

                                                                                                             Bellingham, WA

Thursday August 20, 2009 

                   Listener on back porch

     2:55pm  I haven't been too updative in this house. I am enjoying my freedom. I have finalized my update all the way to August 16, like four days ago. All the pictures are added and I am pretty much current and free to go. Oh yeah, and I called Janie, the angel who brought me to Bellinghaven, I called her just to say goodbye and she invited me over for dinner. She wants me to meet her nineteen year old daughter Hannah. I might go to this county fair tomorrow, only if I can get in for free. If not, I'll just take off.

     3:22pm  I walked all the way to the bus terminal. I'm supposed to meet Janie here. They have this really cool sculpture twirling in the wind in front of the bus terminal. I'm going to take a picture of it.

     3:37pm  About five minutes ago Janie pulled up and I told her to give me like five minutes so I could fill up my bag with ice at the Taco Del Mar. She said cool and I'm back already. I met her daughter Hannah. Hi Hannah, how is it going?

     3:59pm  We came to the Whatcom Community College. She's enrolling her daughter or something and I am waiting outside.

     4:24pm  Susanne here at the Baskin Robbins in Bellingham is giving me some free ice cream for the cause. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

                   Badass, I called that shit. Before we got to her house Janie asked her daughter if she wanted ice cream, then she told me, "And you can try and get some for free," half joking around. I told her I'd try. Called that.

                   Me at Janie's

     1:09am  I've had a pretty good night hanging out with Janie and her daughter. Hannah is beautiful. We watched TV and played video games. We watched a movie called Notebook. It was a pretty good movie. I'm going to go to bed now.

Next day..

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