


Boulder, CO

Saturday August 21, 2004

     6:00am  I just woke up in my perfect little squat I found. It was awesome. It just fell in my lap. It's real close to downtown. Next to the Flowerama, right by some Japanese restaurant.

                  Valmont and 28th is where I crashed.

     6:25am  Sherri hooked me up with a cigarette at the gas station. I appreciate it, Sherri. Everybody gets credit.

                   That gas station was the Conoco on 26th and Valmont.

     8:10am  I had a great presentation with this girl locking her bike up at the bus station. She told me she only had a couple minutes because she had to go to work. She listened to my story and she even invited me to smoke a bowl! She gave me her address and everything. I'm going to get smoked out at four.

     8:11am  David hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the gas station. Thank you, brother.

     8:45am  Man, I love it how people know my name right off the bat. I just told this kid my story at the bus stop. The whole odyssey part and everything. One of his friends came up and he told him, "This is Victor. He's telling me this crazy story."

     8:56am  I had a great presentation with this girl sitting on the sidewalk. She wouldn't give me her email address. She told me, "I'm going to burst your bubble, but I don't think you're crazy."

                   I'm having a good, productive morning so far.

                   I walked back to Pearl Street.

                   I'm waiting for the General Store to open so I can buy me some donut holes. 480 calories. Highest calorie snack they have for the money. I've already bought them twice. I want to buy some other ones.

     9:20am  Not only did David listen to my story, he hooked me up with a lot of tobacco. He even rolled me one. I appreciate it, David.

     9:30am  David bought some really interesting book that I should probably check out some time. It's called Abuse Your Illusions and another one Everything You Know Is Wrong.

                    On the back of Abuse Your Illusions it says:
                    "What do CNN, your history teacher and the White House have in common? All of them have kept shockingly important facts from you. 
                    The U.S. Military faces a rape crisis. The most popular types of antidepressants can cause suicide. The nation of Panama was created as a get-rich-quick scheme by Wall Street. The Atlantis Child Killer was convicted of only two murders of adults. Islamic groups are censoring critical material in America. Corporations have claimed the right to lie. The U.S. and other allies massacred German POW's and civilians during and after WW2. The food drops in Afghanistan were a complete fiasco.

                    Wow, everybody read these books.

                    On the cover of Everything You Know is Wrong it says, "It appears that the friendly faces on the nightly news "forgot" to tell us a few things.
                    The U.S. had foreknowledge about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Mad-Cow Disease is killing people in America. China has super missiles that can destroy the entire U.S. Navy. The U.S. is helping wage a secret war in South America. Young people are less violent than they have been in over 30 years(I like that one). Some of the biggest banks in the world turn a blind eye to money laundering. Many disabled people don't want to be "cured" and don't admire Christopher Reeves. French authorities kidnapped a little girl in California and forcibly took her to France."

     10:15am  I found that Tonic place and it doesn't open until noon on Saturdays. I walked by the Boulder Book Store and I'm going to go tell the guy in there my story, if he'll listen.

     10:40am  No-go at the Chipotle Mexican Grill. Nobody was Mexican in there. The manager was some Asian girl.

     10:50am  Walked to the hammock store again. Wayne's going to smoke me out again. He's hooking it up. Thanks a lot, man.

     11:14am  I had a conversation with this bible thumper sitting down with a sign that says, "The U.S. is the beast in revelations." I'm going to go walk around and tell people my story. I'm all stoned. Wayne smoked me out.

     11:30am  I just talked to one of the kids working for Dean Kerry passing out flyers and shit. They told me, "There's an American revolution going on as we speak. If you want to take pictures of something, take pictures of this table." I told him, "Nah, I don't want to waste my film." I told him I was going to murder the government. Just take all their power away. Nobody needs to die. We can govern ourselves.

     11:45am  Jim hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus station. I appreciate it, Jim.

     12:15pm  Ryan hooked me up with a dollar for my ticket.

     12:32pm  Ashanti hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, Ashanti.

                     Oh yeah, I'm spanging up my bus fare to Denver. I'm skipping this town.

     12:33pm  Mark is hooking me up with some change in the mall. I appreciate it, Mark.

     1:22pm  Roger just passed by. He had met me before. He hooked me up with some bread. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:41pm  Spencer hooked me up with a dollar for my bus ticket. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:52pm  Richard hooked me up with a cigarette. He warned me about the cops and me flying my sign.

     2:06pm  Kevin walked by and gave me a cigarette. He said he gave me one yesterday. I'll look it up.

     2:25pm  Sarah hooked me up with a dollar for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:41pm  This group of kids just walked up. Alyssa, Zack and Jackie stopped and asked me how I was going to save the world. I told them and they're hooking me up with some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                   Charles and his friends are giving me a dollar for the cause.

     3:07pm  Todd gave me a quarter for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:15pm  I had some great presentations. I got like five or six bucks already. I'm going to get something to eat before I go.

     3:22pm  Man, I had some awesome presentations today. Everybody's listening to me. 

     3:45pm  The bus driver didn't give me a courtesy ride.

     3:55pm  What was your name? Spell the letters. I can't understand it and I'm going to type it up. Valladi hooked me up with a courtesy ride.

     5:14pm  I had shown up at that girl's house. The one I met this morning that she gave me her address. She ended up not having any weed. That's alright, I got to tell her my odyssey story and tell her boyfriend my platform.

     5:24pm  I had a great presentation. Right when I walked out of the girl's house I hit these kids up for a story in front of their cars. They listened to me like crazy. I'm going to walk to this McGlucky's store and buy me a pocket calendar.

     5:55pm  Terryl gave me a cigarette here at some apartments. I appreciate it, Terryl.

     6:37pm  Nick hooked me up with a cigarette.

     6:55pm  Those kids at their car ended up inviting me to their apartment to smoke. I thought I might be able to squat there, but I am leaving this house of ignorance right now. We were all smoking out on the back porch. I stood up and told them, "Hey, I want to tell you guys my story." They started not listening real quick. They were all yelling how we needed money. They told me that if everything was free, they wouldn't work at all. They were all close-minded and ignorant. I should have told them thanks for making my book so interesting. Oh yeah, and I pissed this one guy off. Before I even got into it and I said that ignorance was the world's greatest problem, he stood up and started walking inside. I told him, "All I have to say is thanks for proving me right." He got all pissed and told me, "If you're going to disrespect me in my own house . . ." I cut him off and told him, "I can go, trust me.." He told me, "Yeah and the others told me that you wanted to crash here, and you still can." I assured him that there was no way I was going to stay where I didn't belong. That I had somewhere else to crash.

                    Earlier, I had spotted this guy and a girl arguing on the sidewalk. I told them my story and they stopped. I asked them if they could smoke a brother out and that's how I ended up at that apartment. I eventually got smoked out.

                    Oh yeah, this old lady. When I first got there I bummed a cigarette off this old lady sitting down outside drinking a beer. At first she told me she couldn't spare one and I told her, "Thanks anyways." She changed her mind and gave me one. I told her what I was going to do. Oh yeah, she told me she wanted to give me something. She went inside and gave me this bracelet with a crucifix on it. I really kind of like it.

                    Oh dude, there's an awesome rainbow. I'm going to take a picture. 

That's like the third rainbow I take a picture of.

                    At least I got smoked out.

                    Holy shit, I left my water bottle at that apartment. I have to go back, damnit.

     7:19pm  I just took a picture of this house in front of the apartments those kids were at. Some artist guy lives there and he has all these shoes strung up in front of his house.  

                   I got my water bottle back. Whew.

     7:31pm  I walked into IHOP and gave Sam my line. He came back and gave me a five dollar bill! I got my bus fare for sure. I'm going to go buy my composition book.

                   I asked somebody where McGuckles is.

     7:50pm  I passed by that Jin Chen restaurant and asked them if I could have another bowl of rice. She told me to wait outside. They hooked me up again.

     8:12pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I'm going to go to Target and buy some new socks so I don't have to wash mine.

     9:15pm  I was walking and I heard these kids yelling my name. Jade, Dirty Carl and Sarah offered me a drink of their rum. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

     9:58pm  Jonathan is hooking me up with a transfer for the bus. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

                   Right before the bus came I got a transfer.

     10:18pm  Leon, at the Subway is hooking me up with a cookie. I appreciate it, brother.

Next day..

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