


Boulder, CO

Tuesday August 17, 2004

     10:21am  I have had a good morning so far. I woke up and got on the computer and typed up some days. I am almost caught up. Six days to go. Oh yeah, and Keith woke up. He's some dude that came the other day. He has a Macintosh with games like Gauntlet. I had him looking at my pictures. I hadn't given him my presentation, so he was pretty interested. I started telling him my stuff. I got to the point right before my odyssey where I ask to listen to a ten or fifteen minute story. He said he wanted to go get something to eat. That's why I ask. Gave him a choice.

Email to Free Speech TV

     11:43am  I am actually going to go work with Sean today at Dan's next door. Dan wasn't too receptive to me at open-mic. He was pretty ignorant and would interrupt me. He was all saying, "I'd think it was spam and delete it." My addendum had the response to that. Anyway, Sean is going to clean for half an hour and right now I am picking up apples just to kill time. I have nothing better to do. Oh yeah, earlier I had noticed they had a big carton of eggs. I looked for the eggs. I looked in the fridge, where they keep the house's food that I shouldn't' be eating. I asked Jacob if he knew where any eggs were. He said he didn't think they had any. I told him that they did, in the fridge. He said, "That's the house's food. If you want to kick down some cash or something that would be cool." He knows I don't have any money. And he was the one at the meeting who got all offended at me because I came on too strong with my story. Poor baby, I swear. Right now I am just picking up apples. I cleaned it all last week, but more have fallen.

     1:53am  I've been working next door at Dan's. I wished I had a cigarette, then Ian came in and he hooked me up with three. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:45am  I had a good productive time helping Sean work at Dan's next door. I thought I could use a little cash. Oh yeah, when we took a break earlier, Sean was taking his sweet ass time. He took forever coming back from break. I had stressed to him that I was only going to work a couple hours. That I had much better things to do today than to work for money. He took like a forty five minute lunch break. At first he told me some bullshit about two and a half hours being the money-mark. He was all bullshitting me trying to make me work some more. I guess he was all proud of himself that he convinced me to go work with him to begin with. Wait, Elijah had come up to me and asked me if I could help them feed at Food Not Bombs. At first I told him no, but then reconsidered it thinking it would be good publicity. I was going to go with them at three. We were both chopping wood and I just told him, "Hey man, I am going to go." I'm going to find Dan and ask him about this two and a half hour money-mark bullshit. I will tell him the whole story about Sean taking a long break.

                   Dan simply just gave me fifteen dollars. I have to go get ready for Food Not Bombs.

     3:40pm  I forgot to tell you. Me, Elija, Keith and this girl Angela just left the house. I'm going to help them serve at Food Not Bombs. At first I had told Elijah that I had already planned on going into town to collect emails. Then I changed my mind and decided to help them. Oh yeah, I got paid. I went and talked to Dan and got my fifteen dollars for working two hours. I went up to Elijah and asked him if they were still going to serve. He told me I didn't have to go. I asked him if I would be cramping their style if I went. He asked me, "Oh, you just want to go to go?" I told him, "No, I want to go to help." He said, "Oh, I'm sure we can find room for you." We just drove to this park on 13th and Canyon.

     4:00pm  I am walking to this gas station to go buy some cigarettes. I have to stop bumming off people. Nobody was at the feeding, so I'll be right back.

     4:45pm  We are leaving the Food Not Bombs serving. Not that many people showed up.

     4:52pm  We came to some liquor store. They're going to buy some alcohol.

                    I just love Polly, Elijah's dog.


                    I'm going to take a picture of her. She's adorable.

     9:47pm  It was cool. Warm, actually. I got in their hot-tub they have here. I got in naked. There was a girl and three guys. We were just sitting there skinny-dipping. It was all dark, so you couldn't see anyone else. Anyway, I thought I was going to go to this anarchist thing and help them, but I really have to get a backup made so I can leave already. I couldn't do it, though. They had the Nero directory, but it wasn't installed.

Next day..

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