

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Monday September 22, 2008

     9:02am  I don't know if I've made an entry today. I woke up around seven and got a whole eight hours of sleep.

     2:45pm  I took another bigass nap today. That resin I'm smoking puts me to sleep. I don't know what I'm going to do.

     4:07pm  I'm going to go out for a walk and manifest me some marijuana. Oh shit, I left my can of resin in the backyard.

                   I got my resin and I'm taking off again. I'll fill up my ice at the Citgo.

     4:25pm  I just left the Citgo. I got ice.

     5:30pm  I came over to the Perry house and some good shit happened right now. I walked Points Edge all the way down to the EZ Mart Humplick works at. I walked by Bob's and he wasn't home. Humplick was working and he didn't mind me exercising my freedoms in front of the EZ Mart. All of a sudden this Mexican dude rode up on a bike and went inside real quick. Right when he got off his bike he threw his bluntroach down on the ground. I grabbed that real quick and went to the bus stop and got a couple good hits off of it.
                    Then I saw these two young girls walked by, who I had met the other night when I had that big presentation at the house where they smoked two blunts with me on the back porch. They saw me and said, "Hey, it's the weed-man!" They asked me if I could buy them a pack of cigarettes. I told them sure, fuck the system. I bought them a pack of Marlboro Reds. Right when I went outside Humplick went out too and those girls asked Humplick if he would give them a cigarette. Humplick tells them, "I can't do that. You guys are underage." I told them, "Don't worry, girls. I'll give you some cigarettes. I just bought a whole pack."

                  I had this idea the other day. Next time I'm spreading my word and get hassled by the cops or a security guard I'll tell them, "I've got me a permit." When they ask to see it I'll tell them it's the US Constitution, first amendment. I just went up to Humplick and told him, "I only offer my website to people who react to my shirt. Do you have any problem with me exercising my freedoms here?" He told me as long as I wasn't asking for money.

                  Bowen's Crossing turns into Dover Ridge. I'm always confused about the streets I walk over here in this hood. The EZ Mart is right in front of this elementary school. I forget what the name is.

     5:58pm  The funniest shit. Right now this guy pulled up with all these kids. His kids and wife went in the store and he got a good look at my shirt. He asked me if I had any marijuana, what am I doing? I tried to tell him my story but he got all ignorant real quick. He all asked me, "Do you think the Taliban would be willing to listen?" He wouldn't shut up. I guess he doesn't want world peace for his kids. Now he has this other ignorant girl who just pulled up on his side. I heard her say she thought I was crazy. Thanks for making my story so interesting, guys. Hehe, they're looking at me talking into my tape recorder.

     6:22pm  Leaving the EZ Mart. I'm going to walk by Bob's house. Maybe he'll be outside.

     6:25pm  It's awesome. I walked by this ditch and I see one of my old tennis balls.

     6:37pm  I'm walking up to Bob's and he's outside pumping his air rifle. He's shooting doves again.

                   Bob's Bob Marley shirt he got in Jamaica.

     7:11pm  I am leaving from Bob's house. It's cool, I'm going to work for him tomorrow. I went up to him and told him, "I have proven by now that with the proper motavation I can walk a hundred miles in less than three days. I'm a good laborer. Do you have any labor I can help you with? I work for free, just keep me high." Bob smokes nothing but kynd bud, so it's totally worth it. He told me I should call him in the morning. I'm going to help him mow lawns in the morning.

                   Oh yeah, Bob's got a pet squirrel that he caught. He's got it in his living room in a big huge cage. That squirrel is adorable. He's pretty much tame and I picked him up a couple times. He's always doing crazy backflips in the cage.

                   Back at the EZ Mart. I forgot to tell you I went to Bob's. He was there with his friend Esam and some other dude getting some kb. He didn't smoke me out, but Esam gave me a hit of the roach they were smoking.

                   I just realized I have a debauchle, if that's the word. All my boots are dead or dying. I can't mow lawns in my sandals.

     8:02pm  I just walked to Old Tezel and I'm turning right. I'm going to go see if they have any mistakes at the Pizza Hut on Tezel and Mainland, right next to Dr. Covert's. I have some options to eliminate. If I don't score at the Pizza Hut my friends at the Church's will hook me up.

     8:13pm  I'm going to go hit up the Pizza Hut.

     8:25pm  I didn't want to go inside and ask them with any customers there. I remained outside waiting. One of the drivers pulled up and I asked him if he could check if there were any mistakes for me. They didn't, so I'm going to go get hooked up at the Church's. They always call me their friend.

                  Sweet, I didn't even have to ask. G saw me and nodded his head and they're going to hook me up, sweet.

                  He handed me a box of chicken and I told him thanks for feeding the peace machine. I'm going to walk home and eat now. Sweet, score. Presto-manifesto.

     8:50pm  I just got home.

                   Picture of room I sleep in.

Next day..

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