


Boulder to Denver, CO

Tuesday August 24, 2004

     8:40am  I woke up around eight this morning. I went across the street to the Conoco and took a shit in the bathroom. Then I realized I was missing my awesome hemp rainbow necklace that Jamie gave me in Silver City. I just loved that necklace. I was so meant to have that. I came back to where I crashed and I can't find it anywhere. This sucks. I loved that thing.

                   Man, it sucks that I lost my rainbow necklace. That pisses me off.

                   I'm going to go see if I can score at the Quizno's next door.

                   The dude told me no and I called him a greedy ass, walked off and tripped on the cement parking thing. Hehe

     9:16am  I am taking a different route to the mall. I walked down Valmont and it turns into Edgewood.

                   Turning left on Balsam Drive.

     9:26am  I ended up on Pearl and 20th.

     9:56am  I'm out here standing in front of the hammock shop flying my sign, On My Way To Save The World. Asking people, "Spare any change for breakfast?" Oh yeah, I forgot about the gift certificates I have to Subway that I scored last night in front of the courthouse. I have ten dollars worth of Subway food.

                   I still thinks that's funny how I called that guy a greedy ass this morning and tripped and fell on my ass. Right after I fell, he called me back. I thought he was going to give me some food. He just asked me, "Did you leave any mail?" He had somebody's paycheck, but it's not mine.

                   I'm in the mall now. Man, all people have to say is no. They don't have to be so ignorant. Hehe, it makes people think when I tell them that.

                   The kids are taking over soon. Babylon shall fall.

     10:21am  I was trying to get spare change for breakfast and Jeff walks by with a big bag of donuts and he hooks me up. I appreciate it, bro.

                     Shweet, breakfast. Praise Love. Thank you Love. That just fell in my lap.

     10:32am  I just hit some guy up for a story. I gave him my introduction and mission-objectives. When I asked him if he was willing to listen he said, "I'm just going to go," and walked off. I told him, "Ignorance is bliss. Thanks for proving me right."

                     Brigitte just gave me a dollar. I didn't even ask her for one. I appreciate it. Thanks for proving me right.

     11:07am  I had a marvelous presentation with this one guy.

     11:08am  This cop came up me right no for no reason. I'm holding my sign up. He walks up to me and asks, "How long do you think it will take you to save the world?" I told him, "I don't know. If you don't plan things, you don't get let down." Then he asked me, "How long do you think it will take for you to get your bags out of the way so people don't fall over them?" It's like morning and it's all dead. He told me, "When people start coming you're going to either have to wear them or put them over there." I told him, "Okay, I understand that. I'll do that. Don't worry. Oh, but can I tell you how I'm going to save the world?" The pig told me, "No you can't. Well, you could, but I don't have that much interest." I told him, "Well, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss." As he was walking off I yelled at him, "The kids are taking over soon!"

     11:11am  I didn't even ask him and Paul gave me a whole dollar. A Sacagawea coin. Everybody gets credit, brother.

     11:21am  Rich hooked me up with a cigarette. A rolly. In front of the courthouse. I appreciate it, brother. American Spirit tobacco.

                     Whoa, Rich hooked me up with a little joint too! Thank you so much.

     11:46am  Man, what a magical morning I am having. I just had this awesome presentation with these two old guys. They listened to my whole odyssey story and everything.

     12:35pm  Guess who I just ran into. Brian, this dude I camped with in Skinner Butte in Eugene, Oregon last year(7-10-03, 12:45am). He was dating that nineteen year old Casey. I remember that. I'll look that up and put a link to it. It's a small world.

     1:22pm  I had an awesome presentation with this one guy. When I got to the part where I ask, "Don't you think that would be the most interesting story in the world?" He said, "Definitely," and walked off. He had to go to work.

     1:23pm  I just went up to this guy and asked him if I could tell him a really interesting story. I'm not asking for anything. It's a free story. He told me he had already heard it. Hehe, that's crazy.

                   The recording got messed up and garbled right here. Nothing too important.

     3:59pm  This guy just walked by and I asked him if he had a cigarette and he just threw one at me. Cool. I didn't get his name, but he knows who he is.

                   Sean has been over here listening to me for a while. I've told him almost all of my stories. My Brewster County Jail, Bexar County Jail, head injuries . . . I haven't run out yet.

                    I had this great presentation with this girl Amalia.

     4:15pm  Adam hooked me up with a cigarette at the mall. Thank you brother. Everybody gets credit.

     5:29pm  Becca is giving me some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, Becca. Everybody gets credit.

     5:42pm  Jessica hooked me up with some granola. I asked her for spare change for my bus ticket and she said, "No, but you can have some granola."

     5:56pm  Cassandra hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Cassandra. Everybody gets credit.

     6:19pm  Oh yeah, did I tell you I'm going to try and skip town today. I'm going to try and get to Denver. I have some change. I need $3.75 for fare. This guy just asked me if I could buy him some cigarettes and gave me a ten dollar bill. I'm going to see how much change he'll give me. He just wants a pouch of Buglers.

     6:24pm  Forrest hooked me up with two dollars for my bus fare to Denver. I might have it already.

     6:34pm  Mitch hooked me up with a cigarette here in the mall. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:50pm  I just came to the bus station. I'm going to see if I can get to Denver tonight.

     6:51pm  Michael hooked me up with some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:52pm  Adam hooked me up with the change I needed for my bus ticket. Thank you so much, Adam. Everybody gets credit.

     7:44pm  I forgot to tell you, I'm in Denver already. I told this guy Michael my story on the bus. On the whole ride I was telling him my story. I would ask him, "Can I keep going?," and he was all, "Sure, sure." I'm back in Denver. The mall.

     7:52pm  Caesar me dio un cigaro en el mall. Te lo agradezco. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:26pm  Natalia, here at Subway, I didn't have enough change for the twelve inch and she's hooking me up. She said she's got a dollar on it. I appreciate it, Natalia. Everybody gets credit.

     8:34pm  What was your name again? Gilbert hooked me up with a cigarette on the 16th Street Mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:37pm  I need to make an update. I ran into James. I hit him up for a story in the mall. He sat down and listened to me. We came over to the bus station and smoked a joint. James Budge is smoking a brother out. I appreciate it.

     10:03pm  Man, I had some marvelous presentations today. I'm walking to my squat at the convention center. I had asked these kids if I could tell them a really interesting story. When I said I was going to make everything free this dumbass dude said, "Oh, that's not biblical," and he walked off. I told him thanks for proving me right. What a dumbass. Yeah, making everything free is in no way biblical, right?

                      I yelled at him, "And I'm going to get marijuana legalized!" He yelled back, "I'm with you on that one," but still kept walking.

Next day..

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