

Sunday September 10, 2023



9:39am  This is Elizabeth.  Victor and I met and were hanging around exactly five years ago.  That's a whole other story, but it's just sweet that it's today.  I just found out something I hadn't really concentrated on much.  I am not an avid astrologer at all.  Especially Western Astrology, I have kind've been introduced to it.  The little that I know tells me that, anyway, I lost my train of thought completely.  That this is actually out of the bounds of astrology, it's numerology.  It's the portal of 99.  It turns out every repetitive number has a significance.  

    As an amateur numerologist, having barely dipped my toes into that realm, I didn't know this.  99 is a portal, creates a portal, has all kinds of meaning to it.  99 is the portal of rebirth, of letting things die, that are part of an old cycle.  Just really cool stuff.  And it's even more amazing and personally significant because that's when Victor and I met.  We met shortly after the portal.  

    The energy of the portal is strong, just like the moon is strong.  Victor and I met in the midst of the 99 portal.  Again, I am just now thinking there is such a thing.  I have heard about lions gate portal, that's a biggee, but there are other ones too.  

    Today in 2018 Victor and I met.  I took a nice little jaunt by myself up to Night's Ferry.  Easbound.  I have been sleeping well finally.  I have had a struggle this past week but I have shifted to where I want to which is going to sleep early and waking up early.  

    I woke up at 2:30 actually and just couldn't go back to sleep, but I still felt really well rested.  I was really calm.  I did my chants, my shivinanda daily chants.  Krisna Das' omnivashivaya, like i did yesterday.  That seems to help get me peaceful. (A lot of blah afterwards, sorry baby.  I am caught up.)

     I've been wanting to go camping.  Victor and I have been talking about it.  I haven't had any solo vacation time since I met him.  Maybe a few days here and there.  So here I go.  I think I left finally at 7 o clock or so.  Even though I had prepared to go earlier, like maybe four thirty.  I didn't make it to the full sunset, but on the way out towards Night's Ferry I did stop at umm, a gas station.  I filled up completely, topped off my tank, forty dollars worth.  My car named Sidney which is a 2012 Nissan Versa.  Gas was like $5.40 cents.  I always get the premium stuff.

     I did document my little doggies at the window.  And the sunrise.  That's where I slowed down completely and took in as much as I could of the sunrise as I was taking pictures.  It was really nice.  I noticed how few people there were around me.  Very few.  At the gas station there were like two other cars.  This was at seven thirty or so in the morning on a Sunday.  The guy who pulled up while I was taking pictures of the sunrise, I caught him out of the corner of my eye looking at the sunrise himself.  I was just thinking, for me, in the nice meditative state of mind that I am in, kind of even wanting to go slow since I really haven't driven the car in such a long time, and absord the beuaty of these passageways, which is my preferred way of traveling anyway, I was thinking, look how cool it is, I gave this guy an opportunity, in the midst of his day, do what I always try to do which is look around.  Don't just be myopic and look at just what you are doing.  Don't just pump some gas in your car or maybe get something to drink inside the AM/PM and just take off.  Just widen your gaze.
     It was just a gorgeous sunrise.  It was cloudy.  There were lots of clouds but the sun was completely visible.  It was alerady over the horizon, so it wasn't an actual sunrise, but it kinda had the notion that is was low enough on the horizon that it's still morning.  Anyway, that was cool.  

     So yeah, I drive nice and slowly, I have my two little dogs with me.  They both wanted to lay on my body, which is what they are used to.  I didn't let them do that.  I had my little boy sitting on the seat on top of a yellow blanket I have for him.  And my little girl, Kitty finally got comfortable when she climbed up on my neck.  Victor named her Kitty but he never calls her that.  Anyway, she got to where she normally likes to be which is on top of my shoulders nestling behind my neck.  So here we go driving nice and slow.  I actually pulled over to let all the cars that were accumulating behind me pass.  I was doing the speed limit only.  I kind of feel sorry for people who can't budget their time enough to enjoy a slow ride.  

    We arrived there at Knight's Ferry.  We turned left right off the highway, which if you continue on it, goes to Yosemite.  So that's why it was such a glorious way to see the sunrise while driving, bacause you are headed East, from Modesto.  So we arrived and I noticed how few people there were in the parking lot.  There's a tiny museum there, there's a native Indian statue right at the entrance to the little passageway that begins right at the museum.  To the right is old mill that actually has some of  the structure left of the old structure that held the mill, where people would come from miles away to drop off their wheat, or their corn or whatever and get it milled.  THis was back in the late eighten hundreds right after the 49ers exploded in California.  So anyway, that little piece of history is there and that's the way that we took.  

     Where we went we saw the covered bridge and low and behold the last time I was there was maybe 2017, 2018, which is five or six years ago.  The covered bridge did not have a fence around it.  I was super surpised to see it had a fence around it.  I know they were doing renovations.  At first it had been open to traffic and it was horse drawn chariots back in the day, right.  But now it's been cars.  Through the ages people have not only littered it with graffiti, but there's been structural damage too, to the bridge.  

     My dogs immediately emptied their bowels when they arrived.  That's the first thing they did.  Right at the statue.  There's a statue there right at the museum center.  They completely emptied their bowels.  It was like a little thank you gift, hehe.  We had driven thirty minutes from our house to our destination, including our pitstop for gas.  It was just cute how they let out an exhalation and all of their poop.  Yes, I had bags.  Yes, I picked it up.  I don't like to see all of their poop on the trail.  

Victor: "How was the consistency?"

      Perfect, not watery or anything.  So, it was adorable.  They made it super easy for me and not just a little drop here and there like they do in our walks in the neighborhood.  So that was very interesting.  Just funny.  So, we take little walk all the way up.  It was a simple, though sort of steep drive up.  There are a lot of tiny trails that go in but we did not really take them.  We had two encounters with two different dogs.   The first one was a woman by herself.  A German Shephard, like a medium sized big dog.  I ignored them, I just said hi as she walked by.  My dogs ignored him, not one bark, not one sound.  It was beautiful.  The second time we saw another dog was on our way back down after we reached the top of our walk and came down, there was a man with another big dog.  He was really polite.  I thanked him becaue he held onto his dog at the top of the hill, seeing us in the distance at the top of the hill and seeing I had two little dogs.  That was really cool.  The dogs didn't flinch.  You could tell he was being stern with his dog.  I know you see the little dogs and I know you want to eat them, but don't embarass me, hehe.  Because he did stop and say something to hid dog.  Adfter he was a safe distance behind us, my dog, my little girl, the other dog let out a little yelp probably because he was restrained by his master and he wanted to go and chase the little dogs, I bet.  So we walked to the top and drank water and came down.  It was super hot already at about 8, 8:30am, it was hot.  The sun was already hot.  It cools off when you're in the shade.  There's lots of shade down there.  The river was really mellow, I really couldn't hear it.  Sometimes you can hear it roaring.  I guess the water level has gone down.  We also saw two fishermen, two guys with poles, I wished them luck fishing.  That was about it, we encountered only a handful of people.  On the way coming in there were about three people.  There was a big bus of people loading up rafts.  When I came down to leave the parking lot had about twelve people.  More people had arrived and used the facilities.  No running water, just a hole.  And a lot of toilet paper.  

     So it was a nice trip.  I went a different route coming back.  Usually I take the same route that I know which passes through downtown Oakdale.  This time I used my friend Google, on my brand new phone and took a back way, which was much nicer.  It took me about fifteen minutes more than normal.  Again, since I was in a tourist, admiring beauty mode it was wonderful to go that route.  I got to to see and appreciate trinkets in people's yards.  That's how slow I was driving.  I rather be walking than driving, is what I was thinking.  It was really nice.  So, that's it.  Now, I am home.  Victor, my babe has made a delicious burrito for me with an egg and delicious ham and cheese.  It's a quesadilla.  And some coffee in my little mug from Mexico.  

     Thank you for listening to my story of my little trip.  Over and out.

Next day..

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