Wilson gave me some disapproving looks and told me, "Not everybody is ready for you." I told him, "I know. Nobody wants to hear the truth. But I'm going to scream it at the top of my lungs!"

     8:51pm  I'm back home.

     10:55pm  I didn't tell you about this cute girl I met tonight at the Walmart bus shelter. She said I had met her before. Her name is Emily-Violet. She's twenty. She was all doped up though, on Xanex. At first I thought she was drunk but she clarified. I asked her if in her current state if she would have the attention span for a really interesting story. She said sure, sit down. She was riding the same bus home I was. When it came I got to continue on the bus but she was all spacey. She told me that I had talked to her when she was way younger, and that I was preaching back then too. I told her I didn't preach. I'm a storyteller. Preaching is religious.
                      Anyway, she volunteered me her number. Told me that I intrigued her. But, she gets random piss-test, so she can't smoke weed. Hmm, I don't know when I'm going to call her. Tomorrow I'm going to take a day off. I'll have a walking day, resting day, walking day, like I used to. Until Saturday when I get some
money Laura is going to give me and I can buy a new tape recorder. That's the only thing I'm waiting for to start walking around Loop 1604. I could probably keep using this one. This one has been a total miracle. Anyway, I'm going to go smoke.

                     Oh yeah, the Shoe-gooing I did on my boots was done yesterday, but screw it. I'm going to let them dry for another day. I don't think I ever mentioned that on both these two last walks downtown I've been wearing my Columbia sandals with socks. Which is probably a reason why I didn't walk back. My feet were hurting. I'm going to wear my boots when I walk around the loop.

Next day..

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