

                                                                                Helena to Montana City to Butte, MT

Friday September 25, 2009

     6:00am  Seven hours of sleep.

     6:30am  David was nice enough to give me a cigarette outside of the shelter. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     7:19am  I am leaving from the mission. This town is dead, it's not that populated at all. It is Friday, after all. I don't know if I should give this town a second chance and not skip it. I was going to walk to a hitchspot somewhere, but I might change my mind. If I do decide to stick around I'll go back to the shelter and see if I can leave my bags there so I can walk around freer.
     7:34am  I walked 11th Street all the way to Montana Avenue. I see a sign pointing towards the capitol. I'm going to go take pictures of the capitol at least before I leave.

                   I stopped to take a picture of the capitol and all of a sudden I see all these deer crossing the street into the neighborhood. Like four or five of them. They're all in the neighborhood.

     7:42am  I stopped to take a picture of the capitol at the stoplight. By Barbara Kedes' house. Artist and Teacher. 443-3805
     8:01am  Also at the stoplight I took on the project of getting me a resin hit or something. I had plenty of weed dust in my tin. I got a couple hits. I'm going to walk a little bit more up the hill to the capitol and take closer pictures.

                   I am always taking animals that appear before me as signs not to leave a town.
                   I have decided to give this town another chance. I'm going to walk back to the shelter and see if I can leave my heavy pack there.

                   I am totally going to put my whole Bermuda Triangle book on my website. It's a great book.

     8:15am  I walked the wrong way. I walked up 6th Street instead of 11th. I'm turning right on Hovak. I don't know where I'm going to end up. Maybe I'll tell somebody my story in front of their house.

     8:41am  I am coming up on the civic center, this big tower. I see tennis courts! I'm going to check for balls for my walking stick.

     8:47am  Sweet, I scored at least one tennis ball. I had seen a deer sitting in the grass under the shade of a tree in the corner by the courts. I checked the perimeter of the courts and didn't see one ball. I stepped closer to the deer to get a better look at it and I found a tennis ball under these bushes, nice.

                   I am here by Hill Park, across the street from the civic center.

     8:57am  I'm just walking randomly and I came across the Montana Masonic MuseumI took picturesGrand Lodge

                   I ended back at the walking mall. I'm going to walk to the library and read my Levar Burton book. It's a good book. I've got it on my USB drive so I need a computer to read it.

                   I think I'm going to stop reading this Unlimited Power book. It's not that interesting any more. I'm going to skim through it and see if I can harvest some good quotes out of it. I already got that good Mark Twain quote about making your vocation your vacation.

"There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way."
- Christopher Morley

"People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them."
- Anthony Robbins

"Winning starts with beginning."
- Anonymous

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it."
- Henry Ford

"Where there is no vision, people perish."
- Proverbs 29:18

"If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that are his sincere friend."
- Abraham Lincoln

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others."
- Anthony Robbins

"One can stand still in a flowing stream, but not in the world of men."
- Japanese Proverb

"The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without a struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is called intelligent non-aggresiveness. This is called mastery of men."
- Lao Tzu

"One who is too insistent on his own views, finds few to agree with him."
- Lao Tzu

"Respond intelligently, even to unintelligent treatment."
- Lao Tzu

"Everything that enlarges the sphere of human power, that shows man he can do what he thought he could not do, is valuable."

"Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are incompetents in asylums who can't and those in cemeteries."
- Everett Dirksen

"If you see what is small as it sees itself, and accept what is weak for what strength it has, and use what is dim for the light it gives, then all will go well? This is called acting naturally."

The Ziggy Cartoon on Page 311. Ziggy is on the couch at the shrink's. The shrink tells him, "The whole world isn't against you. There are billions of people who don't care one way or another."

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."
- Anonymous

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

"He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
- Lao Tzu

"Little things effect little minds."
- Benjamin Disraeli

"We are not going to be able to operate out Spaceship Earth successfully, nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody."
- Buckminster Fuller

"There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it."
- Logan Pearsall Smith

"If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world."
- Emmett Fox

     10:44am  I read my Levar Burton book a little more. I think I'm on Chapter 23. Rene is trying to escape and zaps the guy with a stun gun through the door lock. Umm, this town is boring. There's not that many people at all even though it's Friday. It is still kind of early. I'm going to walk down the walking mall and see if I can find any kids to tell my story to. I'll make my way back to the shelter for lunch at 11:30am. I might skip town. I don't know.

     12:30pm  I'm giving up on this town again. I ate lunch. I'm trying to find the bus terminal now.

     1:13pm  I am already on the way to I90 on the HAT bus. Helena Area Transit. Before the bus came I told this brother Randy my story. After we left on the bus I asked this girl with purple hair sitting down at the front if she would listen to my story but she said no when I mentioned marijuana. Nobody wants world peace! I was just testing you.

     1:37pm  I just got dropped off by Lake Helena drive and Highway 12. I don't see any gas stations around here. There's a highway, but it's not I90 and I see billboards pointing to a truck stop or something nearby. I'm going to walk that way.

     2:13pm  Awesome, some magic happened. I walked to the gas station, oh yeah, I saw this guy with a hilarious PP shirt. See, I got dropped off by the bus and didn't know where I was. I walked to the Conoco gas station and found out I am not close to I90 at all. I came to the Town Pump gas station and saw the guy with the PP shirt and took a picture. Dave and Toni saw me and commented on my shirt. I told them how I didn't know where I was and they told me I should head to Montana City about eight miles away. I asked Dave if he could give me a ride there for the cause and he said sure.

     2:24pm  Dude, I just got a ride to Montana City, the Cenex gas station here by the highway.

                   Oh yeah, when I got on the bus at Helena I was about to put my dollar in change in the farebox and I noticed there was a red bus token that hadn't fallen through the gap. I grabbed it and asked the driver, "Will this work?" He said sure. I didn't have to pay fare, nice.

     3:03pm  I went inside the gas station and filled my bag with ice. I was outside smoking a cigarette and all of a sudden this dude comes up to me and says, "I can't give you a ride anywhere, but do you want to smoke a bowl??" For sure! Boy, do I love my shirt. We drove in their car to this watering hole closeby that Dave had recommended I stop by and they're going to smoke a brother out for the cause. Devin and Hudson.

     3:40pm  Devin and Hudson dropped me back off at the Cenex in Montana CityJoey just volunteered me a cigarette. I appreciate it.

     3:59pm  Benny from Montana City listened to my story great. He loved my story and seemed all moved by it.

                   I didn't tell you my backpack got run over in the parking lot! Right when I got dropped off I set my backpack on the ground while I moved my heavy pack to in front of the store. When I went back to get my backpack some guy had inadvertently ran over my backpack! I was yelling at him, "Keep going! You're on top of my backpack!" He was all, "I didn't see no backpack." Boy, I was worried. In my backpack I have in my CD case my little USB drive with all my typing on it. I checked and it was still intact and unharmed(hopefully). I did have some casualties. My earphones snapped, that sucks. I think that's all that was breakable that was in there. I'm checking everything right now.

                   Pretty Fedex lady. I'm having fun at the gas station here.

                   Oh yeah, Devin or Hudson hooked me up with a nugget too, awesome.

     4:35pm  Lee Howard and Buffalo. These older dudes, they used to be homeless, I think. When they pulled up they saw my shirt and walked by. I told them if they had time for my story I wasn't asking for anything and Lee said on the way out. When he came back out he listened to my story. Every time I asked if I could keep going he told me to go ahead. They were riding in a small Toyota pickup. I asked them if it was illegal to ride in the back of the truck in Montana and he said he didn't care and offered me a ride to Butte!

                   I was riding in the back of the truck and it was cold with the wind-chill. I could've put my sweatpants on, but I pulled out my sleeping bag and got in that instead. I'm really comfortable on top of my sleeping pad in the back of the truck. I was showing off my shirt to all the traffic on the way to Butte. They're going to take me to the mission here in Butte to eat. Perfect.

                   I see taquerias.

     6:39pm  I am leaving the Butte rescue mission. After I unloaded they invited me inside and I had to stand there and listen to their boring ass mass. All the lies eventually got on my nerves and I walked out of there. I don't need to eat there, not for that price. I gave my website to these girls outside, so they'll get it. I was hungry, I thought they were going to feed. They had all these kids there from a school, trying to show them what it was like to be homeless. I just left after a bit. I'm hungry and I saw taquerias. I'm going to get food anyway. I don't have to sit through the lies and brainwashing to eat. I'm going to go practice what I preach.

                   During the bullshit sermon they were trying to say that Christianity wasn't a religion. Lies, all lies.

                   Earlier I had some mind-blowing presentations at the gas station in Montana City. I had these kids in my trance. Those kids who smoked me out, when they brought me back to the gas station I put on my show for them and had them hooked.

     7:19pm  I walked to a gas station, a Thriftway and Gerri and her husband Tony, they listened to my story earlier, they came back and hooked me up with a nugget. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Way to support the cause.

                   Jamie, Sarah and Cassie all listened to me at the Thriftway, the Thugway they call it. Cassie gave me a cigarette.

                   I'm really glad I left Missoula. Some scary shit happened to me there.

                   I hung out at that gas station for a while, the Thriftway. I'm walking East on Business 90. I'm sure there will be another gas station I can chill at. I'll go look for a campspot maybe.

                   I'm going to walk in the Dominos and see if these guys ever make mistakes here.

                   The Dominos told me no. Also I lost my pouch of tobacco, that blows. I am still finding good cigarette butts left and right. Wish I had a pouch.

                   Sweet, I'm going to go hit up El Taco if they're open and then I'll go find a campspot.

     8:15pm  The greedy asses at El Taco told me. Manager's not here bullshit. Man, nobody wants world peace!

                   John's Home of the Original Pork Chop Sandwich. I'm going to go ask for John, hehe.

     8:16pm  They told me no at El Taco of all places, and Jill is being nice enough to hook me up at John's. Jill at John's. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I really went in there and asked to talk to John.

     8:50pm  About ten minutes ago I secured my squat for the night next to this abandoned building close to the highway. It's like right on the side corner of the building, like a car could pull up and I'd be right here sleeping. I don't care, I'm not scared. It's a vacant building. No cars are going to come. I'm going to bed.

                   Greedy ass white girls at the taco place didn't hook me up, but the nice white girl at John's fed the peace machine. I can't wait to eat the food she gave me. I brought it to my camp.

                   I had so much fun riding in the back of the truck today, taking hits underneath my shirt and giving the peace sign to all the cars passing by. I was stretching my shirt out so people could read it. Awesome presentations at the gas stations today too. I love being out at gas stations spreading my word.

     9:24pm  I am crashing out for the night.

Next day..

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