

Redlands to Yucaipa, CA 

Sunday September 24, 2023

12:25am  A lot of shit has happened.  Some bad shit happened.  Some uncomfortable shit happened.  After about three and a half hours of sleep or so in the bushes right behind the dumpster building behind the Chevron.  The sprinklers came on and ruined my squat.  I thought throwing stuff far away would help, but it didn't, my stuff still got wet.  I had to scurry and transfer al of my shit in front ofthe dumpster house.  I already explained all of this, but the manager at the Super 8 told me they might do cash transfers at the 711, so that's where I am going now.  

              I told this random Mexican dude who complimented my shirt that I had some for sale.  He said he only had a handful of change and I told him I would give him a shirt for that, only if he would put it on now.  He  said okay.   

1:23am  I was in front of the 711 not knowing what I was going to do.  Nice Jaime is going to give me a ride to the truckstop.  


6:20am  Ricardo me esta dando un ride de el rest area a un laundromat 

donde puedo secar mis cosas.  

        It was so awesome, yet another gay dude helped me out of my dire situation.  Jaime and then Ricardo.  Ricardo turned way gay and I had to tell him to buzz off and stop disrespecting my marriage.  I'll add the texts eventually.

7:30am  Lisa at the gas station in Yucaipa is letting me get coffee for not enough.  I appreciate it, Lisa.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:45am  I just had a grueling workout. I only slept like three hours in the cold and then I stayed up at the rest area.  It was awesome.  All night went by and I stayed busy drying a lot of my stuff with the hand dryers and luckily they had a plug and I could charge my phone all the way.  When the sun came up gay Ricardo gave me a ride to a laundromat in Yucaipa.  Luckily, I had a handful of quarters and I was able to dry most of my stuff all the way.  Last night was crazy.  I got delivered to safety though!  I still can't believe I have had zero police contact during this trip.  I think it's like day number eight already.  I am in Yucaipa.  Let me tell you what's happened.  I got a ride to the rest area from that first fag.  

        Oh yeah, I was stuck in Redlands, that's right.  Bouncing around, trying to get a hotel with my mom's help.  My wife wasn't calling me.  All of this stress.  I finally decided to go to the 711.  All of a sudden another homosexual starts hitting on me.  He gave me a ride to the rest area.  I got his number and we were texting and he started getting inappropriate, asking me if it was true about tall guys.  At the 711 some dude complimented my shirt and I offered him one.  He gave me a handful of change.  

         Anyway, Jaime gave me a ride to a rest area.  It was awesome, no officials anywhere.  This one black dude went in the stall and did some drugs.  I've been noticing that shit all the time lately on my trip.  People doing drugs in the bathrooms.   

          I just stayed up all night in the bathroom.  It got cold AF outside so I am glad I was able to stay in the bathroom.  All my clothes were wet so it would've sucked to have been outside all night.                  Eventually, another gay dude started hitting on me.  This guy Jaime.  He ended up bringing me to the laundromat in Yucaipa.  The laundromat is five miles away from the highway so I am slowly walking my way back.  There's buses here, I think, but I feel like doing some sightseeing.  Even though I haven't slept.  I took some pictures of stuff.  

Anyway, the first time I decided to take a picture I set my small Bubba Mug of coffee down on the sidewalk and ended up forgetting it.  I was way up the hill already when I noticed I wasn't holding it anymore.  I had to backtrack, but I got it back.  

        Oh yeah, this beautiful girl at Aliberto's.  All these Mexican girls I am running into remind me so much of my wife.  I even showed her a picture I have on my phone of my Tita when she was younger.  I told her, "Mi esposa puede ser tu hermana."  My wife could be your sister.  She smiled and agreed.  She hooked me up good.  A big fat bean and cheese.  Alright.  That's enough now.  

10:49am  I am walking down 4th Street.  Cutting across to I10.  More like limping down 4th street.  I just passed this house with a VW bug in the yard.  On the house I see a sign that says STONER AVENUE.  

I sat down to rest and smoke, hoping some stoners will come out and talk to me.  I filled up their mailbox with little papers.  They'll get the message.  I should take a picture.  

         Just as I was walkig away from the stoner house I got the idea to just gift them a shirt.  I am sure someone who lives there will appreciate it.  I left a white one hanging on their gate.  I took a picture of it.  

         12737 is the address.  

5:00pm  I woke up in the park.  I wonder how much sleep I got.  Lemme rewind.  

5:03pm  Oh shit, I just realized I didn't document anything.  I just scored like a good three hour nap or so.  I made some friends!  I forgot to mention.  I was wandering around kind of lost, aiming for the highway, I10 East.  I went up and down this big hill.  It was a pretty heft hike.  I came up to this park eventually.  

               I saw this couple sitting at a gazebo. 


I walked up and jokingly asked, "Will you guys please not call the cops if I take a nap?"  They were all, "We are in the same boat, go ahead."  It was this pretty girl and her dude Shane.  They were right up my alley and agreed with everything I said.  Kin-folk.  They loved my story.  They don't have jobs either.  They live in a pop up camper on some guy's property.  They are free.  I even gifted them a shirt. 

 They were grateful.  They loved my jokes and everything.  She said she wanted to go eat.  I had forgotten about my original plan to take a nap.  I am glad I did though.  I scored some good rest.  Anyway, they're going to let me crash where they crash tonight.  I have the girl's number.

5:57pm  I made my way to the FastTrip gas station over by I10.  I tried to call my friends, but the number didn't work.  Like, it rang and then said the voicemail wasn't set up.  Right now I am going to try and manifest a coffee refill.  It's already late.  I am not going to try and leave just yet.  I am going to stay in Yucaipa another day.  I've got to figure out where I am going to crash tonight, I don't know.  Oh yeah, I am able to charge my phone here outside if the Fast Trip.  It's perfect.  They have a plug outside.  

7:48pm  I have an update to make.  I still haven't gotten a hold of my friends I made earlier.  I realized I didn't have my balaclava my wife knitted for me.  I think I left a lot of stuff in the dryer at the laundromat.  I called and talked to some cool dude who assured me people were good at not taking things.  He checked for me so I wouldn't have to walk out there in vain, but he didn't see anything.  I can't be sure that's where I lost it then.  Hopefully I can get a hold of my friends soon.  They might have some layers they could lend me.  I don't have a sleeping bag or anything.  

8:40pm  Lauria, this beautiful girl.  They didn't sound Mexican, but they might've been.  I am just standing here on the side of the liquor store.  It's all lit up and there's no windows showing inside.  The people inside can't see me out here.  I am not doing anything wrong anyway.  I am just pacing back and forth.  Before I told The Note From the Rich to this couple.  The dude said he would be back and would smoke me out and give me a place to crash at his house.  Let's see if that happens.  Talk is cheap.  It's awesome.  I might stay here a while.  Hopefully the friends I made earlier will call me back and let me know what's going on.  It sucks that I misplaced my shit at the laundromat.  I like this town.  No cops have fucked with me whatsoever.  

9:09pm  Greg is hooking me up with some money in front of the liquor store.  I appreciate it, Greg.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  Let me give you my blog.

10:44pm  What was your name again?  Joe is being nice enough to hook me up with some weed at the Fast Trip.  I appreciate it, Joe.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  You got my blog, right?

10:51pm  Jody was nice enough to give me a cigarette.  I appreciate it, Jody.  Everybody gets credit. 



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