

                                                                                                                Bellingham, WA

Thursday August 13, 2009
     7:18am   I haven't made an update today. I woke up at six. I fell asleep in the TV room. Janie had rented some vampire movie. I forgot what it was. Janie just found out that she has to leave for two weeks, today around 2pm. I told her thanks for hosting the liberator. Ah, we've been talking about sex off and on, but we haven't gotten close to each other. I don't plan to. Yesterday I blew Janie's mind with Zeitgeist. She told me I gave her plenty of food for thought and it seems like I really opened her eyes. I thought I was going to be able to get some typing done here, but guess not. I can still tweak my website a little. I want to add that picture of me giving a breast exam on my front page.

                    Janie: "This is as real as this is right now, or realer. I lived in a condo that I bought when I was 19, so I slept with my girls, and they were little. I hear this big rumbling of a truck come down into the apartment complex." How many girls did you have at 19? "I had my first daughter when I was 18 and my second one when I was 21. So I hear this big rumbling noise like a truck coming through and I hear somebody get on a loudspeaker saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, do not be afraid, do not come out of your homes. This is a standard routine check. Don't be alarmed." What? So I looked out the window all these(this is an alien story, by the way) men were coming out of the back of this truck, it looked like a big dumptruck. They had blue uniforms on and were holding some pieces of equipment, things that looked like metal detectors, and clipboards. So, here is where it gets kind of weird. I thought, "Oh, this is just a dream. I'm going to go back to bed." I turn around to go back to bed, but I was already in bed. I was looking at myself sleeping with my kid. So I go, okay, this is an out of body experience, but I've never had them like this there's weird shit happening outside. So, when you're having an out of body experience all you have to do is think, "I want to be at the window," and you're there. You don't have to walk over there. I think I have to go outside, this is really weird. I'm outside on the sidewalk and there's this big fat guy in a business suit and his suit kept changing from blue to black to red and green. And he kept morphing, like he'd get thin and fat again. He was talking to this woman. He turned around and looked right through me. I was like fuck, back inside. I'm inside and I'm looking out the peephole and his face is right there. So I run to the back door. I have to make sure the back door is locked. Hold on, I'm going to pause this real quick.

                    "I've had these kinds of experiences since I was little. This is just confirmation. So I go to the backdoor and he's at the backdoor right there. It's like mind over mind. I'm trying to keep this thing locked to keep him out and he's turning the lock from the outside with his brain or whatever. In he comes and he says, "We've been doing this about every five years and we are going to continue. We are just collecting information from you. If you will just lay down I'll just extract the information and I'll be on my way. You won't be harmed or anything. Don't worry." I said, "Fuck you, it's like rape. I don't have any control over it. I don't want you to take anything from me." Scary as hell. Well, I woke up like forty minutes later. I woke up on the floor in the living room where he told me to lay down. The woman that had told him to come in and get my information had these long red high heels on, like stillettos, really tall ones. So there I was on the floor. I went and look at my bed and my side where I had been sleeping was perfectly made. I turn on all the lights and go look out the window thinking this has got to be the weirdest dream I have ever had. I see lights at the end of the parking lot flashing around and I think this is too much. It's like 2:30am. So I called the police and told them about the lights. She tells me, "Yeah, there's a patrolman who's gotten a few calls from your apartment complex. Do you have anything to report?" I think I was just abducted by aliens and they took my information. The next morning I was still so shaken I couldn't have any lights off. I had the TV on, the radio on, I was using the blender. I had to have noise to really realize I was here. So the next morning I wrote a note and put it on the mailbox. It said, "If anyone saw or heard anything weird last night, please give me a call." When I got home from work someone else had written on the note, "Don't mess with it." I went and looked in the backyard where people walk and there were holes all over the ground. That's the only proof I have of it."

     11:02pm  I haven't made many entries today. It turns out Janie's sister is letting her stay another day. I did so much typing today and am getting very close to catching up. I am already typing up my time in Seattle with the breast exams. I love the memory refresh I get. I would totally not remember any of this shit if I hadn't been recording it. I don't know how much more descriptive I'll be, but I've had a good time here at Janie's. There's plenty of food and smokes. Welcome to Bellingham, Victor. Oh yeah, this is a college town I'll get to explore more. I am eternally grateful for you Janie. Thank you so much for helping live this dream, sister. What did you think about Zeitgiest, Janie? "I love it. It was mind-altering. Not mind-altering, very thought-provoking. It's good to hear the truth."

                      Oh yeah, yesterday we scored some great weed right when we got home. She called some guy and he delivered forty bucks worth of one-hitter dank. I've really been the happiest man in the word typing all stoned, getting my work done. What a beautiful change of scenery. From being jumped in downtown Seattle to have a nice house to crash in and do my typing and smoke marijuana. And great food.

     12:15am  I got so much typig done. I've only got like ten days or so to catch up. I am already in Seattle in my typing. First breast exam and everything. I'm going to go to bed now.

     12:32am  I am crashing out for the night. I had a great productive day on the computer today. I'll probably do some more typing tomorrow and get caught up. Goodnight everybody. I am stoned. I've been stoned all day.

Next day..

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