


Boulder, CO

Thursday September 7, 2006

     7:44am  Yesterday was fun. I only logged once, in the morning. We walked up to the Mapleton Pain Clinic again. Carol needed to get her prescription for her pain killer Avinza(morphine sulfate). We got the script and rode the bus to King Sooper's. It seems that the doctor messed up and wrote somebody else's name on the script. Carol got pretty upset because the lady refused to fill it at the pharmacy. Carol told her she could just call the doctor. They wouldn't answer. The pharmacy lady apologized, but said that there was nothing she could do, due to the DEA regulations.
                   See, Carol has this bone condition where her joints are hitting bone on bone and it makes it very difficult for her to move. Carol had to take one of her Ultram,which she doesn't like. Bad side-effects. Oh yeah, we went to the skatepark and bought a half eighth for twenty five dollars. Carol had made some "returns." I was happy to finally get some weed. This morning I woke up and was able to scrape my one-hitter. I'm all resinated now and logging. Oh yeah, Kent, Carol's son met up with us last night at Cosmo's and we ate some pizza. They bought a twelve pack and we came back to our badass camp and partied. The other day I cleared out another room at our place.

     10:32am  Carol: "We are going to the library at eleven on the bus then up to get my meds. My cellphone should be here today I hope. We need to check on Vic's SS card and pay storage."

                      Download Polar Shift by Clive Cussler.

     1:33pm  Bombay Bistro - Paul.

                    Carol: "So we went to the library up on Table Mesa. I did a lot of rideshare stuff on craig's list and Hopefully we get some hits. Took bus to Boulder Station(I got food at King Sooper's). We rode to the station and Vic went over to the Bombay Grill to get plastic forks and the dude there(Paul) hooked him up with a meal. So we ate that and saved the lasagna for dinner at home. We rode up to the pain clinic to get my script changed then back down to the pharmacy at the KS on 30th and Arapahoe. I got a twelve pack of Boulder Beer, some cat food. candles, soy milk and a banana. I couldn't get my script because the coupon is only good for once in a lifetime, so I need thirty six dollars. The pharmacist told me about a place we can try for help with payment tomorrow. Hope it works. Made seven dollars today. So we left the KS and went by Ace check cashing. It began to rain and I was a little cold. We called Social Security but couldn't get through. I've got the funds on the card transferred, though now we have ten dollars on the C.C. Hopefully I can make money at the show on Saturday so I can pay storage again. We rode the Bound home. Our camp was dry and warm. Victor took our last seven dollars and went to do laundry, gets cigs and ice. I'm logging. I fear I have gotten a little lazy here. Our camp is so comfortable. I am not looking forward to my pack at this time. But when the time comes I will be ready. Victor says we have worn out our welcome here. At least as far as courtesy rides on the bus goes. That's true although if you pay once and have a transfer they are pretty cool about it. It's $1.50 to ride and transfers are good for an hour or so. A lawyer called me for my disability the other day. He sent me papers to give to my doctor. They may help me. Theresa Gray from my California lawsuit against Kern County Child Support emailed me too. Hope to get this resolved soon. So now I'm chilling at camp waiting for Victor to return and Kent to show up. Almost out of weed.
     6:28pm  Victor and Kent showed up. It started to rain real hard so Kent and I strung up Victor's the military rain poncho. We are semi-dry now. All chill under the tarp. Fuck the rain! Laundry is in the dryer at the laundromat. Wish I was too.

                    After the rain Kent fixed the tarps over our tent. Then Kent and I chilled while Victor went to get the laundry. He came back with it and like thirty beers! He said they were in the dumpster behind the Broker Inn. Wow. We are going to sell them at lot Saturday. Sound Tribe and Jurassic 5 are at the Red Rocks. This is so awesome! Victor rocks! Smoked the last of our weed tonight. Tomorrow library, St. Thomas at 10am, People's Clinic, for medication coverage $36. Home at six or sevenish. No, wait. The Orthodox church is feeding at seven thirty tomorrow night."

Next day..


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