

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Monday August 13, 2007

     6:46am  I woke up about five minutes ago. I got about five hours of sleep or something. Not enough. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. I'm going to try again. But first I'm in the backyard smoking resin, hehe. I've got forty five bucks so I'm going to buy some weed today, hopefully. My mom is supposed to come home today.

     8:09am  My sister came over and she needed my help moving. So we just came to the Uhaul place on Eckhert. She needs to rent a dolly. She's getting a washer and giving me mom a dryer. She needs one so bad.
     12:23pm  My mom is coming home later on tonight. Right now I'm going to go try and get some hydro. Some marijuana. I hope I have enough time to sweep when I get back home later on. I'm going to walk to Katt's and see if I can get Vance's number.

                     I forgot to tell you I left on the bus. I'm going to go get some weed in Babcock North again. I don't have the car so I have to ride the bus. I could be walking, but it's hot.

                     I just got to the Walmart on Mainland. I'm going to steal some lemonade.

     1:04pm  Did I tell you I got to the Walmart already? I'm waiting for the 606 to go to Medical Center. I have like a half-hour to wait, that sucks. I could easily walk there. Umm, I just might. I am wearing my sandals with socks though.

     1:25pm  There's the 606. Should I get on it and then wait a whole half hour to get to the hospital then wait for the 604? Umm, screw that. I'm going to walk it. I don't have to wait all that time. I'll walk all the way to the skatepark.

     1:29pm  I went in the McDonald's and stole some lemonade. Haha, suckers.

                    I left Walmart and starting cutting through the Wildwood neighborhood next to it, hoping I would find access to the woods. I'm trying to cut over to OP Schnabel and walk through the woods instead of walking Bandera to Prue. I'm wondering if there's a way I can hit the skatepark diagonally.

                    8643 whatever this street is, I just bummed a cigarette off some guy. Tanbark.

     1:49pm  I just trespassed through somebody's backyard and jumped their fence into the woods. I rang the doorbell to see if anybody was home first. Nobody answered.

     2:01pm  What a beautiful nature hike this has turned into. It's all a river now since it's been raining.

     2:26pm  Oh, there's that trail garden part that I logged last years ago(3-27-05-2:18pm, 04-09-03-3:03pm).

                    I popped out of this one neighborhood on Western Skies. I'm going to walk Prue to Babcock North and hunt this kid down. I'll go to Trent's house again.

     2:27pm  I ended up on Pembroke. Turning left to go all the way to Prue Road.

                    I popped out right at the intersection of Pembroke and Rochelle. Over by the golf course.

     2:30pm  Turning left on Abe Lincoln. The 604 route.

     2:41pm  Passing Rudder Middle School. About to turn left on Horn.

     2:48pm  Coming up on Prue. About to Pass Prue on Horn into Babcock North neighborhood.

     4:22pm  Haha, look what time it is. I friggin' scored! I bought forty dollars worth of hydroponic marijuana. It filled up my little canister about halfway. And this stuff was dense. It didn't look like it was worth forty dollars at all. See, since these young kids drove me to go score the weed close to my mom's house, I smoked a bowl with them in the car. Before loading I had even asked them, "Do you guys want to smoke now or when we get back to the house? One kid told me, "Now, there will be more heads at the house." So I smoked a bowl in the car. When we got to the house Trent and all these kids were there. Way too many heads. I had to excuse myself. I went in the bathroom and took it all apart and put it in my container. Screw that, I need typing fuel. Dude, I got me some hydro! Hell yeah. Thanks, sister. She had fronted me on cleaning the house. Now I'm going to go home and clean it all badass. I'm going to go catch the bus home now. I want to tell somebody my story. I'm all stoned. I'll smoke somebody out too, hehe. Awesome.

                   Man, I had a good hike this morning through the woods. These sandals work good with socks. They're like open-air boots. I'm all friggin' stoned. We smoked a bowl in the car. Did I tell you when I had first gotten to Trent's? I was supposed to meet Keegan at the skatepark again, but Trent's was closer. I went over there where all the kids hang out. I saw some kid outside on the other side of the fence talking on a phone. At first I thought we were going to get three grams for fifty bucks. They were going to pitch in ten bucks. But the hydro guy ended up wanting to make his money so he sold us two grams for forty. Now that I know how dense it is, after taking it apart in the bathroom I realize that I smoked a really fat bowl in the car. I mentioned to the kids that there was probably going to be an expectation that I smoke everybody out when we got to the house. I had even asked them if they thought I should wait to smoke this bowl until we got to Trent's. One kid said no, that there would be more heads. So cool, I loaded a big bowl and we all got high. Me and two other kids. Then I told them, "Okay, when we smoke again at the house you guy's don't get to hit it." Surprised, one kid said, "You can't even blaze a bowl with us since we got it for you?" I told him, "Man, I JUST blazed a bowl with you."
                   So when we got to Trent's. Trent is cool. He was wearing a NOFX shirt yesterday. When I got there I told him, "Man, there's just way too many heads here." He said, "Don't even pull it out." So I didn't. So I left.

     4:28pm  You know what? I enjoyed this morning's hike in the woods so much. I'm not going to catch the bus. I'm going to walk home. I've been sitting at the computer for weeks and weeks typing and proofreading. I need to friggin' walk. I got all lazy. Babylon is so affecting me. I kept thinking before I left, "Man, I want to figure out a way to get a ride to the skatepark." I ended up getting a ride to the hydro and back. Oh yeah, I had left my stick wat Trent's. That's the only reason I even came back with them. We went and scored the hydro close to my mom's house. I could have just had them drop me off at home. At least to the Church's, hehe. We went back and I got my stick and returned Trent's cup I had borrowed. I asked him for a cup with ice for my lemonade I had stolen at the McDonald's in the Walmart. Then I just took off walking from over there.

                   Oh yeah, I'm walking down Prue Road and I got this funny thought. My friend Dougwiser from the #weed channel on Undernet on IRC. He likes me. I like him too. He's cool. He's got my back, hehe. He gave me a link to this song called Growing Marijuana In My Yard. Here, let me show you the lyrics:

Growing Marijuana In My Yard
by Ben Scales - April 20, 2002

I'm growing marijuana in my yard I'm growing marijuana in my yard. I've got little pots of pot - Spread out all over the lot Cuz I'm growing marijuana in my yard.

I got the seed from Mexico Stuck it in some dirt and let it grow Put it in my garden with my peppers and my peas And I get all the smoke I need for free.

I'm growing marijuana in my yard, I'm growing marijuana in my yard. We keep it where no one can see - So let's keep this 'tween you and me, But I'm growing marijuana in my yard.

Yes, I'm growing marijuana in my yard, But I can't tell my boss or I'll get fired. I don't grow much just what I use - I work all day and when I'm through I smoke some marijuana from my yard.

Now the policeman wants to talk to me He says, How you gonna smoke up all that weed? He says, Money's what you're in it for - Don't you know we're in a war? Now I'm gonna haul your ass downtown with me.

And I said, Hey, man, what is it to you? How do I infringe on what you do? I beg your pardon, if you're offended by my garden But I just can't grow Prozac in my yard.

So I grow my own medicine in my yard. I give some to my neighbor for his heart. I share it with my grandma, who keeps it from her son, Cuz we all know that stuff's against the law.

Now there's nothing growing in my yard Cuz the cops took all my land and both my cars. Now I have to buy my pot - From a teen-ager in a parking lot Who's growing marijuana in his yard.

Anyone can grow it in their yard I could show you how, it ain't hard. Never mind the president, Let's overgrow the government. And all grow marijuana in our yards.

copyright © 2002 Ben Scales

Listen to the song too:

                   That's exactly how I'm getting my weed! From some teenagers in Babcock North. They don't grow marijuana in their yard though, hehe.

     4:40pm  I'm about to enter the woods and go up the cliff and cut through OP Schnabel. I'll go to the Exxon on Braun Road and Bandera. It's like a mile to my mom's house from there. I sure do love these woods. I'm over here next to the cliffs. I love these woods so much. There's no place like home. I really would like for somebody to come walking with me one of these days. Just to walk through San Antonio with me.

     4:56pm  I started hiking up along the cliff and I banged my head hard on a rock. I should sit down. Head injury number three, hehe. Man, I'm reliving all these childhood memories. I just stopped by the cave. This little cave that I never went into. I don't know how far inside it goes. I'll take a picture of it someday. Oh yeah, my mom's supposed to be coming home today. She's going to give me her digital camera! I can't wait. I'll come to this park and take shitloads of pictures.

     5:00pm  I got to the top of the cliff where there's a paved path. I'm going to walk through the park and back home now. I'll stop at the Exxon and get something to munch on. I'll see if I can get some more of that Sobe energy drink stuff.

                   About the Illuminati and The New World Order. I am ignoring those possibilities, err, probabilities. I am ignorant to that stuff. I just want to see how far I can get. Don't you?

                   Like one of my quotes. This is mine, original. "That there are appropriate occasions when lies, deceit and ignorance SHOULD be practiced. Especially when the end result is good. Choose them wisely."

     5:20pm  I just came out of the Exxon. I bought me a Clif Bar and I got a refill on my liter bottle. I had three dollars. I got some more energy drink.

     5:30pm  I had a badass recharge right now at the Exxon. I ate my Clif Bar and had an energy drink, and I smoked some REALLY good weed. Man, this stuff is awesome. I'm going to become a weed-snob. Thank you, sister. Thanks, Laura.

     5:34pm  I'm going to stop and check the tennis courts at Camino Bandera.

     5:35pm  No balls. I'm going to keep walking now.

     6:00pm  At long last I am home. The eagle has landed.

     6:06pm  I'm going to jump in the shower and clean before my mom gets home. Let me call Laura and see how much time I got left.

     11:54pm  I forgot to make an entry. I forgot to tell you my mom's home. I'm really glad she's home. I gave her a big hug and everything. I cleaned the house spotless, man. I even dusted and everything. I swept like four or five times. It looks awesome. Oh yeah, she gave me that camera. And she ordered some new boots for me too. How awesome. Magnum Viper 8's. Same as the ones I am wearing that I scored at the thriftstore in Portland. Thanks, grandpa. Remember, my grandpa died and he left my mom some cash.

Next day..

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