

Los Angeles to Riverside, CA

Friday September 22, 2023

 6:40am  I haven't made any updates lately.  I rode the bus to Montclair, I think is the town I was in.I've had a kinda shitty morning.  I got maybe four hours of sleep last night.  I was hoping there would be woods somewhere, but there wasn't any close.  I ended up crashing in the corner of a lit up parking lot.  I ambled up over this hill, over by where there was a Carl's Jr.  The Iranian dude who worked at a gas station there came up to the door.  I asked him if I could please charge my phone and he told me no.  I haven't been able to charge my phone in like six days.  I bet my wife is worried sick.    Before I left LA, in Asuzu I hung out in front of the Starbucks and made friends with this lady who traded me a nice roach clip for a shirt.  She promised to treat me to a coffee once she got her ATM card issue dealt with.  She ended up not being able to but instead gave me a big bag of food with sandwich meat and bread and cheese and stuff.  Everything was closed in Montclair.  So at like five I came over to under the light by the Carl's Jr and made a sandwich and ate and smoked.  I have already seen a bus drive by right here, so I know where to catch it.  I had to wait a whole hour for the bus to come again.  The driver gave me gried about a courtesy ride, but she let me on anyway.  I made it back to the transfer center I got dropped off at last night.  Great, the Foothills bus is free today.  So I am going to get to Riverside, finally.  I will update this later.  

7:42am  Riverside.

9:53am  I got run off by the library people here in Riverside.  I should have stood my ground more, but I just left.

        Okay, let me elaborate.  Since my phone is dead I can't Google directions.  I made my way to the public library.  Right next to the sidewalk there was a big long cement rectangle, so I sat down to rest and wait for the library to open at ten.  As I was sitting there smoking this stupid scrawny black security guard bitch stared barking at me, that I couldn't be sitting there smoking.  NO WHERE was it posted no smoking and I was like RIGHT next to the sidewalk.  So when she said I had to go I just stayed.  I let her know I was going to wait to use the piblic library, since I was a part of the public.  She started yelling at me making fun of me that I was homeless.  That was my cue to make a scene and I started calling her a good little slave, to get a real job.  NOBODY WANTS WORLD PEACE!  You know how I do.  I was expecting the cops any minute, but they never came.  When the library manager showed up I tried to explain what happened, but the security guard bitch wouldn't shut up.  The manager took her side and told me I wouldn't be allowed in the library when it opened.  I asked to speak to her boss and she said she was the boss.  I told her I would be talking to the mayor then.  She shrugged me off, so at that point I left.

10:32am  I finally got to call Julieta from Molino's Cafe.  The girl working inside was nice enough to let me charge my phone so I could call my Tita.  She was crying, she was so worried.  It had been like five or six days.  


               Oh, did I tell you about that crazy dude?  See, I was on the onramp trying to hitchhike earlier, over by the US Bank building.  All of a sudden I see this Mexican dude walking.  He came up to me telling me he ran out of gas and had left his dog and cat in the car.  I googled on my phone and the gas station was a mile away.  He told me in Spanish that if I could find him some gas that he would pay me, that he had a lot of money.  I wasn't having any luck hithchiking so I said okay.  I checked my phone and the gas station was a whole mile away.   This dude was obviously smashed drunk.  I had to keep him from stumbling into the street and getting hit by a car a couple of times.  His speech was all slurred and he waw stumbling.  If this guy was left unsupervised he was going to get run over.  So we walked a lot, everytime we passed by a liquor store he asked me if I wanted anything.  I told him a big bottle of water, that I didn't drink.  He was so drunk that when we passed by some homeless dude he kicked his bag.  The homeless dude got in his face and I just kept walking.  All of a sudden I hear this guy yelling.  The homeless dude realized his drunkeness and told him to keep walking.  Pretty noble.  So we finally make it to the gas station and this dude goes in and buys a gallon bottle of Crystal Guyser and goes to a gas pump and tries to fill it up, without even paying for gas first.  Even if he got gas in the bottle I don't know how he expected to put it in his gas tank.  At that point I gave up on him so when he walked away with his empty bottle I didn't follow.  I was more concerned about the animals in his car, if his story was straight.  But that wasn't my issue, I was finally at a gas station.  Lo and behold I saw a bum there flying a sign.  Perfect.  I went in and got a coffee refill and waited for the bum to leave.  When  he did I went and did my thing with my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign and got some more dollars.  When I got bored it finally dawned on me that maybe I could catch city transit further East.  Then I realized I was just about out of blog papers, so I set out to find a print shop instead.

5:36pm         I forgot to tell you, I finally made it to the Staples.  I was all out of blog papers.  First I almost got to Office Max.  I saw these guys with cameras taking pictures and you know me, I exposed my shirt and told them, "Photo-op right here."  I gave them my blog and they accepted it.  They never took a picture of me though.  I was almost to the Office Max, it was on the other side of the highway.  They told me there was another print shop off of Market and whatever main street I am on.   I couldn't find it anywhere.  I asked some other lady on the street and she told me there was a Staples, so I caught the bus to go to Staples.  Man, the bus drivers around here never want to help you with shit.  They don't know anything.  They never want to help me.  I am sure it's because of all the courtesy ride asking hobos.  They must be tired of explaining shit to people.  Anyway, I caught the bus and right when I got close to where the Staples was supposed to be, my phone died.  Luckily, this couple with this awesome husky who looked like a spinx, they were real nice to me and the dude gave me directions and told me where to get off.  This town is big.  There's tons of Mexican restaurants around I can go hit up.  Anyway, I finally found the Staples, but they told me they couldn't do same-day prints unless you have an ATM card, which I don't.  I told them I just needed like 4 sheets printed out.  The girl told me, "Here, if you can figure it out on the self-serve printer, you can try, but we are really busy right now.  That they would make it work with cash.  I am not going to pressure them at all.  I am just going to stand here and charge my phone and be happy.  

                Did I tell you about the crazy dude?  When I was trying to hitchike earlier, over by US Bank.  All of a sudden I see this Mexican dude stumbling over to me.  He told me he had run out of gas and that he had his dog and cat in the car.  This dude was drunk off of his ass.  He shouldn't be driving anyway.  I am glad he ran out of gas.  He asked me if I could get him some gas.  I told him I could look it up for him.  It was a whole mile away.  We walked all the way to the gas station.  I had to keep him on the sidewalk and make sure he didn't get hit by a car.  Anyway, we found the gas station eventually, I hadn't been there, so it was perfect.  It's like the only gas station in town.  We had walked over to the Phillips 66 first, but it was all closed down.  We kept walking and over by the highway we found a busy gas station.  At this place I saw a bum flying a sign, perfect.  I eventually took ove the spot and made a little cash and passed out my blog.  Oh yeah, that dude, everytime we passed by a liquor store he'd try and buy me a beer.  I told him I only needed water.  In the end I just ditched him.  He had told me he had a lot of money.  I felt like calling the police and telling them the story, how there's a car on the side of the highway with animals in it and there's a drunk guy walking around.  This guy was too drunk to drive, even if he found his car again.  I doubt he would be able to find it without me.  He at least bought me a huge bottle of water which is what I really needed.  So I am sitting pretty good after all.  Riverside pisses me off.  LOS ANGELES SUCKS!  I flew my sign until I didn't have any more little papers.   I walked a lot and my feet are tired.  All of this activity is thanks to that three hour nap I scored.  I had found a perfect spot and rested well.  After my nap is when I ran into the drunk guy so I had a lot of energy to walk.  Alright, I am still charging my phone at Staples.  The people here have been real nice to me.  

7:00pm  All ready to go.  Finished at Staples.  I left my seed everywhere here.  Awesome.

7:27pm  Isilia en Aliberto Jr's me esta dando comida.  Te lo agradesco, Isilia.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

        Called that!

        Ha, this stupid group of Christians.  They were having a lame "healing" session with some girl on a bike that had lit up spokes on it.  After they were done I hit them up for my story and this one dude said, "We'll listen, sure.  Five minutes."  The second I said marijuana they turned their ears off.  That was my cue.  DAMN, NOBODY WANTS WORLD PEACE!  POOR KIDS!  GOOD LITTLE SLAVES!  YOU WORK FOR THE DEVIL!  THAT'S THE GREAT DECEPTION YOUR STUPID BIBLE TALKS ABOUT!  WHAT HAPPENED TO FIVE MINUTES?!  YOU SHOULDN'T IGNORE SO MUCH!  THAT MAKES YOU IGNNORANT!  YOU GOD DAMNED LIARS!  TALK IS CHEAP!

        Idiot Christian devil worshippers.


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