

                                                                                                             Bellingham, WA

Saturday August 15, 2009

     6:12am  I woke up around six. See, last night around eleven or so I walked around looking for a place to crash. Real close to this Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, caddy corner from it I found a place to crash behind this business. I'll take a picture of these bushes back here where I camped. I am really not sure if I should go to Hempfest or not. It starts at ten. I can be in Seattle by noon, I'm guessing. And even with my bags, I can just walk around. It's a festival. They probably still won't let me in with my stick and stuff. Maybe I shouldn't go.
     6:34am  I just left my squat. I took pictures of a racoon that came and visited me.

                   Change the title of my platform.htm to "Here's something that most of us can agree on."

     7:09am  Some guy with a backpack on a bike, he told me about some free coffee and pastries. Cool, I came over to the little bumfeed and ran into Johnye. She recognized me from Arcata a couple of years ago. Thanks for making contact.

     7:54am  I walked over with Yo and went and smoked some trim with him and his girl. Oh yeah, I got hooked up with food earlier. Oh yeah, I got hooked up with a couple sandwiches this morning. We came to this cofee shop, Yo had a bike. This guy outside writing stuff down, he had a guitar case and a backpack, he saw my shirt and smiled real big so I offered him my website and hit him up for my story. He had a little problem with it at first, the whole presentation thing. It's my story, after all. He said something like, "If you were in a classroom or something, but in public people don't usually like presentations." I told him that's exactly why I asked people if they were willing to listen. I told him I was doing it this way becuase it's that important. He eventually understood and let me continue. I stayed there talking to him about defining the word ignorance and he seemed to understand how I defined it. I jumped in with the note from the rich and he let me say it without one interruption. He seemed really moved by my mastery of it and admitted it was the truth. He asked me if I wanted a coffee and I told him no thanks, but a hot chocolate would be great. He even volunteered to buy me something to eat. He wouldn't let me take his picture and I forgot his name.

                   Matt is the guy I was talking about, the one I just talked to. He bought me a bagel and a hot chocolate. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I just left the cofee shop right now and said goodbye to Matt. "Thanks for the blessings, brother," I said. He said, "Thanks a lot for speaking the truth. Blessings and Jah Love."

     12:15pm  I never mentioned, I walked all the way to the Maritime Park and there were lots of people over there. I thought we were waiting for twelve thirty for a feeding here, but we are walking to the mission to eat instead. We're all scraping resin.

     12:46pm  Leaving the mission, I'm stuffed. It was good food. I'm going to go to the library now and do some typing.

                     Some brother with dreadlocks is smoking a brother out for the cause. Brother: "I'm not going to smoke you out, I'll give you a piece. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     6:07pm  I just finished up at the library. I'm just about caught up. I still need to get the pictures off of my camera. And I'm going to eat a snack.

                   Before I went to the library I went to the park and they had food there. I had gone to the mission first. Afterwards I hung out at the Maritime Heritage Park.

     8:32pm  I was looking around on the sidewalk trying to make a sniperat and Homer volunteered me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

     10:16pm  I had an awesome presentation with Rusty and Kira and Rusty gave me cigarette right when I say, "like every cigarette I bum.." Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. I took a picture.

                     600-UIK, these fuckers who just burned me, argh.
     10:41pm  Rusty and Kira, they came back. I had a great presentation with them and they said they would be back to smoke me out, or so I thought that's what they said. Sure enough, they did come back but they thought I had the weed. People have been asking me if I wanted to buy weed all day so I thought it would be an easy score. They gave me a twenty dollar bill so I went to go ask all the nightlife on the corner. Some dude told me he thinks his friend has one in his car so I follow them to the car. He handed me a box of cigarettes and told me it was inside. Before I accepted it I told him, "Well, let me see it. Open the box and show it to me before I give you the money." He got all mad and said, "You want it or not??" Stupid-me gave him the money. I open it to find only three cigarettes inside and him and his friends back the car up and screech out of there. I got their license plate. You think I would've learned by now. I forgive him though. Justice will be done. I just hope Rusty and Kira think I had something to do with it.

     10:54pm  Nick was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:40pm  I got to my camp about five minutes ago. Same place I crashed last night. I hope nobody looks in this corner. It really sucks that I got burned tonight. It wasn't my twenty bucks but they put their trust in me. Maybe that's a sign to leave. I don't know. I'll catch up on my typing tomorrow and then research my lost gap.

Next day..

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