

 Boulder, CO

Thursday August 31, 2006

     8:00am  Let's see, this morning I woke up at seven thirty. Last night we couldn't get any weed. :[ We've got money though, so today for sure. Right now I am at the Denny's doing my routine. Forest is working. I wonder if he'll hook me up again with breakfast. I am outside doing a crossword puzzle. Last night I got a little down. See, I am having this big internal-conflict. Part of me wants to break up with Carol and be free again. The other part of me sees Carol as a huge asset to my mission. She's helping me so much, but we still get in arguments. Whenever she argues with me the part that wants to break up comes out. Sometimes I feel like I deserve more. My walking(or lack of..) has been affected by her. I mean, what if I could have already had my website up long before? I have cut back so much on my storytelling too. I spent a whole nine months in Boulder and then two months at the farm. I haven't even gotten to California yet. Remember, I left San Antonio June 14th of 2005.

     10:45pm  Carol: "Woke up at 11:30 and my precious Victor brought me breakfast from Denny's. We sat together and ate while he scraped the pipe. Then we got dressed. Some stupid people, actually, the same stupid people as before, came by right outside our camp and let their dogs swim in the creek, which happens to be a wetlands preserve. This being the third time now and their dog even came into our camp...I decided to take action. I walked out of the bushes and said I was from the college doing cleanup(brush and trash). I played it off pretty good. I pointed out that this was a wetlands preservation and it was protected. That it was not a doggie wading pool and that there is a strict leash law in Boulder and especially it's natural trails. I could have won an Oscar. It was great. Needless to say they apologized and split with their dogs on leashes. Problem solved. Then Vic and I cleaned camp and went to the BW. We took some rum and beers. When we got there Lugena was there. We hung out and chilled all afternoon. No one in Boulder has weed. This sucks! Unbelievable. Good thing we had the 'ol rum poison. We met some folks from Austin. They wanted weed too. I called Greyhound, and long story short, the lady working on it went on vacation today. No wonder she told me seven to ten days. Plus, she stated that she had to go through Greyhound in Dallas who I called and that was not the case either. I talked to Jerry who said her boss would not authorize it and the best they could do was a fifty dollar voucher. Bullshit! I was pissed. Victor and I will take off after the shows this weekend and hitch to CA, but I will get my money. Watch me! So then I called a million people for weed and no one had any. Kent came by the camp and drank some beers then Victor walked to Cosmo's and got us pizza. Then we all(except Kent who split) walked to Canyon Creek. We went to Ocean's and there were a bunch of my old neighbors and his girlfriend. They were watching football. We finally got stoned and then Victor wanted to tell his story. No one there would listen so we left. I came home to camp to log and Victor went to get pizza and the liquor store. People who are not sober are not really in tune with what he's saying. Victor is on a higher chakra level and alcohol blocks that flow of energy. I hope he finds the ones who will listen. His story is real and can be a good and powerful thing given the right listener and circumstances. Often people's minds are enslaved as Bob Marley said, "emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds." So now I'm at camp and sort of hungry and sort of thirsty. I gotta mail the money for my storage. I need to find a Boulder Weekly and see what time the shows start. Gonna go rage The Rocks then take off to Cali. Need help with phone bill. Will send twenty dollars tomorrow and pay on website tomorrow too. I need to check the mail at 700 30th tomorrow too. Today is day nine. We can give plasma in Ventura when we get there too. Hope we do good at the shows. Hope Vic comes home soon with a smile so I can hug him. Getting cold. Need to cover up. Good night.

Next day..

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