

                                                                                                             Bellingham, WA

Tuesday August 18, 2009

     7:12am  I woke up around seven with seven hours of sleep. I'm alright.

     8:04am  I am walking into town. I'm going to manifest a way to get my pictures off my camera today.
     8:37am  I already left the house. My good friend John made me some breakfast. I had some projects this morning. I shaved. I scored a shower last night and drip-dried because I don't have a towel. I'm done proofreading my update and all I have to do is add the pictures now. I just came to this computer shop downtown, Express Computer Care on Cornwall. I'm going to see how much it will cost for me to get my pictures off my camera.

                   I need to manifest me twenty dollars today to buy a working card-reader.

     9:15am  Mona just saw me picking up butts to make a cigarette and she volunteered me two. I appreciate it, Mona. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I rode the bus, which is free in town until the 22nd to the park. Oh yeah, this morning I was doing a snipehunt on the back porch and I just realized I found a weed roach. I took a hit and I am all stoned, hehe.

                   Jerry Chambers Chevrolet. Ask around for that.

     11:56am  I'm at the mission. Holy shit, I came to the Lighthouse Mission to eat, I have been here like three or four times already, but today the stupid Christian guy that gives out the meal tickets at the front desk told me I had to turn my WPTMJ shirt inside out. Man, nobody wants world peace! Geez, of all people.

                     Geez, I can't believe how unlike Christ Christians can be. Stupid bible-thumpers. Brainwashed fools. Good little slave. Thanks for making my story so interesting.

                     I walked in and the guy told me I couldn't wear that shirt in here. I was just testing you anyway.

     12:20pm  I am leaving the Lighthouse. I ate. Right before in the park I told my story to these homeless guys. I asked them if they knew of a place to fly a sign in town. They told me the best place, supposedly.

     12:40pm  I rode the bus to State Street. I need to go to the house and reload on havethisbook.coms. I have shitloads in a cream cheese container in my pack.

     12:51pm  Leaving the house again. I am all loaded up on little papers.

     1:10pm  I walked all the way to the transfer center. I am on the 232 headed towards Jerry Chambers Chevrolet.

     1:24pm  I have arrived. I had to follow the sign. I am in front of Jerry Chambers Chevrolet. At the stop sign here.

                   242-srv, this girl just hooked me up. I've got my SUPPORT THE CAUSE sign displayed on the ground leaning on the stopsign pole. I'm holding my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign and this girl just gave me a five dollar bill!

     1:35pm  Man, I was out there for like five minutes and I already got hooked up. I rode the bus here. Some bum in the park told me this was the best spot in town. Right when I assume my post I got hooked up with a five. Right now this girl... Tana: "Sorry, I don't have any money." I'm not doing it for the money. I'm just trying to spread the word. I'm an undercover bum. Anyway, Tana and John pulled up to the stop sign and offered to smoke me out. I told them to drive back around and they actually did! Right now we're driving somewhere to go smoke some weed!

                   I'm married to my mission. My wife's name is Mary. Mary Jane.

                   We drove far to some place they called The Academy and hiked into the woods and smoked a lot of weed. I promised them I had a really interesting story to tell them once we got stoned. I had them captivated through the whole thing, entire Odyssey and all.

                   Tana has something to say and I want to get it on tape. Tana: "I think this is something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life." That's music to my ears. Thanks a lot.

                   Man, what a magical day. I just got dropped off over at the stop sign again. Let's see what happens next.

                   Somebody just volunteered me a dollar, sweet.

                   This cool dude just hooked me up with two dollars.

                   I'm just going to hold my SUPPORT THE CAUSE sign and that's it.

                   Sweet! Some black dude just hooked me up with eight bucks!

                   I've got seventeen bucks already. Hell yeah, I am only three dollars away from following through on today's mission. Just watch me manifest this card reader in a day. Hopefully I'll get the remaining sum and still be able to hit dinner at the mission at five thirty. Oh yeah, I have my GOOGLE IT sign.

                   Some guy just gave me a five dollar bill. That's all I needed. I've got $23. I'm out of here.

     5:06pm  Presto-manifesto, I got what I needed. It was awesome how like five minutes after I got to the stop sign this guy and girl drove by, came back and picked me up and took me to smoke at The Academy, some woods where we smoked. The power lines were all buzzing over us. We smoked like three big bowls. I totally blew their minds with my story since I was so stoned. Then around two they dropped me off again at the stopsign. I only needed twenty, but I ended up with $23 in the end. I'm going to go buy that card reader now. I hope they're still open. I had a productive time of fundraising today. It's so awesome how everything is going my way today. I don't think the computer shop is open. They might close at six. I'm going to go to the mission and eat dinner. Just another day at the office.

                   In the end I scored a five-spot and the bus came like five minutes later.

     5:07pm  Bus terminal.

     5:29pm  I just got dropped off on Dupont Street and I'm going to walk to the mission from here. The buses are free until the 22nd due to a big county fair they're going to have. I've had such an awesome day today.

     5:31pm  Left on F street.

     5:51pm  I left the mission. They didn't make me turn my shirt inside out today. I'm walking downtown. I doubt the computer shop is still open, but I'm going to check anyway.

     6:05pm  I found another computer shop, but they didn't sell card readers. Since that one was open I am hoping the other would be too.

     6:11pm  Hell yeah, followed through on that shit. Express Computer Care was open after all. Sweet! I got my card reader and it works. I'm going back to the bus terminal and ride it to State Street and then walk to the house. The free bus is my friend.

                   Some guy signed my guestbook and told me welcome to Bellinghaven, not Bellingham. That's the perfect name for this place.

     6:30pm  I thought I was going to ride to State Street right now but I'm out of ice in my bag so I cam to the Taco Del Mar across from the bus terminal. I had an awesome productive day.

     6:40pm  I'm walking home on State Street and I gave this lady my website. I offer it to any reaction people give me to my shirt, so almost everyone gets it. Hey, I just groundscored some beef jerky!

     9:08pm  I just got done naming all of my pictures. I've been hard at work. Man, what a glorious day I have had today. My presentation with Tana and her friend in the woods earlier was superb. Since I was so stoned I was enunciating everything perfectly. Right in the middle of my presentation Tana told me I sounded like a teacher. I told her, "Master Teacher, thank you." What an awesome day I had today. All the buses lined up perfectly for me.

     11:45pm  I am crashing out for the night.

Next day..

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