

                                                                                                             Bellingham, WA

Wednesday August 19, 2009

     6:44am  I just woke up.

     3:32pm  I was getting ready to go to this county fair everybody is talking about, but I still had a lot of stuff to do on the computer. I am almost done with my update and adding all my pictures to it, bringing it to life. I had left but I forgot my CamelBak, my water bag. I went out on the back porch and met Truc, which is French for thing. He read my shirt and asked me if I wanted to puff. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     3:41pm  I just took a picture of Truc. We did a little bartering. He gave me some weed and I gave him the shirt I had on my back, my black WPTMJ shirt. He asked me if I had any shirts for sale and I said I had a brand new black one. I haven't wanted to sell it, but I just traded him it for some weed. It's all the same green. I pulled it out to give him it then realized I should give him the used black one I was wearing so I would have a fresh shirt to wear.

     4:09pm  I left the house about fifteen minutes ago. I'm walking down State Street. I'm going to go fill up my bag with ice at the Taco Del Mar, then find someone to tell my story to until dinner at five thirty. I'll eat and then come back to the house and keep on working on my website. I am almost finished adding pictures to my HTML files.
     4:20pm  Look what time it is. I am having a conversation with Leland Cole. Leland: "I am known as the Grand Spook of Lower Bohemia, or says the late William S. Burrows. On the 19th of September I want to see you at the North Hollywood Auditorium where, dig this, there will be the fourth annual medical marijuana director's festival also open to patients. Everyone will be getting together that runs all the medical use movement at least in California. I understand that they're going to be coming from compassion centers in Canada and Europe as well." You can only go if you have a card? Leland: "Actually, they've just changed the law in Oakland. I was there to work on the campaign. You can now smoke in Oakland, but there is a taxation process that's taking place in Oakland. $18 on every thousand retail." I won't be there. I have bigger fish to fry. Leland: "There are people in Oakland who are smoking in the cafes and they're not being bothered by the authorities and they are not patients, hellelujah."

                   Google the Grand Spook.

                   That dude was way ignorant. He interrupted my story every chance he got after he told me he would listen. I straight up told him, "Did you or did you not just tell me that you were willing to listen to my story and now you're not? Without his word a man is nothing, you liar. Not only do you know first hand exactly what I am up against, you've demonstrated it. I was just testing you anyway."

     5:55pm  I am leaving from the mission.

                   I got off the bus on State Street and I am almost to the house.

     12:26am  I just had an awesome presentation with Sunny right now on the back porch. Whole Odyssey and everything. Note from the Rich and even the lizard's song. Thanks for listening, bro. I appreciate it. You'll be on there when I update it.


Next day..

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