


               Colorado Springs, CO

Friday August 27, 2004

     6:15am  I crashed in front of the McAllister House Museum. In the front lawn. Under this big oak tree. With this friend of mine who I made last night. I forgot his name. I'll remember it later.

     7:44am  I just had a great presentation with this guy in front of the coffee shop. He's another homeless dude. He told me, "I am not of this world." He listened to my whole story. Not one interruption at all.

     8:00am  Barclay hooked me up with three cigarettes! I only asked him for one.

     9:23am  I'm just walking around Acacia Park. I'm playing with the squirrels here in the park. It's so cool. I can hypnotize them just like I do the ones in Travis Park in San Antonio. They come right up to me. I almost hit them, hehe. I'm just playing with them. They probably think I'm crazy, all the regulars here at the park.

     9:34am  These kids who I couldn't understand their names on the recording are out here in Acacia Park listening to my story. I appreciate it, guys. Tell your friends. Water my seed.

     10:02am  Seth and Jonathan listened to my story. Seth gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:44am  Seth and Jonathan we're sitting here smoking cigarettes and Brian came over and asked us if we wanted to smoke a bowl. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:25am  Willie hooked me up with a cigarette at Monument Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:39am  Mike just offered me some food in this park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

     11:40am  The cop rolled by and I hit him up for my story. I told him my platform and he asked me, "You don't have any weed on you, do you?" I told him, "I wish I did." His ignorant ass wouldn't listen to my story. I'm just sitting here at the park. The sun came out so I'm taking off all my layers. I have to wait until 12:30 for that place I went to yesterday to open so I can get a voucher for the thrift store.

                     That dude gave me some more food. A big raspberry cheesecake slice.

     12:24pm  I came to the ESM place and this dude I couldn't make his name out on the recording hooked me up with a rollie. You know who you are, thanks.

     1:25pm  John here at the ESM place hooked me up with a thrift store voucher so I could get me some more layers since it's cold. I appreciate it, John.

     1:47pm  Oh yeah, I went to that ESM place and I got me a thirty two dollar voucher for the thrift store. The guy John in there was all ignorant.

     2:07pm  I'm telling Larenda my story here in front of the ESM place. She just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

                   I had me a great presentation in front of the ESM place. I was just hanging out there talking to this one girl Larenda. She was an older lady. She had some great cleavage. Some really nice mammaries, hehe. She even gave me her phone number. She wants me to call her tonight or tomorrow and talk her ear off.

     4:37pm  Oh yeah, I haven't made an entry in a while. I'm supposed to meet Jordan at the coffee shop at four and he's not here. It's raining real hard. Oh yeah, I went to the Goodwill and got me some clothes. I got me these cool camouflage thermal bottoms. I got me this awesome black t-shirt with a Japanese symbol on it that says, "Believe in your dreams and never let them be in any way limited." How more fitting could that be? I always score me magical shirts at the thrift store. I used to have a green one that said "ME" real big on it and it was advertising some I used to have one with some tall dude with a goatee sitting on a lawn chair holding an American flag and it said, "It's all about independence, dude."

     4:54pm  I got an idea. I'm just going to hop on the free bus and ride it around while it's raining. I'll try to tell people my story too.

     6:10pm  I just had this great presentation with these kids who just walked by.

                   Cool, I have forty five email addresses so far since I bought this book on the 23rd. That's only been like four days. I'm averaging like ten emails a day.

     6:15pm  Denise just gave me a cigarette in front of the coffee shop. I appreciate it, Denise.

     7:21pm  Not only did Leila listen to my story wide-eyed, she also gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Leila. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    I just had this spectacular presentation with this girl in front of Complete Gaming and Hobbies. They're having a big Magic The Gathering session inside. She was just outside smoking a cigarette bored. I told her a lot of stories. I told her my platform, my odyssey story, my Brewster County Jail story, Bexar County Jail, I told her everything.

     8:32pm  I almost got my ass kicked at the coffee shop. I was talking to this one ignorant fucker. He was all telling me shit. He was all telling me, "Stop looking at me. Stop looking at me." He was all talking shit about me. Just like I want him to. I am the center of their attention. Ha, they're going to be talking about me forever. Just like I want them to. Tied around my little finger.

                  That might be a sign to leave, though. I have work to do.

                  That dumbass got all aggro. He was yelling at me, "Leave! Leave!" I told him, "This ain't your coffee shop or your sidewalk." Then this pretty girl butted in and asked me real nice to leave. I told her, "Only because you asked. I'll go."

                  Oh yeah, I told that dumbass, "I forgive you, brother." I can't blame him for not knowing better.

     8:51pm  Ray walked by and hooked me up with a shot of whiskey.

                    I'm at the corner of Pike's Peak and Tejon hitting up people for my story as they're walking by.

                    I'm going to see if these two girls here will listen to my story.

                    Argh, those two girls stopped and listened to me. When I asked them what was the world's greatest problem they told me, "Peace. I mean lack of," and they just walked off.

     9:15pm  Not only did Robert listen to my story, he gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:18pm  I came to this bar downtown and asked for some water. They wouldn't give me any. Then, Al walked up and gave me two dollars. I didn't even ask him for it, man. He said it didn't matter. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:45pm  Woodman Valley Chapel is handing out bagels here downtown. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

     10:00pm  Man, I've had some great presentations tonight. I walked by those people handing out bagels and this one guy said, "Hi, Antonio." He told everyone else, "Yeah, he's writing a book on generosity and he's going to give it away for free." One girl said, "Oh, how appropriate."

Next day..

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