

                                                                                         Lopez Island to Burlington, WA

Monday August 24, 2009
     12:03pm  I haven't made any updates today. Joules is really starting to get on my nerves. She actually called me a freeloader. I've been busting my ass at her place. I literally swept all the fuzz off the entire carpet of her whole apartment today. I've been helping her a lot. She's commanding me here and there, slaving me away. And she has still yet to listen to my fucking story. I love Joules a lot. I have so much love for this girl. She's beautiful, but it's only skin-deep. She hasn't listened to me one fucking bit. She's fucking stuck. She doesn't want to learn. It gets me so mad. I'm going to give her one last chance. I am so ready to leave though after she called me a damn freeloader. I showed her that picture of the statue of San Antonio. She thinks I really think I'm a saint. Ugh, she doesn't own any of this junk in her house, it all owns her. While I was cleaning her bedroom I asked her if she could please let me tell her my story. And she actually thinks I'm going to go traveling with her, ha. Her and her grandiose aspirations. Fuck that, she would totally cramp my style. I've got a world to save. But, I want to give her one last chance because she's so beautiful.
                     Last night we were kissing and everything. She even took my shirt off. It was getting really late last night, like 2am. I was dead-tired. After we made out I told her I was going to crash hoping I would get to sleep next to her but she didn't offer so I just crashed out on the floor in her office room. We kissing pretty passionately last night, but I don't think I'm going to go any further with her. I didn't really expect us to with all her ignoring.
                     She's stayed up all night though. She hasn't gone to sleep. That's just not healthy. Her current lifestyle is detrimental to her health, as well as world peace for me because she refuses to listen to me. That's just plain disrespectful to me and my teachings. Ugh, I just want to type out a farewell note and leave. I'll walk to the ferry and go back to the mainland already and go East and save the world. Or, I could just not stay at her house and walk around and spread my word some more on the island.

                     I didn't tell you. I was sitting in Joules' apartment reading The Power of Silence, Further Lessons of Don Juan frustrated and pissed off at Joules. She actually came up to me and said, "Okay, I will give you the floor for a whole hour. I actually got to tell her my story finally and she reacted beautifully to it. She was smiling at all the main points. She actually acknowledged that my story did bring value to some people. She said, "There are people out there who need to hear your story." I asked Joules if she still wanted to Travel to the Hoh with me. She admitted when she expected to go with me that she was going through one of her manic phases. I told her I didn't really expect to either.

     5:05pm  Joules is giving me a ride to the ferry. I've decided to leave Lopez Island. I have absolutely nothing tying me down. I'm going to spread my wings and fly.

     5:26pm  Oh yeah, Joules' jar of weed came up missing while I was there too. I really don't know what happened to it, but I have been searching diligently for it for a while. I really hope she doesn't think I took it. Me, most of all wanted to locate it. When she dropped me off I told her, "I'm going to miss you, Joules. You're a beautiful flower girl. Thanks for the great welcome to Lopez Island." Joules is totally bipolar. We were up late last night kissing and stuff. She stayed up all night organizing stuff. I totally helped her out with her place. I should've taken more pictures. She just dropped me off, but I left this bag of food in her van. Right before I left I found a, I thought it was one of my snipes, but it was a weed roach! Sweet, so I got a couple hits while I'm waiting for the ferry to come. I hope she realizes I left the bag of food in her van and comes back. I doubt it though, she was on the way to the bank. It's alright though. I'll get more food. I haven't eaten well at all on Lopez Island. It's alright. I split a big burrito with her this morning.

     6:01pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Barney and his friend who are out here waiting for the ferry too. More Barney than his friends. One of his friends agreed to listen to me, then he walked off. After his friend left Barney approached me and asked me what's your story. The ferry was due at 5:45pm and it wasn't here yet, so I asked Barney and his friends if I could tell them a really interesting story until the ferry came. They asked me, "Really interesting?" I told them it was amazing. I told them my story and Barney listened to all of it. Well, important part and note from the rich. In the end he said thanks for telling me your story. Or something like that. I made sure he got my website. He asked me what I was doing on Lopez Island and I told him, "Exactly what I am doing right now, spreading the word."

     6:15pm  Peter, Barney's friend hooked me up with the rest of his cigarettes, like five. I appreciate it, brother. Peter: "I only smoke when I drink." Way to support the cause, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   What a lovely farewell to Lopez Island I've had.

                   On the ferry I met this couple and they seemed interested in me so I offered to tell them my story and they listened great on the ferry ride back to Anacortes. I showed them a picture of that little bird that visited me the first morning in Lopez island and the girl has an amazing story about a chickadee. What a coinkidink. I found out what type of bird it is.
                   Chestnut-backed chickadee.  No accidents. Can I take a picture of that tattoo? Joelle: "A Chestnut-backed Chickadee flew over my head and gave me an alarm-call, which made me look in the direction of the bird and I saw the mountain lion. It made me want to have eyes on the back of my head. So, I owe my life to a Chestnut-backed Chickadee. The mountain lion was stalking me."

                   Change of route. I'm going to go East on I20 instead of I90. How do you I get to Highway 20? Husband: "As soon as you get off the ferry it's real close to Mile Marker 1."

     6:59pm  I had a great presentation with Joelle and John on the ferry. Joelle is the one who a chickadee saved her from a mountain lion. Joelle, John and baby Jade. I took their picture. Thanks for listening.

                   What a great presentation I just had on the ferry. At the end they told me to keep up the good work. They told me thanks for the good work. Oh yeah, they gave me some organic Lopez Island carrots.

     7:52pm  Look up Distance Climbing Eagle(

                   Look up Tom Brown too(

     8:31pm  I just got dropped off at the McDonald's in Burlington, east on I20. Oh yeah, after I got off the ferry I went to the bus stop only to discover the last one had already run for the day. I figured I would walk into Downtown Anacortes. I was walking through the parking lot and I spotted three people about my age sitting on the parking lot behind a car warming up hot chocolate on a camping stove. I walked up and asked them what was the quickest way downtown. They told me and then I immediately hit them up for my story, you know me. They listened great to it and even offered me some hot chocolate. I told them after the story and kept going. After I said farewell they got ready to leave and I noticed one of the girls got in her own car. She was driving off and I yelled to her with my thumb out and she stopped for me. She backed up and agreed to give me a ride. "I want my hitchhiking karma to be good," she said. She went in the McDonald's to take a leak and I am waiting for her to come out so I can give her a hug. Oh yeah, and this pretty girl is 6'4"! I can't wait to give her a hug. I want to take her picture.

     8:40pm  Harmony, this other girl in line gave me some change for what I ordered. I only needed fifteen cents. I appreciate it, Harmony. Everybody gets credit. Great name.

                   I ate and then went outside the McDonald's to smoke. Harmony came out the door with her three kids and I, of course hit her up for my story. She seemed really interested and when I asked her if she was willing to listen she looked at her kids and asked them and they said sure. I had her and her three young children listening to me great. I told them my story uncensored. They all reacted great to it. I felt like I was teaching a class.

     9:34pm  It's about time I made an update. I found a campspot real close to the McDonald's in this empty lot. There just happens to be a Tacos El Corporal in this field next to where I camped. That means breakfast in the morning, hehe. There wasn't a clearing anywhere, but I threw my tarp down over the weeds. Man, what an awesome day I had today telling stories. Lopez Island was great. I ran into some famous girl with four CDs out and she hosted me on the island. Thank you Joules.

Next day..

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