

                                                                                                             Bellingham, WA

Friday August 14, 2009

     8:46am  I woke up around seven and went back to sleep. I think Janie has to leave today, so so am I. I'm all packed up and ready to go. Man, I just have to reiterate that Janie has been the best blessing I've had in a while. There are no sexual undertones or anything like that at all. We just hug and stuff. She trusts me. She told me she thinks I am onto something. I am totally opening her mind. She was all emailing all her friends telling them to watch Zeitgeist. She told me I've given her so much food for thought.
     2:19pm  We are taking off. I am really considering going to Hempfest. There's going to be over 300,000 people there. But, I don't want to be walking around all those people wearing my bags. I would want to have my shirt exposed. It's free to get in, but it's kind of a bitch to get back down to Seattle. Plus, I don't know who those gutter punk losers have turned against me. I totally saturated Seattle with my presence and website for two weeks straight. The internet should do the rest. And I hate doubling back.

                   We just left the house now. Janie is going to drop me off at the public library. I'm still debating Hempfest. It's not that I'm scared I'll get beat up, I'm sure I'll have lots of people at Hempfest who have my back. Ahh, it's a bitch to get back down there and I might as well be traveling. I might try to cross the border into Canada at Sumas. While Janie was looking up bus route info for her daughter I noticed there was a bus that went to Sumas. I'll ask around.

                   Janie's #: 360-656-5275, cell:360-420-5781

     3:08pm  We just drove into Bellingham, to the public library. Eureka, they have a word processing station. I can do all my typing here and get caught up. I just hugged goodbye to Janie. We took pictures. I'm going to sit down and type.

     4:13pm  I am leaving the library. I thought I was going to be able to type until it closed at six, but this Asian student came in and was waiting for the word processing terminal, so I got off of it. He said he'd be on until six doing his homework. Don't they have a computer lab at your college that you could use? This is a public library with public access computers, after all. I asked him if he knew if you were allowed to use the computers at the college if you're not a student and he told me no, that you needed a password. It doesn't matter. I'll go check out the town before it gets dark.

     4:33pm  I just walked to Cornwell Avenue and Magnolia Street. There's picketers here holding signs. Protest don't offer answers, I do! I took a picture. I'm going to take my bags off here and expose my shirt.

                   The Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin (

     4:46pm  I walked over to the corner where the protest was going on. I stopped right in front of People's Bank and took my bags off. I had a good presentation with this one guy who was on the other side of the street involved in the protest. He walked across the street with his camera and asked me if he could take a picture of me.

     5:51pm  I had an awesome presentation with Lauren. She listened to the important part and note from the rich. She thought it was awesome. I found me a Nalgene water bottle too, sweet.

     5:54pm  I had a presentation with these three kids a little younger than me. Through the whole thing they agreed to listen each time I asked. When I started telling my story one of their friends walked up and started interrupting my story. When I got to the part where I say, "Now that you are aware of my platform, I can continue with my story and it will make sense. Actually, it's more of a legend...and if you are still willing to listen. If not I can close it out. They told me to close it out and I did. They should never have told me they were willing to listen. Liars. The one dude said, "That's the biggest waste of time I've ever had." Why did you say you were willing to listen then, dumbass?

     6:27pm  I had an awesome presentation right now with this guy with a cat on his shoulder. This cool black dude. He listened to me. I want another cigarette and a hit of weed too.

                   I bought a $4.95 surprise at the Taco Del Mar, which is caddy-corner from the bus terminal. I stood there and ate my burrito as people walked by. Then I walked in a random direction and sat down by this Bank of America ATM and layered up, it was getting kind of chilly. Then this guy walks up and asks me if I had any peace I could share with him. I guess he had seen my shirt. I gave him a hit of this chronic weed I got. Oh yeah, Janie let me have a couple nuggets before we left her house today. The first day I was at Janie's she called up some dude and brought her a $40 sack of some really good weed. One-hitter stuff. This guy's name is Blake. I gave him a hit and he patiently sat through my entire Odyssey story. He told me his own story about going to Korea and Japan. He had a big religious shirt on, I thought it was Hare Krishna, but I think it's Buddhist. He listened to my story great and told me he was going to show me this cool house where I would be welcome and they'd let me crash. He offered to buy me some mead, but I told him I didn't drink. We came over to the Honeymoon, mead, wine and cider place. I got a lemonade instead.

                   Oh yeah, I got to update my website a little at Janie's. The first breast exam I did, well, they finally sent me the picture and I put it on my front page.

     8:47pm  Ivy and N Forest Road. This cool house I was shown, I didn't tale pictures or anything. There are all these hippie kids who live here and they have an alternative library. I thought I would get to tell my story to somebody here, but I guess I'll come back tomorrow. Blake just left. I don't know where he went and I don't know where I'm going to camp, but the night is still young. I'm going to go tell my story downtown.

     9:24pm  I should make an update. I ended up walking in the wrong direction from that house. I saw a bus stop then a bus go by, so I know they are still running. I am assuming that downtown is in the opposite way that I've been walking, so I'm crossed to the other side of the street and saw when the next bus comes. There are schedules at the stops. It's dude at 9:26pm. I hope he gives me a courtesy ride.

                   Man, I didn't even have to ask. He nodded his head yes right when the door opened.

     9:35pm  Noah is the nice bus driver's name who gave me a ride.

     10:19pm  I just had an awesome presentation with these four kids. These two guys and two girls. They listened to me hardcore. One dude said, "If you're in Bellingham for a while and I see you again then I'll smoke you out."

Next day..

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