


Berkeley, CA

Thursday August 14, 2003

Email with FrankEPIC ROAST!

     8:50am  I'm at the wingnut breakfast at the church and Ron has agreed to give me a cigarette. Thank you, brother. I appreciate it.

     8:56am  I finished eating breakfast. I came out here to have my little smoking session in front of the church. I was outside rolling the cigarette Ron gave me. Right before I licked it, I noticed I had rolled it on the wrong side. I had to flip it over and do it again. I didn't lose it. I was finishing up and Lindsey, my friend Lindsey who is one of the servers at breakfast walks by and says, "Do you need a cigarette?" I told her, "Well, if you have a real one, sure." She gave me another menthol like she did yesterday. So now I have two cigarettes. Hmm, I thought maybe I would finish rolling the cigarette, walk to my little hideout at the school and then smoke. I'd have a good little session. Then I figured, "Hmm, maybe I should hold off and save one for when I take a break from typing my stuff up and come to my little hiding spot to smoke it." No, after I take a break I'm going to go look for Thad's. Oh yeah, now I'm going to take my last hit of weed. I waked-n-baked when I woke up at the laundromat.

     9:34am  Phillip agreed to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. It'll come back to you.

     2:21pm  I just got out of the library. Man, I had a big productive day at school today. I went to school, hehe. Actually, I went to work. I typed up three whole days. I'm already after the Oregon Country fair, almost about to leave Eugene.

     3:00pm  Vanessa was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Vanessa.

     3:45pm  Flying my sign kind of sucked right now because I am not stoned, so I walked to People's Park hoping someone would smoke me out. I walked by this kid and asked him if he had any tobacco. He said no, that he was looking for five dollars worth of weed. I told him I would go ask around for him. I went to the table where the black dudes sell weed all the time. They sold me five dollar's worth of weed yesterday. But, they wouldn't today. They said there was a ten dollar minimum. So, I went walking around to the other side of the park and I saw some kid rolling up something in a big red box. I asked him, "Hey man, would you be able to sell me five dollars worth of marijuana?" He told me, "No, but just kick me down like three bucks and I'll smoke you out." So, I went, found the guy and brought him back. When we got back, I remembered who the guy was. It was that dumbass who was riding the bike around the other morning at the church. He was talking all sorts of shit today, too. He was spinning all these tall tales.

                   Then I got this memory back from when I was in Berkeley six months ago. I remembered running into some guy at the church back then and thinking he was full of shit, just like this guy is. Whoa, it dawned on me that it was the same guy, that he was still around. I told him, "Dude, I know I've met you before." He was all insisting I hadn't. I said, "I'm sure I have." So, what I'm going to do since I logged it the other day, I'm going to prove it to him. I'm going to get his email address and prove it to him. I'll email him with, "See, I met you the other day. I thought you were a dumbass then, too." Hehe.

     4:47pm  I was just walking up and down the sidewalk and I got the idea that I'm just going to walk up to people with my sign. I showed this girl Leticia who was really interested. She listened to me. I just put it in front of her face and she read it. She was all, "Wow." She's from LA, but originally from Central America. There's something about her that makes her really attractive.

     4:51pm  Bronson hooked me up with an American Spirit.

     5:09pm  I'm getting bored of just walking the street. Not that many people stopped to read my sign. I got like one email address. It sucks.

     5:35pm  I was just walking through the school and this dude came up to me and said, "Hey, I saw you on Telegraph and we talked. Do you remember how I told you I wanted a bike and you asked me why I was in such a hurry. Well now, I still want to get a bike, but I feel like I'm going to die." I told him, "Hey, don't get me wrong. Bikes are sooo much better than cars. I was just using myself as an example stating that I wasn't in that much of a hurry. But you know, bikes don't kill the ozone layer and bike accidents occur less often, I'm guessing. Bike accidents aren't nearly as tragic as automobile accidents. If you want to get a bike, by all means go for it. I'm not going to stop you from getting a bike and exercising. Hell no, that's good for you. Just be careful because the risk of being injured jumps significantly when you are on a bike as opposed to just walking."

                  Wow, it seems that guy just came up to me for some advice. He just wanted to talk to me.

     5:54pm  I left the school and went downtown. I'm looking for Thad's place again. I found that Eudemonia Game Center place again. I'm going to try to remember how to get to his place from here.

     6:05pm  I just walked by this store and this lady asked me if I could do her a favor. I said, "Sure." She asked me if I could help her move these benches inside. I said, "No problem. I'm always glad to be of service." I helped her out.

     6:34pm  I just passed this poster and saw this thing that said, "Camp Winnarainbow." Oh shit, somebody told me about Camp Winnarainbow before. I'm going to see if they have an email address on the poster. Here's some of the poster: "Camp Winnarainbow is a circus and performing arts camp. Camp Winnarainbow provides a training ground to nurture leaders for a peaceful, harmonious and sustainable culture."

                   Hmm, it seems like a young kid camp. They also have an adult camp thing that says, "It's never too late to join the circus and have a happy childhood. Adult camp is modeled after kids' camp with some changes in the menu and activities such as Yoga and meditation. They are more lenient about curfew and toothbrushing with the adults. It is a rare experience. Pack your funny bone and take a chance." Alright, that doesn't seem too interesting anymore.

                   I'm at the corner of Shattuck and Berryman. There's a park close by. Live Oak Park.

     6:49pm  I was walking through the park and this Benito guy I knew from Telegraph came up to me and said hello. Wow, what a chance encounter. I am never in this part of town.

                   Okay, I was headed back towards Telegraph. I passed Berkeley Way and it triggered a memory of that being the street Thad lived off of. Let's see if I luck out.

                   Just passed the Eifel Tower Films. 1919 Berkeley Way. It says, "Video Editing, Production and Animation. 510-644-9777."

                   Okay, I give up. I'm going back to Telegraph.

     7:28pm  I'm at the corner of University and Oxford over by the school. I'm going to walk back to Telegraph. Oh man, I'm beat.

     7:42pm  I'm finally back on Telegraph. That was a long ass time. All the time I've spent out there, from when I left until now, I've been walking. I'm hauling all my stuff, too. I stopped for a second to talk to Benito, but other than that I've been walking my ass off. I'm back on Telegraph now.

     7:46pm  Evan gave me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, man.

     7:47pm  I'm walking over by People's Park and I just crossed Haste and I'm over by the big mural on the wall. In the window there is a bumper sticker that says, "God, please save me from your followers." Haha.

     8:32pm  I finished sitting down in the park. I sat down to rest from all my walking. Some guy told me he would smoke me out if he saw me again. He walked by and said, "I'm working on it," but I'm not going to put too much trust in him.

                   I'm dumb. These one pound wristweights that I kept in my bag . . . umm, I'm not wearing them because I need some tape to patch holes in them. I'm dumb. There's been two extra pounds in my backpack. I took them out and my bag feels sooo much lighter. It' so awesome. So, I'm traveling real light, now. I don't want to forget about the wristweights. I wanna buy some more when I go back to San Antonio.

     8:50pm  Eric was cool enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:51pm  I've got two more email addresses. I'm going to walk to Hate Camp.

                   Oh yeah, I never told you but last night(I think) I got a special gift. I was standing in front of Cody's. I set my backpack down on the floor and went inside to use the restroom. When I return very few people were outside. I walk up to my bag and guess what I see lying on top of it. An old antique Suntone AM radio. It still works and everything. Is that a sign? Is something going to happen soon that I should be listening to the radio for? I don't know, but now I have something to help kill some time. And, I can be learning stuff, too. I'll just listen to the news all the time. Here, I recorded some of tonight's news into my recorder:

                   "You're listening to the BBC in London. Tonight around the states of New York, tens of thousands of people were stranded this evening as rush hour was getting under way. Others were trapped in tall buildings. This has also been reported in several other American cities and in Canada."

                   Tonight was the night there was that big blackout on the East Coast and in Canada. Hmm, sign of the apocalypse? Hehe.

Next day..

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