

                                                                                                             Missoula, MT

Monday September 7, 2009
     8:38am  I haven't logged at all this morning. Oh yeah, this morning it started raining at five! I made my lean-to again on the beach. It was cool I woke up right before it started raining. I did get a little damp. I have to wait for the sun to come out. I need to find a carwash today so I can wash off my tarps. I got up and hung out with Hobo and his beautiful lab/hound mix Midnight. I told him my story. My mission today is to find a carwash. I have to hose off all of my stuff and get the sand off of it.

                   I asked directions at the Holiday convenience store. I'm supposed to take a left on 3rd street and walk all the way to Russell and it's right there. I ran into Hobo again at the gas station and took his picture.  He's been wearing a grizzly bear hat Jai gave him. Jai actually got laid with that hat and gave it to Hobo so Jai wouldn't get too lucky with it.

     8:48am  Mary, the cashier at the gas station was nice enough to give me directions to the car wash. I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:09am  I haven't been too updative lately. I hung out at the Holiday gas station. I cut a bowl in the tip of my new stick. My new stick is badass all shaven. I'm getting it ready for the compass. I already have a compass I bought at a Walmart in Spokane. I love this stick way more than my old one that got stolen.

     12:15pm  I am leaving from lunch at the Poverello. I'm going to go to the drop-in center and take a shit. Maybe I'll take a nap too.

     2:53pm  I just woke up from a nap at the Salcido Center. Tim was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Listener with frizzy hair.

                   I put my image-maintaining compass on top of my new stick. They gave me some crazy glue and a perfect rubber band for it at the Salcido Center.

     6:58pm  I am having some technical difficulties with my recorder. The ribbon tape was twisted and I pulled it all out to try and find the kink to untwist it. I pulled it out and I had to wind it all back up. It took forever. I'm going to switch tapes when I get to my bag again.

     8:06pm  6'10" Too-tall is hooking me up with a hit for the cause. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Download The Richest Man in Babylon

     8:25pm  I got smoked out at least. Too-tall totally ignored my story. He was all bragging, "I'm not dumb, I have a master's in meteorology. I already know what you are going to tell me. I know on a spiritual level." I challenged him, "Okay, tell me something I'm going to tell you." He told me, "You are trying to tell me you are trying to find knowledge." I told him, "No, I am trying to tell you the knowledge I have, I have already found. I have evidence, but you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does since you won't listen to me now. Ignorance is bliss." Damn the ignorance in this world. I'm going to hang out in front of the gas station and tell my story some more.

     8:41pm  Tracy di Giordo, Virginia's mother, Virginia who I met my first night in town introduced me to her mother and I am telling her my story in front of the Holiday.

                   I had a stupendous presentation with Virginia's mother. She totally listened to me, thanks. Whole odyssey and all. I swear she listened to me for over half an hour and agreed with all of it. Her mom works for the news and stuff and was familiar with all the computer terminology I was using. She was telling me right at every point I made. Then all of a sudden Two Tall and the other punk kids walked up to us and tried to interrupt me. Tracy told them, "I'm trying to listen to him," and they walked off. When they were walking off I yelled, "Nobody wants world peace!" and they talked some shit, I didn't quite catch it. I thought maybe that was a sign, I didn't want to have another violent occurrence like I did in Seattle. I'm not going to camp in plain view on the beach tonight like I have been. I came to the spot in the park where I camped the first night I was here. Nature Park. I'll be alright tonight.

                   Valerie's mom was all, "I know there is bad out there as well as good. Please don't get killed." I told her, "I'm not scared. I have nothing to lose. Killing me would blow my story up. Plus, I know history has a tendency of repeating itself. I have always considered my death on this mission. All almost eight years of it.

                   Oh yeah, I unwinded my tape at the bumfeed today, like pulled it all out to find the twist in it. I never found it and just wound it back up. I hope that doesn't compromise my loggings.[9-13 and I'm typing this up so it didn't]

     1:21am  Dude, I only got two hours of sleep and I just got doused when the sprinklers came on. That sucks. I had to scurry and move all my shit out of the reach of the sprinkler. I lost my glasses and almost couldn't find them again. Luckily, I found them. I had to wait for the sprinkler to pass so I could keep checking. I found it on like the third try. I always put my glasses in my boots and they got knocked over. My stuff got soaked. That blows.

     2:51am  Aww, man this sucks. I tried to go back to sleep. I lay down out of the reach of the sprinkler. My stuff is too wet and it's too cold. I layered up some more with whatever dry clothes I had. I'm all packed up now and walking. My backpack is all heavy because it's all wet. The sign at the Poverello says it opens at 4am - 7:30a for breakfast. I'll try and go there and wait for the sun to come out and dry off my stuff. I'm thinking about skipping town. Drunk gutterpunks irk me. I've been here for a week. I can leave already. This town won't forget me and world peace through marijuana. I'm going to leave after I get all my shit dry. I'm going to go to the drop-in center and do some more typing. Then I'm going to book it. I'll walk to the truckstop and try to get a ride east.

Next day..

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