


Colorado Springs to Manitou Springs, CO

Sunday August 29, 2004

     6:55am  I woke up around 6:30 or so. I came to the Coffee Roasters and I used the restroom. I took a shit and took off some layers. I want to smoke some weed. I'm going to eat. I still have that Subway sub this girl gave me in the park. She listened to me a lot. It's a veggie sub. I'm going to eat it for breakfast.

     8:10am  I'm over here at the soup kitchen at the church. They feed in like forty five minutes. I'm trying to tell the people in line my story, but the ignorance is real thick. They won't listen to one word I say.

     10:02am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm going to Manitou. I was told about it a couple days ago, and some guy in line at the soup kitchen this morning told me that it's only three miles away. Like on the other side of the highway. 

                     Oh yeah, I ate damn good at the soup kitchen.

                      I took a shit in the bathroom and I wrote "Victor the Liberator" on the wall.

     10:25am  Some guy I couldn't understand his name on my recorder gave me a cigarette in front of the 7-11. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Oh yeah, I had started walking and thought to myself, "Ahh, I don't want to go to a new town with my face not shaved." I'm going to stand here at the 7-11 and spange up $2.19 for a six pack of razors.

     10:29am  Brandon hooked me up with a dollar so I could get my razors. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:37am  Kelly hooked me up with some change for my razors. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:38am  This guy Kelly I asked him if I could tell him my story and he said, "Hey man, do you want a blast?" I asked him, "What do you mean? Smoke weed?" He said, "No, cocaine." I told him, "No, I don't do drugs. I smoke weed."

     10:40am  Ashley gave me some change so I could get my razors. I appreciate it, Ashley. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:27am  Juliana gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Juliana. Everybody gets credit.

     11:52am  I walked in this neighborhood and passed a Subaru with cool bumper stickers on the back. It has one of those Save Tibet stickers. I used to have one of those on my Cavalier which I killed delivering pizza. "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty." "Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open." I should go and knock on the door of the house and ask them who owns that car and if I could tell them a really interesting story, hehe.

     11:55am  I actually knocked on the door, but nobody answered. Maybe they saw me coming, hehe. I'm going to go find Manitou.

                    Oh yeah, the street I'm on is Kiowa.

     1:00pm  I had just walked by this house and asked some kid for a light. Everybody at this house smokes weed. I told them my story and Adam just listened to my whole story, thanks.

     1:09pm  That was awesome. Adam lives real close by to that house with the Subaru in front of it. They fed the peace machine. I told them my story and they fed me good.

     1:48pm  I changed my mind about going to Manitou today. I'll wait to rid the bus out there. They don't run on Sundays. It was cool. I got some food at that house where everyone listened to me. Oh yeah, I've been contemplating taking off to Pueblo. It's not that far, like forty miles from here.

     2:18pm  I came to the 7-11 and got some spare change for a phone call. I tried calling Larenda, but she didn't answer. I think I'm going to go over there where you can get on the highway and stick my thumb out until someone gives me a ride. 25 South. I'm out of weed. I'm going to walk back and see if John will hook me up with some more.

                  Oh yeah, I never told you. I want to go to Durango, Colorado. So many people have told me to go there.

                  I'm standing here right before the ramp with my sign. I just had a good presentation. I talked to this guy and a girl walking by. When I told them, "I'll tell you exactly how I plan to do this if you are willing to listen and only then. I hate wasting my time." The guy went, "Oh, I don't want to listen." I told him, "That's why I ask. Thanks for proving me right. Ignorance is bliss, I guess." The girl laughed, haha.

     5:21pm  I was just walking down the street that the coffee shop is on. I saw some girl with a bike and hit her up for my story. She listened to me. Like all my stories. I told her my Brewster County Jail story, Bexar County, my California story, my head injuries story, she listened to all of it. Thank you so much, Jackie. And, she just invited me to go smoke some weed!

     6:14pm  I'm leaving Jackie's house. She's got a cool apartment in the neighborhood I was in earlier. Oh yeah, and I am going to walk to Manitou after all. Jackie is going to walk with me. She said there were a lot of hippies there.

     6:36pm  Jackie is telling me about, what's this special power you have?

                   Jackie: "I guess you can call it extreme empathy. I can see the things that have happened to people, really randomly. I can't figure out how it works. Just by touching them or being near somebody. It depends on how strong it is."

                   I extended my hand out to her and she shook it.

                   Jackie: "It just took me aback, definitely. Like I got this big flash of energy. Like bold energy. Bold energy being obviously the most powerful. Barely negative or positive connotations. Just powerful."

     8:19pm  Guess where I ended up? The Garden of the Gods. Jackie brought me up here. We walked up this big giant hill. I just took a picture of it. There are many 


I'll still take today. This place is awesome.

                   Ahh, I don't know where this is.  

                   Another one I'm not sure.  

     8:28pm  We're sitting at the rock at this first parking lot. We just smoked a cigarette and Jackie pointed out the big hill, the first picture I took, okay, the one with the antenna on top, that's NORAD. That whole mountain is a nuclear testing grounds. She said it's a CIA headquarters. Damn, wish I could sneak in there.

                    For the book, hehe.

                    For some reason the next picture I have, I kind of don't remember it being the right one. I doubt it's the NORAD pic. But here it is anyway.  

Next day..

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