


Colorado Springs, CO

Saturday August 28, 2004

     6:15am  I just woke up in the same place I crashed last night. At that museum place.

     6:44am  I came to the coffee shop, Boulder Coffee Roasters, to use the restroom. I took a shit. A little shit. I thought I'd go some more, but all I ate were those energy bars yesterday. It's cool I found that fuel. Like six or even of them on the ground. 360 calories each. Last night was sort of cool. I almost got into a fight.

                   I just found me an American Spirit on the ground. I smoked some weed earlier. Anyway, I don't know how long I'll be in Colorado Springs. Last night I walked to these group of kids and told them my ideas. They were real ignorant and interrupting me a lot. I got to the point where I told them, "My stuff is more important than anything else." They cut me off and said, "Oh, do you want to hear us now?" I told them, "I never finished. I do take turns, but may I go first?" She said, "You already went first. You've been going for some time now." I went, "Yeah, right until you interrupted me and didn't let me finish, which would cover any objection you had. But you have to listen. What I have to tell you is way more important than what you have to tell me. I'm trying to bring world peace. What are you trying to do?" I was that strong on purpose though. I knew they weren't going to listen right when they started interrupting me. So, I might as well piss them off so they'll be talking about me afterwards. I told them, "If anything I have said offends you, just know that they are mere words and you should be bigger than that. If you want a real challenge, try offending me with just words." Then this one ignorant dude, I wish I would've gotten their names so I could tell everybody, he told me, "Oh, you don't think I can offend you with words?" I told him, "I know for a fact you can't offend me with just words." Hehe, I made him want to try. He got all pissed off and told me to leave. I told him, "This isn't your coffee shop. I don't see your name on it," and just sat down. Then the one girl who was listening to me more than anyone else told me, "You should go." I told her, "Alright, just because you asked me." She listened to me much more than the rest of them and I appreciated that. I have a lot more respect for her than I did for that one dumbass who tried to piss me off.

                   As I was walking away I told him, "I forgive you, man. I forgive you."

     7:17am  Rick hooked me up with a cigarette in park.

     7:32am  I got a whim to go to the Texaco right here. I asked them, "I don't suppose you guys sell disposable cameras here, do you?" At first he said no, then he went, "Oh yeah, we do." For $6.50. I had seven dollars on me. This kid gave me five dollars the other day and then that dude handed me two more last night. I got like ten cents in change. How perfect. I can take pictures now.

     7:45am  I came over to the fountain and I'm reading all the inscribed bricks of all the businesses in town. I found a quote that says, "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting." That's by E.E. Cummings. In loving memory of Jennifer Heidhahn.

     8:15am  I got bored at the park, so I came back to the coffee shop. I came over here and ran into John. He had smoked a soggy joint with me last night. He gave me two cigarettes.

     8:50am  I just took an inventory shot.


I emptied my backpack. My dirty laundry, my Muscleblast 2000, my stick and my scarf all around everything.

     9:32am  Not only did Paul do me the favor of taking a picture of me,


he gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, Paul.

     9:34am  I was sitting in front of the coffee shop and some guy Paul came up to me and said, "I can give you something." He gave me something his thirteen year old daughter wrote. He told me, "I prayed to God for her to be here." I told him to praise Love.

     10:07am  Tim hooked me up with a rollie in front of the coffee shop. I appreciate it, Tim.

     10:32am  Oh yeah, John hooked me up with some weed! I only had a little dust left. I had one hit left from what he gave me last time.

     10:44am  I came to Acacia Park and Dave let me borrow his cellphone so I could call Larenda.

                     Some guy told me that Larenda wasn't home, but he said she was anticipating my call. Cool.

     11:30am  The guy at the hotdog stand told me no. Greedy ass.

     11:35am  Grace Be Unto You, the non-denominational church here is feeding lunch. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:33pm  Tom hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:07pm  I told Kathy and her friend Micah my story and Kathy gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kathy.

     1:50pm  Gene hooked me up with a cigarette out here on Tejon Street. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:10pm  I made up another On My Way To Save the World sign. On the back it says, "Ask Me How."

     3:15pm  Sickman, aka Chuck hooked me up with a cigarette. He listened to my story earlier, too. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:10pm  I had a great presentation with this girl right now. This pretty pregnant girl sitting down. She had the same kind of Adidas bag I have. A black one though. Somebody came and picked her up. I got all the way past the spirits and everything. She liked the story. She listened to me. She was nodding her head at every point I made. It was awesome.

     4:15pm  Amy hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the coffee shop. I appreciate it, Amy.

     4:48pm  Bob's letting me borrow his cellphone in front of the coffee shop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     I had a damn good presentation with that guy who let me borrow his cellphone. He was nodding his head up and down the whole time. He listened to the whole story. I had his eye contact the whole time.

     5:28pm  I just had another person prove me right with the whole ignorance thing. She wouldn't listen to my story. At first she told me she would. She was saying, "Oh, it's too late. It's already been tried. A utopian society is impossible."

                   Michael is hooking me up with a cigarette in front of the coffee shop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:54pm  I came by the Arby's at the 7-11. I gave Emily my gasoline-for-the-stomach line and she's hooking me up. I appreciate it, Emily.

     7:50pm  Larenda never showed up. That sucks. I wanted to hang out with her. Let me go to the Subway and use the phone there.

     7:54pm  I was walking to Acacia Park and Rachel, just out of the blue, comes out and offers me a Subway sandwich. I didn't even ask her for it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:55pm  We came to a table and she's going to listen to my story and Amy gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Amy.

     9:35pm  I got hooked up with a lot of pizza by some girl from Poor Richards and Jay hooked me up with an after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That girl came out of the restaurant and I gave her a hug.

Next day..

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