

                                                                                                    Mullan, ID to Stevens Lake

Wednesday September 2, 2009

     6:21am  I woke up about twenty minutes ago on the couch.

                   Funny looking dog, not theirs.

     7:21am  I haven't been too descriptive in my stay in Mullan, I apologize. I took some random shots of the house they live at.  There's like less than a thousand people in this town. Like eight hundred. They told me that census was taken in the mining days. It's a tiny little town, everybody knows everybody. Oh yeah, we're supposed to go camping today! Steven's Lake they tell me. It's like a lake on top of a mountain, crazy. These guys gave me a big map of Montana too. Montana is huge. It hasn't gotten cold yet. I'm sure it will soon. I need to be on the way back down already, on the East Coast heading South. See, the first night I came to Mullan one of the dudes gave me a five dollar bill for the cause. I've been able to hold onto it until now and I'm going to go buy a pouch of Buglers.

     8:16am  Today is a big hiking day, we're going to go camping. I may have mentioned it earlier. We're going to go camp at a lake on top of a mountain! Stevens Lake. I left my camera battery charging last night so it's fully charged. I'll take pictures. The lake is on the Idaho/Montana border, pretty much. Hmm, should I be taking off east after this camp? I've got a lot of ground to cover. It hasn't gotten cold yet, big YET.

     9:42am  We are all packed up and ready to go. What kind of car is this? A Daewoo? An 88 Daihatsu, a little two-seater hatchback. We've got all our shit crammed in the back. We're going camping, guys.

     11:04am  We drove to the trailhead a while ago, but Rob kept stalling. I took pictures of the signs.  There was an old train wreck picture on the old S bridgeNorth Pacific Trail.

     11:22am  We've been hiking It was straight up and we just had a nice little meal break. Another hiker walked by and I gave him my website, for sure. We're going to keep hiking. We got confirmation that we are on the right trail and it's only about three miles more to the lake.

     12:45pm  After hiking through the woods some more we just stopped for a little pause and I took a picture of this cool cedar tree. Reminds me of snarlwood[2-17-04].  Haha, we tried to to put a pack on Nanook so he could carry some weight.  It obviously didn't work.

     12:59pm  We're hiking and we stopped at this cool waterfall.  We spotted a salamander in a pool of water at the base of the waterfall.  We tried to grab him, but he was too slippery and got away. Rob
                     This hike is just simply majestic. It's like a dream come true.

                     Cool rock formation


                     Almost to lakegetting closermade itlakepanoramic movieRobsmall beachlakelakefish Rob caught, Cody and Rob at camp, I made my camp behind their tent

     8:16pm  We've had such a wonderful time. I haven't been very updative lately. We finally got to the lake earlier and I took a panaromic movie picture of the lake, as well as other shots. Rob caught some fish and we ate good. We fried them up on a skillet and I ate most of them. It's awesome, I'm not hungry at all now. Thank you, nature. I am loving this little adventure I am having. I am reading my Into the Wild book. On page 23 it's got a good Thoroue quote. "That government is best which governs least." That's right.

     9:04pm  I am crashing out.

Next day..

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