

                                                Burlington to Concrete to Marblemount to Newhalem, WA

Tuesday August 25, 2009

     3:39am  It started drizzling and I couldn't fall back asleep. I just packed up and took shelter in front of this business across the street.
                   Be sure to add on my website somewhere, "Making history with ad-free spam." Also when I ask to take people's picture and they tell me no tell them, "Come on, I'm writing history here. Don't you want to be part of the cure? Help prove me right." If they still say no I'll say, "That's right, be afraid."

     4:05am  I am walking. It stopped drizzling. I'm walking now, 20 East, I think.

     4:48am  Cool, there's stores around here. I'm sure I'll be able to score some tobacco somehow.

                   Rio Vista Avenue and Burlington Boulevard.

                   I'm going to walk into this store Hagen Food and Pharmacy Open 24 hours. Hopefully I'll be able to use the restroom there.

                   Be sure to change the Victor Antonio Visits Portland link, "Portland" has a link that doesn't work because you need a password for

                   That was awesome how that girl on the ferry told me that story about the chickadee that saved her life. What a coincidence that that was the exact kind of bird. She told me that it was really rare that a Chickadee would just come up to a human and just jump in their lap and stand on their finger. That was a sure-ass sign to walk back into town. Look what happened when I did. I had a magical adventure on Lopez Island. Last night I had an awesome presentation with Harmony and her three little kids. I'm not sure how old they were, but you can see the picture. Every time I asked permission to keep going she asked her kids and her kids told me yes. I didn't say that I was a master teacher, but I'm sure she'll read that on my website.

     5:45am  Russell at the Shell station hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Russell: "Go the second stoplight and turn right and you'll be on 20."

     5:55am  Walked Burlington Boulevard to 20 East and turning right. I'll take a picture. I've got carrots to eat.

     6:03am  I'm walking down Avon Avenue/I20 East. Passing by Amifoto Chinese Martial Arts School. I left a couple havethisbook.coms in their mailbox. Ancient Chinese walking meditation.

     6:15am  I stopped for my first break/rest/layer down stop. I'm going to keep walking.

                   There's a paved jogging path here with a bench. I thought I was going to sit down, but I'm going to keep going.

     6:25am  I stopped and I switched shirts. I need to conserve my black WPTMJ shirt. Oh yeah, and I tagged my website on the bench earlier.

                   I'm hungry. I hope there'll be some food up ahead. Oh yeah, I found some baked beans Joules had gotten me at the natural food store on Lopez Island. They were in my backpack.

                   Hmm, there's a bus stop. It's already running, I saw one earlier. Maybe I should just wait at the bus stop. Ahh, I'll just walk the route and occasionally turn around to see if it's coming. Wait, there's a distances sign up ahead.

     6:35am  This walker just walked by on the path and I gave him my website.

     6:48am  Mile Marker 62. Let's see how fast this mile is. I'll walk until 7:15 and then wait for the bus. I saw one earlier but it said it wasn't in service. Hmm, they run on hour increments.

     7:07am  Mile Marker 63. I'm going to layer down some more on Collins Road. Hmm, there's a Gull gas station here. Maybe I can get a ride.

     7:29am  Ah, I just paused at the Gull and smoked a cigarette. I'm going to keep walking now. The bus comes around eight, I think. Hopefully I'll get a courtesy ride.

     7:37am  I was walking and I turned around and saw the bus! The driver pointed that she was going to turn into the school and I booked across the street over there. The driver went inside to use the restroom or something. I'll hit her up for a ride when she comes out. I'll tell her I'll keep walking if I have to.

     7:38am  The nice driver Heidi is covering my fare. I appreciate it, Heidi.

     7:41am  The #8 showed up. Heidi had given me a daypass.

                   I ate that can of baked beans and I am reading my book while I wait for the bus.

     9:32am  I just got dropped off in the town of Concrete.

     9:46am  I am going to thumb it in front of the gas station here. I don't feel like walking. "Concrete welcomes you."

     9:59am  Jade and Derrick, I was out there for like five minutes and in no-time I am getting a ride out of Concrete. Thanks a lot, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     10:22am  I just dropped off in Marblemount(,_Washington) over by the post office.

     10:38am  I took a picture of a stupid bumper sticker.

     11:06am  Laura Hunter just hooked me up with a nugget of weed at the gas station! Can I take your picture?

                     This guy on a motorcycle just listened to me for a long time. I am having good presentations in front of the gas station here. He thinks he's free, but he's hopelessly enslaved. He was all, "I'm retired. I get money for nothing." I told him, "Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could be like that?" He said, "Yeah, it takes a little work, though." I told him all you had to do was walk.

                     Teehee, I'm going to go hit up the Buffalo Run restaurant. It's right next door to the Shell station I was at. Let's see what they tell me.

                     The manager here, this Asian lady, I gave her my gasoline-for-the-stomach line and she promptly opened the register and pulled out a five dollar bill. I told her I didn't need any money, just some GASOLINE FOR THE STOMACH. She walked to the back and talked to the cooks. She came back and asked me what I wanted her to give me. I told her to surprise me. She said, "Do you want a sandwich or something?" I reiterated, "Surprise me, I don't care. Anything." They're hooking me up. I'm sitting down waiting for it.

                     Oh yeah, she asked me, "Do you have a business card or something?" I told her yeah, I sure do and I gave her one of my little pieces of paper.

     12:01pm  Nice Candi at Buffalo Run is feeding the peace machine.

                     See, right before at the gas station this lady and her husband pulled up in an RV and noticed me. She walked by and said, "You're walking?" I told her yes, to check out my website, I'm a journalist. I should've hit her up for food. I walked back and her husband was pumping gas. I walked up to him and asked him if they could spare some gasoline for my stomach. He said, "You'll have to ask my wife." When she came out of the gas station she totally ignored me and got in the RV. I shrugged them off and put my bags back on and started walking. Right next door I see Buffalo Run. I went in and worked my magic and they're going to hook me up! Sweet, I'm going to eat!

     12:21pm  I am talking to Scout Rider, he's telling me a story. Scout: "Okay, we're going to have a very special party. Tell a thousand woman to invite a thousand women or a thousand men to invite a thousand men. It doesn't make any difference. It just makes it more personal. It's special for two reasons. Every man is there with his father and with his son. The first guy's father is not there and the last guy's son is not there. The other thing that makes the party special is that every man at our party is born when his father is twenty years old. Now, we know some are born when the father is fifteen or thirty five, but for our party let's keep the math simple, everybody is born when the father is twenty years old. There's a thousand of them, you do the math. A thousand times twenty is twenty thousand years. It's only one thousand people ago. Twenty thousand years sounds like a long time ago. People were primitive and savages then, but it's only a thousand people ago. Now you go to that school system out there, the school system will tell you that about ten thousand years ago in the cradle of civilization in the near east man developed agiculture. That's only five hundred people ago. They had to have agriculture develop to a certain extent before it could save up enough food to feed wild animals in captivity. Livestock management didn't happen until after agriculture developed, less than five hundred people ago in the cradle of civilization. Over the world most of us were still hunters and gatherers. We can argue about what is agriculture. Farming agriculture. Less than five hundred years ago we developed livestock management. If you look at the blood types. We can find bits of bones fifteen or twenty thousand years old and we know what type of blood it is because on that little molecule there's a little marker, it's a sugar marker, that's what makes O, A, B, the different blood types. We know that before agriculture everybody was Type-O blood. After agriculture was developed Type A blood emerged. After livestock management developed Type-B emerged. There's a thing about neuronal development in the brain, is that when a mama is carrying a fetus you can read to it, you can play music to it, you can do things that will bring about neuronal development, stimulate it. We also know that in those first years of life a few different times, a few stages when hormones that are released in the brain that cause a dissolving or reabsorption of certain neuronal material that has not had any experience. When you're a little tiny baby you have more neurons than you do later in your life. They say that when a baby is first born that it can hear and make all the sounds of any of the languages in the world. By the time a little one is three years old it starting to pick up it's mother-tongue, it's starting to differentiate, it's starting to hear the sounds that make an intelligible difference and disregard the sounds that don't make an intelligble difference, the gobbly-gook. But a baby that's exposed to a few languages young gets other neuronal development than one who is only exposed to one language. Let's go back to the livestock management less than five hundred people ago. My notion is that when livestock management happened and neuronal development dealing with the livestock, have you ever lived among livestock animals? One of the things that happens with them is that, for example with cows, you get a bunch of cows and they have calves. A certain portion of those calves are bulls. You castrate the bulls that you're not going to use for breeding. If you don't then when the cow goes into heat that bull walks right through that fence.....THAT SIDE OF THE TAPE ENDED AND I DIDN'T NOTICE.

     1:08pm  I got hooked up at the Buffalo Run! They surprised me with a big delicious fish burger for the cause. It was delicious. I waited in the back and this motorcycle rider dude, I hit him up for my story, but he didn't listen to me at all. Anyway, I came across the street to the Chevron and Sarafina saw my shirt and I am telling her my story and she volunteered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

                   Sarafina: "My name is Sarafina, the leader of the angels. My middle name is Dela(something), or to the point and uses lots of money. My name has meaning." So does mine.

     1:40pm  I was digging through the ashtray and this cool guy with dreadlocks came to the gas station and saw my shirt and he's going to take me to Newhalem, fourteen miles away.

     1:44pm  Joe and Carrie are giving me a ride to Newhalem. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   They told me to be sure to stop in Twisp.

     2:03pm  I just got dropped off in Newhalem. I only took a picture of the girl because the guy was driving. I'm in Newhalem at the Skagit Information Center. I wonder what's around here.  Cool, there's a big train engine here.  Old Number 6

                    Somebody told me that there's nothing after here for like sixty miles. Across the street there's like a rest area, I think. I'll check the trashcans for food.

                    WaterwheelwelcomeSkagit Riverthree dams

                    Hmm, not one single trash can here.

                    I miss Joules. I really do. I miss her a lot. She's a beautiful hippie girl. Or she used to be a hippie. I miss her.

     4:24pm  Ha, right on time. I was sitting in front of the market stop sign reading my book and thumbing it whenever a car passed, just right now some guy just pulled up in a motorcycle to the stop sign. He stopped his motorcycle and I looked up from my book. He tells me, "Something tells me I've seen that shirt before." I smiled and told him, "I'm everywhere. Check out my website." He listened to my story great.

                   Sewing project

                  CD Joules gave me of other bands who covered her songs

     6:22pm  I already found my camp for the night. It's still light outside but I secured a good spot at the base of these boulders. I only got like four or five hours of sleep this morning. I'll take pictures. It's right across the street from where I was.

     6:27pm  I am reading the Power of Silence, Further Lessons of Don Juan, my Carlos Castaneda book that my dear Joules let me have. It was funny, when I was looking through her room and found the book something fell out of this bag that was on top of the book. Umm, I won't talk about that. On page 110 the paragraph that starts with Once you change your [something] you will no longer be bound by the concerns of the daily world."

                   "Once our chains are cut," don Juan continued, "we are no longer bound by the concerns of the daily world. We are still in the daily world, but we don't belong there anymore. In order to belong we must share the concerns of the people, and without chains we can't."

                   Page 122

                   "Don Juan had asserted that our great collective flaw is that we live our lives completely disregarding that connection. The busyness of our lives, our relentless interests, concerns, hopes, frustrations, and fears take precendece, and on a day-to-day basis we are unaware of being linked to everything else."

     8:01pm  Earlier at the gas station this guy and a girl reacted great to my t-shirt, like tons of people do. It's a magic shirt I have on. I asked them if they were going East and they said they would be at nine 'o clock. I'm going to wait until nine before I go camp. I already made my camp and came back to the stopsign. If they pull up I'll ask them if we can go to my camp real quick so I can get my stuff. If 9:30pm comes around then I'll go crash out. Hopefully I'll get a full night's sleep. I've got a nice camp tonight. I am leaving my Carlos Casteneda book by the stopsign. I finished reading it and I can always download it for free.

     9:31pm  Those kids never showed up or haven't driven by. I'm giving up and I'm going to bed. I'm going to go crash out. I already have my camp made.

     9:38pm  I just got to my camp. I'm going to set my watch and go to sleep.

Next day..

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