

 Boulder, CO

Wednesday August 30, 2006

     6:40am  Carol: "Victor is waking up earlier each morning. He got up and left for his morning rituals. Sue__no and I will try to sleep until he gets back. Should go up to Saint Thomas' at ten(never did). Victor wants to tell his story all day and so do I. Maybe we will do Pearl Street. I hope our mail comes to 700 30th. Today will be seven business days.

                   Oh yeah, yesterday on the bus this kid gets on with a pizza. He has a Dreadhead '82 shirt on so I say, "What's up with the pizza?" and he gives us some. He starts talking about Earthdance in Laytonville, CA. He said it was on Wavy Gravy's farm. I'll have to look into that. How cool if it's true. I guess a lot of people are headed there."

                   Webpage statistics: Unique Visitors - 133, number of visits - 207, 1hour + - 19

     7:30am  Carol: "Can't sleep. Victor's log for this morning is on the small book on the front page:

     7:23am  Wow, what a cool morning so far. I am sitting in front of the Denny's smoking. I came here to use the restroom. I took a shit, came outside and sat down on a wooden bench to smoke. When I had first walked up to the Denny's I asked the guy working Forest if I could borrow a pen(for my crossword puzzle while I took a shit). I tagged Victor the Liberator and World Peace Through Marijuana in the stall grout. Anyway, I was outside smoking and Forest came outside for a smoke break. He complimented my marijuana shirt. I immediately hit him up for my story. I got to tell him my whole platform and the important part. He was captivated through the whole thing. I have another believer. Anyway, he volunteered me some breakfast! I told him, "I've got my girlfriend back at camp. Don't suppose you could make it for two and to-go?" He said sure! So here I am waiting outside.

                   Carol again. "He just got back with biscuits and gravy for us. How awesome!"

     8:27am  SueƱo caught a small garter snake.

     10:19am  Carol: "Had a bit of a hard time getting on the Buff Bus this morning. These two older guys were shwag and wouldn't let us on. We walked up to the Will Vill dorms and this student driver said, "No problem." Rode the Skip bus up to Table Mesa then walked to the library. At the library for about two hours. We got some corndogs and Ben and Jerry's at the King Sooper. Then we took the bus to Pearl Street. Lots of kids out today. Met some traveler dude downtown. I gave him my email. He had awesome jewelry for sale. I put my stuff out there too. I made fifty bucks before the cops ran us off. Vic told his story to a few people. Two ladies stopped to take his picture. We ran into DJ and Skylar and I hung out for a minute. Victor and I then walked to Mountain Sun for a beer and fish and chips. Pretty good food.

                   Earlier, the cops, Boulder PD just made DJ and I wrap our stuff up and not have it out on display. Apparently there is a fine for even just displaying stuff on Pearl Street. DJ told us that Jesse Dimmick robbed so many people that someone finally took him out to the mountains and beat his ass. I hate to admit it, but he deserved it. I doubt he learned anything though cause that was why he was here from VA. He got beat up there too. I sent Deanna(my birth-mom) a long email about why I am living the way I do and what I believe. Called that TNMO lady. She said someone from Greyhound should call me in seven to tend days. This is bullshit. I am calling Greyhound in Dallas tomorrow. TNMO lady is nice, but she's stupid. I had to help her do her job. That is always annoying. It was hot today. This morning we had bus trouble. We were all hippied out. Then before the library I went in the Savers and the lady acted like I was stealing. I went in the dressing room and changed clothes. When I came out she didn't even recognize me. She was all polite and helpful. This shit sucks. So much judgment.

                   We walked from Mountain Sun down Pearl to Target where I "exchanged" some toilet paper for $22. That made up for dinner. I had tried to return a mattress pad, but it was the wrong one. The girl was dumb so now I am stuck with a mattress pad. Now we are at Arapahoe and 30th waiting for the bus to go to the hot tub cause my neck hurts.

     8:17pm  We got a courtesy ride to the Best Western. We went by Ocean's, but he wasn't home. We walked to the BW. Now we are chilling in the hot tub.

                   The hot tub is too hot and the pool is too cold. We got out and are just drying off. We'll probably chill here for a few then go over to Ocean's to see if he's home."

Next day..


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