

                                                                                                             Lopez Island, WA

Sunday August 23, 2009

     6:25pm  I got a whopping 8.48 hours of sleep. Right now I was just sitting there smoking a cigarette and I hear this flutter really close to me. This little bird just jumped in my lap! He seemed perfectly tame and wasn't scared of me at all. He even let me put him on my finger. When he first appeared I grabbed my camera real quick. Hmm, I wonder if all the little birds on the island are this tame. Hmm, I thought I was going to go catch the ferry back to Anacortes, but I am going to take this little magical bird that befriended me as a sign to give Lopez Island another chance. Oh yeah, yesterday at the market some guy told me, "I saw you on the ferry. I remember that shirt." I gave him my website.
     6:59pm  Up and at 'em. Leaving from the woods. I stashed my bag and put my tarp over it. I'm free today. I had the last of my red hot Cheetos for breakfast. Let me see how food and storytelling goes today in town. Maybe those skater kids will give me another peanut butter sandwich.

                   Hopefully a lot of people have checked my website. I plastered the bulletin board at the market with like thirty of them.

                   Apple cider vinegar and two Fuji apples.

                   I didn't tell you, when I walked back I just went to that bench across the street from the market and sat down and smoked. This pretty lady walked up holding an Isabel's coffee cup and told me the buses weren't running today. I told her I wasn't waiting for a bus, I was just smoking a cigarette. She said she had to use the restroom real quick. She went and came back and I tried to tell this lady my story, but she wouldn't stop interrupting me. She told me she had some cleaning to do. You know me, I told her, "Give me some chores, please. I am always glad to be of service." I came to her apartment, she lives pretty close and totally helped her. I swept and scrubbed her whole kitchen and dining room. She said she would smoke me out later on! Sweet! Right now I am walking back to the market to go buy some food for her.

                     Boxers mural in field

     2:43pm  Beautiful girl. Her name is Joules. Joules Graves( She invited me over to her house earlier and I have been helping her clean. She won't listen to my story at all though. She has Multiple Sclerosis( She said she's going to go buy me an Islamic burrito right now. Whatever that is. Ugh, she won't listen to my story though. She won't give me the floor. It's really frustrating. She was even talking about going traveling with me and going to Georgia. I told her I would think about it, but I don't think we're going anywhere.

                  Cards Joules makes

     7:09pm  Sorry I haven't been too descriptive. I totally helped my new good friend Joules. She is really beautiful. She's 38. She's a singer and musician and actually has four CDs out. People have written her thank-you letters to her saying how they decided against suicide after hearing her music. She's just this beautiful girl, BUT she hasn't let me get a word in edgewise, her words. I am dying to tell her my story. I've been busting my ass cleaning her house all day. The least she could do is listen to my story. Right now she just lost this money, she can't find an envelope with like $650 in it. I really hope she doesn't think I took it. I've been trying to help her find it. I searched through everything. She like freaked out. She had to put some money in her bank so a check wouldn't bounce. She just came up to me and told me, "Victor, I want you to leave." A little discouraged I told her, "Okay, fine." I was walking away from her apartment and like a block away I heard her calling, "Victor, Victor!" She walked up and told me, "Here, here's my phone." Earlier I had asked her if I could borrow her phone to call my mom. She told me, "You are probably one of the most humble people I've met. I don't think you took my money. I want you to come back when it gets dark." She let me borrow her cellphone so I'm going to walk to the liquor store were I can get reception and call my mom. Joules is so attractive. She's just this hot, pretty girl. But, I've been itching lately. My butthole has been itching for like a month. I think I have an STD or something. I've been itching. Earlier I told her maybe I would take a shot of rum, but since I barely ever drank I would get messed up. Joking she told me, "Hmm, then I could take advantage of you." If she only knew. I am going to tell her before anything happens with us, if it ever does.

     7:45pm  I hiked all the way over to where I camped last night and got my pack. It was safe and sound. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then haul all of my stuff back to Joules'. She told me to come back after it got dark, that she needed some time alone. She had said she'd give me a ride out here, but I saw a sign that said road closed, even though I did notice some cars driving by. I had nothing to do before it got dark so I decided to walk out here again. This girl is beautiful. I hope she doesn't trip on the Herpes thing. Hell, I hope she has Herpes already so we can do it, hehe.

     8:01pm  I have all my stuff and I am walking back.

     8:41pm  I'm coming up to Joules' place again.

                   Look up quote by Sean Penn that says churches are factories of hatred.

     1:23am  I forgot to tell you. See, earlier when I walked back to Joules' I saw some guy inside the house. I figured it probably wouldn't be good for me to walk in so I went behind the fence and smoked a cigarette next to the big green power box. Afterwards I just went and knocked on the door and this other traveler dude was there and was the guy I had seen. Joules was not there, she was doing laundry. I knocked on the door and he answered, "You're Victor, right?" His name is Ben and he told me that he was just walking down the street and Joules saw him and asked him if he wanted to take a shower and a place to sleep. I told him, "Cool, same thing happened to me, kind of." Anyway, I walked around to the laundry room and ran into Joules. She was happy with me. I asked her if she found that missing money and she said she did, that it was in her purse the whole time.
                   She thinks I'm going to go traveling with her to Georgia, but I have work to do, damnit. I still have yet to be able to tell this girl my story. She's way bipolar with almost no attention span whatsoever. She can't pay attention to just one thing. I still haven't told her my story. It's like if she's scared of it or something. That frustrates me so. I'm going to leave pretty soon so I'm sure she's having me help her as much as I can. I don't mind helping her though. I am honored to bask in her beautiful presence. I wonder if sex will come up. I've thought it out already. I'll tell her, "I might have something that 25% of the population of this world has and most people don't know it."

Next day..

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