

 Boulder, CO

Tuesday August 29, 2006

     7:46am  I woke up at around six thirty this morning. I scraped a healthy resin-bowl and stuck a hit in my one-hitter, leaving a bowl for Carol when she wakes up. I never mentioned. Yesterday morning I flew a sign on Baseline/I36. One side it said and on the other side it said On My Way to Save the World. Nobody gave me money, but I am sure I got a lot of visits to my site. Oh yeah, I'm in the McDonald's taking a shit.

     4:51pm  Carol: "Key code to Best Western is 451. Here we are chilling in what's left of the summer this side of The Rockies, at the Best Western pool. Basking in the sun drinking Jack-and-Cokes. This is the life. We watched SueƱo catch another mouse at the camp. I am charging the cell in the bathroom at the hot tub. They have a shower and sauna too. I've been walking a lot now. Texas was just too hot. This is perfect weather. [Thinking about tomorrow....need to email lawyer in California, call Dental Aid, Greyhound and Cingular.]

                   After we chilled at the pool we went to Bear Creek Apartments(dorms) to barbeque. Victor took the bus to Old Man Dave's to pick up the meat. I went on ahead and got wood and started the fire. Kent, Joanna, me, Victor and Skylar and some other kids showed up. It was pretty fun. After that we came home and went to bed. Not too cold, good night's sleep."

Next day..


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