


Boulder, CO

Sunday August 15, 2004

     9:17am  I woke up a little bit after eight. I took a shower and shaved. I got my new camera, so I'm going to take pictures of the house this morning.

     9:27am  I just took a picture of the big pit out back.


                  The stage. It's kind of messy. It didn't get cleaned up after open-mic. It has a big Circle A in the fire pit.

                   I just took a picture of the back of the house where it says, "Circle A Ranch. DIY." DIY means, "Do It Yourself," even though none of them practice what they preach.  

                   I took a picture of the bike workshop.


                   I'm going to take one of the free-store too.

                   Free store.  

                   Took a picture of the kitchen.  

                   Upstairs workstation.  

     9:40am  I saw Antonio taking off into town and asked them if they could give me a ride. I don't know what I'm going to do in town, but that's where I'm going.

     10:00am  Scotty gave me a cigarette on 7th and Pearl. I appreciate it, Scotty. He says, "Tommy-knocker says hi."

     10:03am  I am here on Pearl Street. I forgot. I am here to take pictures. I have my camera.

     10:35am  Leander hooked me up with a cigarette here at the mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:00am  Ben just hooked me up with a cigarette at the mall. After hearing my story. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, like I said.

                      I had a good listener at the gas station. This black girl who gave me her email address.

     11:56am  I just had a good presentation with this guy and girl sitting down in the grass in front of the courthouse. This guy and an Asian girl. The guy gave me his email address. He knew about computers and stuff.

     12:06pm  I went back to those kids in the grass I told my story to. I asked them if they could take a picture of me for my webpage.


                     When I was walking off the guy comes up to me and says, "Hey man, if you want to go sit in a hammock for a while, there's this cool hammock store right there." I asked him, "Is it outside?" He said no and I said, "Ahh, a hammock would be nice if I could smoke a cigarette." Then I thought, "Hmm, wait a minute. Maybe that's my sign to go to the hammock shop and tell somebody in there my story. I gotta follow the signs."

     12:37pm  I came to the hammock shop and had a marvelous presentation with Wayne, the guy working here. I was directed here by the kids in the grass. I told him my story and he immediately offered to smoke a bowl with me! He smoked me out good in the back of the hammock shop. He prepared me for my story-telling out in the mall today. Oh yeah, and he had some input he wanted to include:

                    Wayne: "I'm 21. I was just pondering about cause and effect and interaction in the web of connections between people. I was wondering how this chance meeting between you and I might affect the course of my life in subtle ways through chaos theory or whatnot. Or the forces there are."

     12:49pm  What a magical fucking experience I just had. I totally blew this guy Wayne's mind. It was amazing. I got directed there and followed my sign. I was hoping something really cool would happen and sure enough, something did. I got smoked and I'm ready to go tell my story.

     12:59pm  Jared gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jared.

                     After I told him my story, Jared gave me a dollar. Thanks, brother.

     1:18pm  Right when I walked out of the hammock shop I saw these two guys, Duane and Jared. I told them my story and blew their minds. They will be telling all their friends, for sure.

                   Some cool stuff happened. I got some guy's phone number who can supposedly help me with my webpage. Some dude in Arkansas.

     1:30pm  I had lost my Nalgene. I got it back. I left it at the hammock place.

     1:52pm  I went to the General Store and told Chris, Mike and Sarah my story. Mike is hooking me up with four cigarettes! They listened to my whole story. Well, I got tons of stories.

     1:58pm  What were your comments on my story, Sarah?

                    Sarah: "I think it's an incredible idea. I think it'll work. Hopefully. You have to talk to the younger people."

                    Mike or Chris: "I've actually had a lot of dreams about somebody coming up and talking to people about overthrowing everything that's going on and shutting down money and everything. Do what Bob Marley says. Kill da white man. Kill Whitey."

                    Man, I am having some great presentations today. Those three kids in front of the general store. They were all about it.

     2:21pm  Carmen, a bus driver hooked me up with a transfer so I could get on the bus. I appreciate it, Carmen. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:48pm  I am sitting here talking to Bridgette at the bus stop. I was telling her my story and when I mentioned Shadow she said, "Oh, I know him!" He's a Rainbow brother. I met him either in Alabama or at a gathering in Wyoming. This would have been like close to ten years ago. I remember him. He's a kind brother."

                   Man, what a small world. This random girl I talk to at the bus stop knows Shadow, maybe.

     2:59pm  Bridgette is about to get on the bus but I just wanted to get her opinion real quick on what I told her.

                   Bridgette: "I am thrilled that you stopped to talk to me. It's always wonderful to meet a kind person who puts their trust in the universe."

     3:04pm  I just came to the bus stop to wait for the Long Jump. I told this girl Bridgette my story. She does yoga and stuff. I blew her mind. She said it was really great meeting me and good luck with everything. There were a couple times when she thought she had to go, but she came back and was all, "Keep talking, keep talking."

     3:07pm  I'm here at the bus stop on the other side of Walnut. This guy comes up to me and asks me if he can bum a light. As I was handing it to him he says, "Generosity, right?" Haha, I've already talked to him!

                   My presence is known.

                   Damnit, damnit, son of bitch. I saw the Long Jump taking off without me. I ran after it and almost caught up. Then I realized I was missing something. I had left my walking stick! I ran like a block and a half. I stopped, went back and my stick was still there. Whew.

                   That sucks that I missed the bus. It doesn't come for another hour. I'm hungry. I was going to go to the house and eat some food. I'm going to go see if I can score some somewhere.

     3:15pm  I went in the Subway and no-go. The guy told me the manager wasn't there. Excuses, excuses.

     3:16pm  I walked in front of the Hagen-Dazs place and Sam said, "Hey, do you want a free ice cream?" I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit.

                   I thought that guy was going to give me a whole bowl of ice cream. He only gave me a little spoonful. He said, "Here's a coupon too." I ate the spoonful and took the coupon and walked to the trashcan nearby and through them both away.

                   I went up to the hotdog stand and asked the guy, "I don't suppose you would hook me up with a free hotdog?" He said, "Actually, I am not allowed to give anything away for free."

     3:18pm  Dennis at the Pizza Colore is hooking me up with a slice of pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:24pm  I scored me a slice at Pizza Colore! Dennis said, "This one is a little small. You can have it." I appreciate it, Dennis. I was hungry.

                   This is damn good pizza. Now I need a cigarette.

     3:28pm  Craig hooked me up with a cigarette at the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:56pm  I just had this great presentation! I'm going to go wait for the bus now. Hopefully it comes every hour. I was sitting in the shade at the bus stop by Walnut. This girl walked by and I hit her up for a story. She listened to me attentively. Her bus came and she had to go, but I got all the way past the spirits, which is the important part. I told her to tell her friends and she was all, "I will, I will. Trust me."

                   Great productive day! Another one. I want the kids at the Circle A ranch to listen to today at the meeting.

     4:38pm  On the bus I ran into Adam from the house. I told him my story on the bus.

     12:35am  I was kind of bummed out because they told me they were going to have the meeting downstairs,

not upstairs like last week. I have my letter typed up on the computer upstairs and I was going to read it to them. What I did was just email it to myself and went downstairs to the Linux computer and read it to them downstairs. I told them the whole letter. They said they didn't care if I stayed another week. They asked me if I could leave the room so they could discuss me. Let's see what happens. I want to leave anyway.

Next day..

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