


Arcata, CA

Saturday September 6, 2003

     5:45am  Last night me and Geba found this place over by the pier. We jumped over the fence into this little field and slept in the grass. I had put my poncho down and slept on top of it and crashed out. I got a good night's sleep. Now, we are going to the mission for free breakfast. Free coffee, yeah. I'm hungry.

                   Dude, I'm so cold. I'm all shivering and stuff. It's not my tremor. The cold just amplifies it. Brrrrrr.

     6:00am  We are here at the Eureka Rescue Mission. 110 Second street 707-443-4551. Breakfast isn't until seven. There's a lot of street people out here waiting.

     7:48pm  Me and Geba just finished eating at the mission. Where are we going now, Geba? We're going to the library. I'm going to check my email.

     9:00am  Geba and I went for a walk because we have to wait until ten for the library to open. We walked along these railroad tracks and came up to these old, torn down wooden shacks. It says no trespassing, but oh well. We'll trespass anyway.

                   We are out here by the water.

                   Look up Mattole. Cool.

     Geba: "In the center of the Mattole Forest is a valley. That valley is surrounded by ancient Douglas fir tree forest and that is surrounded by a Redwood forest which is surrounded by The Redwood Belt. In the center of the Mattole forest, in my belief, is where the magic, the actual magic that allows elemental life to live and grow flowers and create vegetables and allow us to have greater intuition of the world of love, life and light. And the greater emanation of God came from this point. I believe that the cutting down of trees and the non-belief in God and life and magic in and of itself, basically the belief of freedom, is removing itself from the planet and going back to the center of the Mattole. It will eventually seal itself and there will be no more magic left.

                   This is occurring also because of the critical mass of trees is being reached. If you reach the critical mass of trees being reached earth cannot regenerate herself long enough to keep herself sustained alive and the planet itself will die. This can be seen by the only areas where natural forest growth on the planet are. The northern area of California in Yellowstone National Park, the northern area of South America and the northern area of Hawaii. This can be seen because the entire continent of the United States used to be covered by Redwood trees. I keep having a very very strong feeling, a very very strong vision from the heart of the earth that critical mass of trees is becoming very, very, very closely reached. It needs to be made aware to human beings that we have the resources now today where we do not need to do anything other than recycle and we need to take it on our better half, for the growth of life on this earth, to simply stop cutting down the trees.  At least stop cutting down the ancient Redwood Forest trees."

     Victor: "Alright, the tape is almost over. I'm going to let it go out."

     Geba: "That was the original warning I shared in the plaza back in 2001. About reaching critical mass of trees and our need to stop all the destruction. That's what makes me sad. It causes me to have blindness when I look around at all these people."

     9:42am  What was your name? You can make it up if you want. Puddin' Tang is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Puddin' Tang. That's very generous of you.

     11:22pm  I stopped in at the Greyhound station and I now have confirmation that they stopped doing that free rider bullshit, so I guess I'm not going Sunday.

     12:43pm  We ran into Jenny, Rennick and Wookie. We're all walking to Arcata now. Again.

                     Geba and I stopped and took off some layers. I took my army pants off.

     1:08pm  Mile marker 81.99

     1:21pm  I just found me a Mr. Volcano card. I'll scan it and put it on my webpage.

     1:40pm  Arcata city limits. Population 15,700 Elevation 33

     2:06pm  Geba: "The book is called Man, His History, Origin, Destiny." By Werner Schroeder

     Victor: "That's a book. It tells the past, present and future of what's going on."

     Geba: "Bridge to Freedom Journal and Bridge to Freedom books."

     2:28pm  We are back in Arcata.

     2:52pm  Thad was nice enough to give me a rolly. I appreciate it, Thad.

     3:15pm  We just got done having a coffee break at Cash Oil, where we always get coffee. I spoke with Thad, some elder here in town who gets hassled all the time for sleeping.

     3:17pm  Check out by Julia Butterfly Hill. She's a legend in Humboldt. She sat in a Redwood tree for 3½ years. She didn't come down one time and she saved it. Her book is Legacy of Luna. I'll check it out.

     3:20pm  Be sure to watch, maybe download Princess Mononoke. That's a recommendation from Geba.

     4:02pm  Geba and I walked past the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store. I almost didn't, but I decided to check it out. I always find cool blessings in the thrift store. Geba opted to stay outside. Right when I walked in they had a carousel of books. One of them jumped out at me. It had "FUTURE SHOCK" in red at the top. It's Alvin Toffler's sequel to Future Shock. It says, "THE BRILLIANT BESTSELLER BY THE AUTHOR OF FUTURE SHOCK." It's called The Third Wave. Whoa. What a coincidence that I run into the sequel of a book that was magically given to me before. I had only read about a third of Future Shock, but I forgot to get it back from Naya when I left Berkeley. Maybe something is telling me to get this one. Could it be a sign? I flipped through it and found it was exactly the kind of book I needed to read. It supposedly gives a very optimistic view of the possible future. In the introduction it says, "The Third Wave is for those who think the human story, far from ending, has only just begun." Oh yeah, then I spotted a red, thermal shirt on a hangar. I've been wearing my white thermal shirt for a long time now and it stinks. If I get that red one, I won' t have to wash it, hehe.

                  Well, that book had a 25 cent price tag on it, so I decided I would go out and bum 25 cents somewhere. I walked outside and told Geba to come inside and check the book out. I told him, "It's 25 cents. Let me go do some quick spanging." He told me, "Just get a voucher from them." I walked up to the lady and asked her if I could get this book on a voucher. She told me yes, asked me for my ID and grabbed a form. She asked me, "Are you sure there's nothing else you need? We can only give vouchers out once every three months." I asked her, "What more can I have?" She told me that I could get one change of clothes. Cool. I grabbed that red thermal and asked the lady if they had any cargo shorts. She pointed towards the rack where they kept men's shorts.
                  See, the cargo shorts that I was currently wearing were a couple sizes too big and didn't fit me without a belt. Well, I just found me a pair of brand new, khaki Gap cargo shorts. They're badass. Right next to them, I found another pair of khaki shorts. The same kind as my silk Tommy Bahama shorts I scored in the freebox in Berkeley. I grabbed both of the shorts and as I was walking towards the cash register I spotted a pair of white thermal bottoms! Dude, I really really need those! It's going to be damn cold soon. So, I walked up with two shorts, a red thermal shirt, white thermal bottoms and a book. I asked the lady, "Do you think all this stuff could be voucherable? She told me that I was supposed to only get one change of clothes, but immediately afterwards put it all in a bag and handed it to me. Her name is Nori and I whipped out my tape recorder and logged the instance. Yay! What a phat score at the thrift store today!

     4:17pm  I found some good scores at St. Vincent de Paul. Nori is letting me get all the stuff I need. That's very generous of you, Nori. I appreciate it.

                   She's even letting me get the book. Awesome.

     4:20pm  Man, I was just meant to come here today. Geba and I were just walking by and I was like, "Man, I wonder if they have any thermal bottoms because I need thermal bottoms bad." I went in there and saw a red thermal shirt and I thought that would be cool. I could take off my dirty one. Then, eventually I found a pair of thermal bottoms that I was looking for! I got some other shorts I can wear while I do my laundry. And, I got two pairs of khaki shorts, one cargo. Which means I can throw away my shitty ones that I have. And, one of the pairs is the exact same brand, same model, just longer than the ones I currently had in my laundry bag.

     4:48pm  I scored so phat at the St. Vincent de Paul. Everything I needed. Not only did I get a brand new thermal red shirt, but I also found the thermal pants I was looking for. I'm ready for the weather. This is awesome. I also got me two pairs of shorts. I'll be able to get rid of one that I already had, so I'll have more room in my bag.

     5:05pm  We smoked out by the railroad tracks earlier. Geba and I are walking now and he stopped by this dumpster where he had found the weed that we smoked. There was a chair and still a little weed shake scattered on the chair. Geba even found a little weed flower. While Geba was rummaging through the dumpster I picked through the stuff on the seat. I gathered a good hit of weed shake and I just took it. Waste not, want not. I had to pull little hairs out of it and stuff. I got a good hit. Oh, and right now we just passed The Hospice Shop and there was a big TV box on the ground in front of it. Geba looked inside and there was a smaller TV in the box. I assumed it was in there because it was broken and didn't mess with it. Geba just pulled it out. He's going to go plug it in in the square and watch The Simpson's.

     5:10pm  Mama G is out here on the plaza making sandwiches. Really, really good turkey breast sandwiches. She's making them for everybody. That's very generous of you. We appreciate it.

     5:14pm  Jinx hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     5:25pm  Jenna smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, Jenna. She utilized my one-hitter and lighter. My trusty one-hitter. I've kept it on me since San Antonio.

     5:44pm  Eric just gave whatshername two bucks. Just like that. She told him to look at some diver head alarm clock, or something. He held out his hands for her to throw it. She really didn't want to throw it, but he told her trust me or something. She did and he didn't catch it and it hit the ground. It wasn't damaged or anything, but she said, "Now you owe me a dollar." He walked up to her and pulled out some dollar bills. He gave her a dollar bill and he just gave her another one. He said he was homeless, too

     6:15pm  Geba and I stopped at a dumpster and looked through that. Nothing there, but we are going to go to the dumpster at the pizza place and go get some pizza. Geba is going to try and spange some beer for Camille. Oh yeah, remember that tonight was the night that Geba told me he believed in me and that he didn't doubt that what I was going to do was going to actually happen. Wow, that's awesome. Someone who believes in me. I came to the right place.

     9:30pm  That TV that Geba had grabbed, they left it in the plaza. It turned out the sound didn't work to it. It's in the plaza now and somebody hooked up a Sony Playstation. Some dude is playing videogames in the plaza! Haha! This is awesome.

                   Smokey ended up stealing the Playstation. I had asked him where he got it.

     9:50pm  Right now Geba just handed me that book I got today. That made me jog my memory and I asked myself, "Didn't I just have that book out when I was sitting down reading it?" Did you find this somewhere, Geba? He said he picked it up on the ground earlier. Dayum, it got back to me. Maybe I'm meant to read it.

     10:05pm  Jinx just fed the plaza. Everybody was yelling free food, free food. It looks like everyone is eating. Let's go see what I end up with.

     10:21pm  Little Bear just gave me a cigarette. Badass, brother. I didn't even ask.

     10:24pm  This one lady totally listened to my platform.

     10:25pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. That dude who was giving food away brought a box over by the trash can and set it down. People quickly opened it and saw the the whole top row was just bread buns. Disappointed, the mob left until it was just me, the box of food and the trash can. I grabbed a piece of bread, only to find all the goodies were underneath. There were these yummy tacos and steak. I'm so full. Oh yeah, while I was standing there eating some guy came up and put about seven crackers on the trash can. Cool, I got desert. I'm going to munch out.

     10:37pm  Man, I just had me a feast. It had good stuff like manicotti, chicken and all these good meats. This shit is gourmet. These people just had a wedding and they had all this leftover food so they hooked us up. Everybody got some food.

                    Man, I scored a shitload out of that one box. All to myself, muhaha. It was funny. People just saw the bread and took off. Hehe, finders keepers. Cool.

                    Some dude just gave me a cigarette. Just like that. That's so cool.

     10:54pm  I got really tired and wanted to go to sleep. That girl Jenna gave me cigarette. I had met this girl with a Mohawk earlier on the sidewalk. She had just gotten into town. She needed a place to squat and I recommended the barn. She said she wanted to go later and that maybe she would find another place. I told Jenna that I would just go sit on a bench and doze off a little and when she was ready to leave to wake me up and I'd take her to the barn.

     11:07pm  Geba looks at me and says, "Your face radiates joy. It's nothing I take from you, just what I see."

     11:20pm  Geba and were I walking to the pizza dumpster and he stopped inside the post office. He's checking the trash cans to make sure there's not any cool shit in there. So far he's got some postcards. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that earlier I went to the plaza and saw Ian(the bagpipes guy). I asked him if he knew where Geba was and he said he would take me to where he was, in Camille's van. We walked to her van and there was Geba. That's where Geba told me he believed in me. Anyway, Camille's van is like a portable room. It's really nice and could pass for a civilized house's room. She's not homeless. Not really, but kind of. Well, Camille is all broken up about Jason, her ex husband who just took off without saying anything. She's really upset about that. So she's living in the van all by herself with their dog, Dank. I let her borrow my CD player.

                     We're still in the post office. Okay, what does Geba have so far. He's got some old, stale fries, he's got some lettuce. I don't know why he took that out, yuck. Wow, he just found himself a short of a cigarette. He's got some postcards and he found like a third of a Pepsi. What else are you going to get, Geba? And this is just the post office.

     11:31pm  We're having fun twirling my scarf around in the post office.

                      I'm in the plaza. Oh yeah, this other dude who told me he would listen to me and didn't was talking to me. I was telling him, "Just look at how you are proving me right about my whole ignorance theory right now." Then, Joe walks up. He asks, "Hey, anybody got a baggie?" Today when I changed in front of the St. Vincent de Paul I did a pocket inventory. I had a clear little plastic baggie that I was considering throwing away. I didn't, so I offered it to Joe. I saw him load a couple nuggets in the baggie, so I asked him, "Smoke a brother out?" That's what we are doing right now.

                     Don't forget to add that Rosa didn't listen to me either.

     12:35am  Me, Jenna, Geba and I are going to crash at the barn.

                      People were talking about how the cops were over there by the railroad tracks, so we went back to the squat by 101.

Next day..

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