


Boulder, CO

Sunday September 4, 2005

     10:38am  I woke up around ten. The sun was up and it was warm. What woke me up was all these kids who had come to the playground that's next to the tree I crash under. A little startled, I put my shoes on, grabbed my blankets and rain poncho and left the tree. One kid noticed me and I am sure some grown-ups did too. I was a bit bummed that I wasn't going to be able to stash my backpack in the shed today because I would be seen stashing it. Yesterday I felt as fee as a bird not having to haul it around.
                     I walked almost to the dorm parking lot and stopped. I looked through the bushes and it seemed all the kids had gone inside. I stealthily made my way back to the shed and dropped my bag off. I walked to Stearns West and am sitting here writing this. I am not sure how long I will wait for Hannah. I am a bit worried actually. She just disappeared last night. I really wish I had her phone number to her dorm.

     10:59am  I smoked a couple snipes. I have decided I'm going to go in the building and look for Hannah on the eighth floor. Hopefully they'll have nametags on the doors. I should stash my stick somewhere.

     11:06am  I stashed my stick. I need a card to access the dorms. I'm going to try and get a resin hit before I go up.

     11:30am  I smoked a snipe outside the entrance to the dorms. Some guy went in and I was able to grab the door before it shut and jumped in the stairwell. I climbed up to the eighth floor. I was a bit bummed because I didn't see nametags on all the doors. I gave up and went down the elevators. I got back outside and then thought to look at Hannah's address she had written down for me. Ah-ha! She had written her for room number, 810. Now I'm going to smoke a cigarette and try to sneak in the building again.

     11:51am  I infiltrated the wrong building. I need to be in Stearns West.

     12:11pm  Mission semi-accomplished. I infiltrated Stearns West. I went to #810 and talked to Hannah's roommate. Hannah didn't come home last night. I am kind of worried. I'm out here waiting for the Buff Bus. I'm going to go to Pearl Street and ask around.

     12:22pm  The Buff Bus came and I'm on it. The driver said, "We'll be a few minutes, then we're out of here."

     12:31pm  I just got off the Buff Bus in front of the college. I'm going to walk to Pearl Street Mall now.

     1:01pm  I did a lap around the mall looking for people I recognized. The only person I recognized was Stacy. She's a wingnut. I asked her if she had seen Hannah, but she couldn't remember who Hannah was, even though she had met her a couple days ago. Whoa, just right now some kid who works at Jackalope volunteered me a cigarette. I am so known in this mall. Earlier some guy saw me and said, "World peace through marijuana!" Anyway, I walked back to the meeting spot. I am worried about Hannah. I really hope she shows up. 

     2:24pm  I have been at our spot scanning the crowd. I am worried about Hannah. It just isn't like her to disappear like that. Maybe I'll go do a lap around the mall.

     2:33pm  This guy recognized me from the Circle A Ranch. I asked Pigeon if he had any weed and he said he'd smoke me out. We walked the mall to Broadway and Officer Shephard and Moore stopped Pigeon for his Norwegian Elkhound. No dogs allowed on the mall. He's running his ID now.

     2:45pm  Turns out Pigeon has a couple warrants. No weed, bummer.

     2:53pm  I stood and watched Pigeon get arrested. An Animal Control officer came and got his dog. On the walk up here I passed by Science Artworkshop, the place with all the shirts. I saw a shirt that said, "Failure is the path of least persistence."

     3:09pm  Forgot to mention, I saw Chris and Amy. They hadn't seen Hannah, but said Chris and Laura(Hannah's new friend) would be around in an hour.

     3:18pm  I talked to Chris and Amy again. Amy called Laura on her cellphone. Laura told her she had taken Hannah home a couple hours ago. At least now I know she was safe. Hannah will show up soon. I hope for some reason she's mad at me.

     4:26pm  I seriously need to break up with Hannah. She eventually showed up. She just sat down and smiled. I was a bit bummed. She acted like nothing was wrong. Turns out she ended up crashing at Laura's. She told me I had disappeared yesterday. I hadn't been gone for that long yesterday. I had only done like half a lap and she was gone. She told me she wished I would have been there last night so she could have a snuggle buddy. But, and I didn't like this too much, she told me, "I got two cuddle buddies instead." She told me Laura had told her she wanted to have lesbian sex with her . . . and Hannah was all for it. Laura is pregnant and showing, by the way. She even told me she had a crush on Laura, that Laura was the light of her life. She asked me if I wanted to go to a street-performer party, but she said, "But you can't tell your story. It's annoying." It's not that I am jealous or anything. I have much work to do that I haven't been doing because I've been hanging out with Hannah. Oh yeah, and earlier Hannah wanted to do it real bad. I told her, "What? You think that's going to fix everything?" I told her, "I'll just get depressed because I come too quick with you." Then I thought maybe I wouldn't. We went up to the place at the Skylab where we do it. Not only did I come real fast, but I did on round two also. Anyway, I think I have to break up with Hannah.

     10:13pm  I went up to her and told her, "Can we go somewhere and talk?" She told me, "Umm, I'm going to see if they're going to go. If not, we can go somewhere and talk." I told her, "I'm not going to go to the party. If you don't have time to talk then have fun." She said okay and I told her how we needed to split up. She pleaded to me saying that I could still save the world and hang out with her. Before, when she showed up, when we were on our way to do it, she told me she couldn't believe I had such a reaction to something so small. I told her I could say that same thing about her(regarding to my mention of "ex-girlfriend"). Anyway, when Laura, Amy and Chris were leaving I followed Hannah. I had finally agreed to go with her. Drum-Chris asks me, "Oh, you're going? It's a private party. I can't just show up with someone." I said, "Aren't you just showing up with Hannah?" He said she had already been invited. A bit bummed out I told Hannah, "Well, have fun then." I wanted to see what she would say. I was testing her. She said, "Okay." She also said, "Will you still love me?" She left. I feel like shit. I should have told her, "See, you don't need me." I'm going to ride the bus to her dorms and crash out at the church. I'm going to walk up the hill to the Buff Bus.

     10:54pm  I've got a cool update to make. I was in the mall and I see Ivan, my good friend. I told him about all the shit that's going on with Hannah. I asked him if he had any weed, that that would make me feel better. We went for a long hike and he smoked me out. Now I'm going back to the mall and tell someone my story.

     11:07pm  I walked the wrong way to Pearl. I shouted at some guy, "Which way is Pearl Street?!" He pointed. This cute hippie girl swerved on her bike to miss me. I yelled at her, "YO! HEY!" She didn't stop. I wanted to tell her my story because I'm all stoned. I asked a couple people walking by, but they kept walking. I shouted real loud, "HAVE YOU ALWAYS BEEN THAT IGNORANT?!" I'm walking to Pearl.

     11:12pm  Some guy I don't know just walked by and said, "Hey Victor."


Next day..

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