

Carlton to Pateros to Brewster, WA

Thursday August 27, 2009

     5:51am  I just woke up. This is an awesome little farm they have out here. I should take pictures. The country is beautiful out here. It's all clear and beautiful. It's nice.

     6:08am  I woke up about twenty minutes ago. I had an awesome camp last night in the grass in the back. I'm at a farm, a ranch. Last night this kid who picked me up gave me a book called How the Rich are Destroying the Earth By Herve Kempf, some French guy. Hell yeah, this is a badass book. I'm going to end up typing it all up on my website.

                   Sam the Man

                   Books Sam gave me, I took some farm pictures
     10:18am  Sam the man is hooking me up with ten dollars and some marijuana for my travels! Thanks a lot. We came to Texas Creek and he's going to take a dip in the cold water, screw that.

                     Sam has given me some great new additions to my person library. He gave me a book called How to Stay Alive in the Woods( How the Rich are Destroying the Earth. He even gave me a book I've been wanting to read for a while Into the Wild.

     10:32am  I'm having a good morning so far. Sam hooked me up with a little bit of weed and a ten dollar bill. He dropped me off over close to Texas Creek and I'm walking. I'm going to go in the Roadhouse Restaurant and hit them up for breakfast.

                     Ah, they're not open. Open Friday through Monday. That's lame.

     11:01am  I went to the Carlton store and bought me a burrito. I'm saving a little tiny bit for later. I grabbed some Poptarts too, which I had to put back because I didn't have enough money. Oh yeah, I bought some AAA batteries too. A nine pack for like $5.40. I need them real bad, for my recorder and my flashlight. I'm going to walk the ten miles to the next town.

                     I should've totally pocketed those batteries. They were like almost six bucks. Damn, hindsight. That guy wasn't paying attention to me at all.

                     Oh yeah, this county is not pronounced Methow, it's Met-how. They should hyphen it so people don't pronounce it wrong.

                     Sam also gave me a map of Washington. I totally got equipped in Twisp and Carlton.

                     I've already read half of that How the Rich are Destroying the Earth book.

     11:18:12am  Mile Marker 22.

     11:29am  Crossing Libby Creek Road.

     11:35:19am  Mile Marker next one. 21, I think.

                           I paused to pick up a cigarette, but I put it back down.

     11:44am  I am taking my first break. I'm across the street from Breed State Road in the shade next to the river. I took off my WPTMJ shirt and put on my Make It Happen one to conserve my uniform shirt.

     11:49am  I found a place to take a shit in the bushes. I'll take a picture, haha.

     12:04pm  Leaving from Breed State Road. I'm so stoned. I smoked a cigarette. I have one left. I'm going to keep walking.

     12:13:17pm  Mile Marker 20.

     12:30:30pm  Marker 19.


     12:25pm  I'm coming up on Gold Creek Fruit Market, an empty building. I took a picture looking back.

     12:49pm  Mile Marker 18. I'm going to keep walking.

     1:07:13pm  Mile Marker 17. There's no shade anywhere so I'm not going to rest. As soon as I find shade I'll stop. Coming up on Gold Creek Road.

     1:14:37pm  I found the first shade spot. I'm going to sit down and rest.

     1:33pm  Leaving from my rest.

     1:36pm  Passing sign that says Tucker's Island. 1640 Hwy 153. I thought I was walking 20, but I guess not.

     1:44:28pm  Passing Mile Marker 16.

     2:19pm  Mile Marker 14, seventeen minute mile. I skipped a marker. I'm hauling ass. I'm going to keep going.

     2:26pm  I'm going to rest and take a breather.

     2:43pm  Up and at 'em. I found a new tennis ball.

     2:56pm  Marker 13. One more mile to go until I've walked ten miles. I see a highway in the distance.

     3:14pm  Marker 12. I'll rest at the next shade.

                   Hmm, I see a highway, but I don't see a store anywhere. Sam had told me there was another store in ten miles.

     3:19pm  I found a little slice of shade at Danvel Road. I'm going to rest.

     3:23pm  Don, right? Don just pulled over for me! I guess he saw me walking. Had I waved you the peace sign? I did. He actually turned around to pick me up and he just volunteered me some money. I appreciate it, Don. Everybody gets credit.

     3:47pm  Mitch was nice enough to volunteer me a sandwich in Pateros. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:48pm  I just got magically teleported to Pateros. It turns out the store Sam told me about was closed down. Don had driven by and I gave him the peace sign, like I do to all traffic going each way. He gave me some money too.

                   Oh yeah and Don handed me a bible. I told him it was nothing new. I ended up putting it back in his truck when he dropped me off. I didn't tell him my story, but I gave him my website. I'm all stoned. Thank you so much my good friend Sam. I think I'm going to go and try and thumb it to the next town. I forgot what it was. Brewster, yeah.

     4:55pm  I am leaving from the gas station I got dropped off at. I got some food. I'm going to walk the seven miles to the next town. Brewster, I think.

     5:05pm  Dude, like five minutes after I took off walking the seven miles to Brewster Wes pulled over for me and asked me if I need a ride. I was walking facing oncoming traffic so I could wave at the cars and he pulled over for me. Oh shit, his car is about to break down.

                   We came back to the gas station I was at.

     5:44pm  Manuel Eduardo Laurano y mi dicen el Chimo de Brewster, Washington. I was walking around town and saw these Mexican dudes hanging out in their backyard. I gave them the peace sign and offered them my website. I started telling them my story and they up and hooked me up with some money. I appreciate it, guys. Way to support the cause. Everybody gets credit.

     6:09pm  I was directed to the park by those cool Mexican dudes. They told me they had free showers there so I asked them if they could spare a "toalla" to dry off with. One dude took off his badass plain white XXX large shirt and gave it to me saying I could dry off with it. Awesome. I started walking towards the park and I stopped to ask some guy directly where it was and this nice lady Tammy Ottinger told me she knew a shortcut. I went over and talked to her. I told her I was a journalist, a long distance walker. She asked me if I was hungry. I told her I could always eat, I walked for a living. She went inside and made me three tacos! She didn't listen to too much of my story but she called up her son and I told him my story on the phone!

     6:22pm  Cool! What an awesome day I am having.

     6:58pm  I took an awesome hot shower at the park. I have this little hand towel I was able to use instead of that t-shirt. I have all this food too. Tammy gave me like five tacos total. She told me, "Here, eat two now and three later." And, she said I could crash in her backyard! Sweet, welcome to Brewster. She's lived here for twenty years she said. I have automatic friends everywhere I go!

     9:05pm  I met up with this one guy and I'm trying to tell him my story. I was looking for Tammy's house again. I don't know why I walked away from the park, that's close to her house. I figured I would walk through the town towards the highway until I recognized something. I walked to Main Street and all of a sudden this car drives by and I hear some lady yelling, "Victor! Victor!" I was shocked. I just got here today and people are recognizing me! It was Tammy, who I was looking for anyway. I manifested her. It turns out that her husband doesn't want anyone camping in the backyard. I'll find a campspot. I'm not worried about it. I'm out here telling Roberta my story. She just gave me all this tobacco. I appreciate it, Roberta. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

Next day..

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