

Gilroy to Hollister to San Jose to Los Angeles, CA 

Wednesday September 20, 2023

4:49am  I made my way over to Chevron and used the restroom.  I had another messy shit because all I have been eating is cookies.  I don't have any cash and I ran out of rolling papers.  I am over here at a different onramp  It doesn't look familiar.  I ran out of cash and I don't have any rolling papers.  I had packed all these extra rolling papers when I left Modesto, but now I can't find them.  I think I lost my spare glasses too.  I am wearing my gooft ones.  I hope they last me to San Antonio.  I have decided I need to get to a truckstop.  That's the only way I will cover some serious mileage.  I shouldn't expect anything.  

8:45am  I rode the bus to Downtown Hollister.  Sweet, another town.  I am glad to get out of Gilroy finally.  It was funny with the bitch ass bus driver driving the Hollister shuttle.  See, when rist got to the transit center I had like a 45 minute wait until the bus came.  I sparked up a convresation with a pretty Mexican girl who so remindeded me of my wife.  She ended up being from Modesto!  She took a real liking to me.  She was shivering cold and I offered her my jacket.  I was going to tell her my story.  I started telling her about me and she was all, "You're 45?  But you're so cute!"  I said, "Yeah, I know.  I look like an adorable really tall little kid.  I AM married, though.  Then, when the bus came I tried to get a courtesy ride and the cunt bus driver told me no.  See, when the bus first came the driver got off the bus.  I told her, "Oh, I thought your bus came later."  She copped this bossy attitude and chastised me for reading the schedule wrong.  I told my new friend, "Wow, you can tell she's a mother."  When she refused me a courtesy ride I made a scene and told her off.  I got off the bus and continued yelling at her, calling her a good little slave and what a greedy ass she is.  "Que buen esclava eres!"  Then I realized I hadn't given my new friend my blog.  The girl was like in the third seat of the bus.  So I grabbed my wallet and pretended like I had money.  As soon as the driver opened the door I reached in real quick and handed the girl my blog.  The bus driver got all scared, ha!  Yelling at me to stop.  I yelled, "Haha, made you open the door!" and told her off some more.  The next bus came an hour later and I was really hoping she wouldn't be driving.  

     To kill time I walked off.  I crossed a street and I hear some guy yelling at me, hey Jesus!  I yelled back, NO, SAN ANTONIO!  It was some dude at a picnic table and all of his friends were hitting a meth pipe.  When I first got to that place with the tweakers, this cool guy who called himself Bobby McGee, who had a Jessica tattoo on his face.  He was going to San Luis Bautista.  When I first saw him I told him, "I have shirts for sale or trade."  He told me he was in the same boat.  I asked him if he smoked weed and he said, "No, I smoke meth."  I asked him if he had any rolling papers and he told me no, but he was going to the store and he would get me some.  He actually bought me a thing of Zigzags.  And, he was carrying a pizza.  He didn't immediately offer a slice, but he did eventually.  I was real hungry too.  That guy was cool, even though he admitted he did crystal.  Man, there is so much crsystal meth in this town.  I talked to Tita on the phone earlier.  She told me that she was wanting to watch mainstream news.  She did and said that gayness was everywhere on the news now.  It's so wrong.  I've even experienced lots of gayness in my trip already.  There were a couple of gay dudes that pulled over for me and then changed their minds when I told them I was married.  In their dreams!  Anyway, I am in Hollister, the brand name town.  I want to find a truckstop.  That's what I am going to do.  I need to find a thrift store.  I need supplies.  

9:22am  I stopped at Westside and 4th to layer down.  Somebody told me it was ten miles to 101.  

9:57am  Estaba caminando a la 101 y Jose y su familia pararon y me dieron un burrito!  Te lo agradezsco, Jose.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.  

        Free burrito up the ass in this town!  Good old Hollister!  Sweet, I was just walking and I hear these people honk at me.  I had just gotten hooked up at a taqueria closeby with a burrito and Mexican coffee.  I didn't log it, but I gave them my blog.  What a dream I am living, badass.    

11:25am  Manolo y su compadge me estan dando un ride al 101.  Te lo agradezco, seƱor.  Todo el mundo recibe credito.

11:47am  I just got hooked up with a hundred dollars!  Thank you, LOVE!  What a blessing!  Thank you, LOVE.  Thank you, Manolo!  Oh yeah, I am already in San Jose!  Oh yeah, in Hollister right after I got hooked up at the taqueria I walked to the gas station and hung around and made a cigarette out of the ashtray.  I didn't have a lighter so I went in and asked the cashier if they had any matches.  He immediately said no, but this nice girl paying offered me a free lighter.  I went outside and got a cigarette together and smoked it.  Then the cashier walks by me and says, "You better not ask my customers for anything."  I looked him in the face and said, "I can do whatever I want.  What are you going to do if I do, tough guy?"  I haven't asked anyone for anything.  I don't appreciate your profiling of me.  Why don't you call someone with some authority?"  He hmphed and went inside while I finished my cigarette.  I even opened the door and called him a good little slave, before I walked off.  I walked down the road a little bit and started thumbing traffic.  Before you know it Manolo pulls over for me and takes me to San Jose!  I almost ended up back in Gilroy!  They were going to San Mateo, but they were able to take me to San Jose, which I almost got to last time, I had asked to be dropped off in Gilroy.  Him and his friend agreed with everything I said.  He ended up hooking me up with a hundred dollars!  That's so awesome.  That means I can get some supplies.

5:05pm  Waiting for bus to LA.  I made some friends.


Next day..

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