

Riverside to Redlands, CA

Saturday September 23, 2023

 5:50am  I woke up about half an hour ago.  I found the prefect place to crash here.  In Riverside.  In front of the police station!  

I wandered around last night.  The security guard at the gas station was cool.  At first I assured him I wasn't asking for money, that I was just talking to people who reacted to my shirt and he was cool, always kept giving me the hang ten hand signal.  He eventually asked me if I could take off in fifteen minutes and I told him sure and set my stopwatch.  When fifteen minutes came I was sure to show him my stopwatch and bid him goodnight.  He smiled and gave me a final hang-ten.  Then I wandered around downtown scanning for a concealed spot somewhere.  No trespassing signs everywhere.  Then I stumbled onto this entrance where I spotted a black dude asleep with a big shopping cart full of stuff.  I kindly walked up and asked whispering, "Do you mind if I sleep here too?  My feet are sore."  He was cool and welcomed me.  Then I turn around and realize I am right in front of the main entrance to the police station!  No one is going to mess with my stuff here!  I am probably on camera!  Perfect!  I can totally sleep safe and sound here.  
        I made another friend.  His name is Lester.  He's been to prison.  He had sooo many stories to tell me.  It got to the point where I told him I needed to get to sleep.  He was happy to talk to me.  This morning I woke up and transferred all my stuff away so as not to wake Lester.  He woke up and asked if I was going back to sleep.  I told him no, that I was going to get out of town.  I took pictures.  Today is going to be a great day, just you watch.  Okay, I am going to start my day and see where I can take a piss and shit, later.

8:32am  I am sitting here at the bus stop.  I am going to go to San Bernardino, get on I10 and go to Texas.  

8:42am  I am still waiting for the bus here.  I had made my way over to the sign flying spot by the gas station I was at yesterday.  Berri.  The 711.  I first went in and asked the Mexican cashier, she had a big frown on her face because she thought I was homeless.  It was like five thirty, but it was packed inside.  I asked if I could use the restroom and was told it was for customers only.  I hmmphed and went straight to the sign flying spot, even though there was barely any traffic.  I still got enough for a coffee refill quick.  I went back to the gas station and bought a coffee so I could rightfully use the restroom.  I peed and was a bit constipated.  I didn't want to take too long because it was busy, so I saved my shit and left.  Then I got to thinking, "Man, what the fuck am I still doing here?  I10 is like half an hour away.  There HAS TO BE city transit that goes there.  San Bern.  Hopefully I will get a courtesy ride.  

11:08am  I am now waiting for the 15 bus to Redlands.  Hopefully I will get another courtesy ride.  It goes to the Redlands Mall Transfer Center, which is right off I10.  Hopefully there is a truckstop or something.  

11:25am  Scored another courtesy ride, awesome.  I will be sure to give the driver my blob when I get off the bus.  

12:39pm  I made my way to Redlands, in front of the Chevron here.

1:53pm  I found the perfect spot to fly my sign and spread the word.  Right next to Mr. Taco, at these train tracks where cars back up at the light. 




The light sometimes turns red for no apparent reason and it stays red for a long time.  It's across the street from the Chevron where I chilled out in the grass in the shade earlier.  And I am right next to this Mexican restaurant that's packed with people who can plainly read my shirt(and my blog address).  So I am walking back and forth in front of all of these people who are sitting inside staring at me out of the window.  

6:00pm  My feet ache.  I wonder where I am going to sleep tonight.  Hmm, right behind the Chevron maybe.

10:27pm  I just made one of the biggest squatting mistakes ever!  With my feet aching I came to the back of the Chevron here, and behind the lit up concrete dumpster housing, in the bushes and landscaping I threw my rain poncho down and made my bed and crashed out.  Well, after only about four hours of sleep I got woken up by the sprinkler!  Oh shit!  I got soaked!  There was a little river forming where I had made my bed!  I quickly got to my feet and started throwing things out into the grass, only to realize it was still getting wet by the sprinklers.  I hurriedly moved all my stuff to in front of the dumpster, which was in the lit up back parking lot of the gas station.  I wasn't sure where my glasses were, so I grabbed my headlamp and with the sprinklers still gushing I jumped down in the bushes to feel around for my glasses.  Luckily I found them and I returned to my stuff to asssess my situation.  Shit, I am going to have to wait like twelve more hours for the sun to come up and I can start drying my stuff off.  I wasn't sure about anything.  I doubt I could hang out in this parking lot until then. I wonder what the police are going to tell me.  Any minute they should show up.  This might be it for Victor, hehe.  

         Before I knew it a security guard came back there to see what was going on.  I tried to calmly explain to him what had happened.  Even though all my stuff was wet he had convinced himself that I had snuck into the dumpster housing, that the gate to it had been locked.  I gave him a weird look and asked him, "If I had been in there, how did I get all wet?"  He ran inside to check the cameras.  I had my rain poncho hanging on the open door drip drying.  He insisted I had five minutes to get all of my stuff and leave.  Desperate, I gathered all my wet clothes and stuffed it in my bag.  I kind of remembered there being motels on the other side of the highway so I trudged over the bridge.  

         My phone was dead.  I went to the Super8 motel and asked if I could please charge my phone.  The nice guy let me charge it in their laundry room.  I called my mom, not really expecting help, just to talk to her.  She volunteered to help me out with some money.  I asked her if there was any way she could get me two night's stay so I could rest my feet and she said sure, no problem.  Unfortunately, they wouldn't accept CC info over the phone and it was after 12 anway, so for some reason I wouldn't be able to check in anyway.  Damn.  They let me charge my phone though.  I walked to all the other motels nearby and they had the same policy.  

        For some reason I had a calling to the 711.  

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