

                                                                       Livingston to Emigrant to Gardiner, MT

Monday September 28, 2009

     6:05am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I woke up last night after only four or five hours of sleep. I woke up and it's froze over last night! My water is frozen. Everything's frozen. Last night I walked down like a mile down the road.  I was dismayed at the barbwire fence along the road that blocked my access to any woods.  I walked to the next mile marker and luckily spotted a spot where the fence had been trampled down and there was a start of a trail.  I walked it and not that far away from the road I found a flat grassy spot and put down my portable floor and made camp.  I stayed alright because I layered up really good before I went to bed. I put all my pants on and shirts. I'm still freezing though. The sun is going to be up in a couple of hours and it'll warm stuff up. Man, what if it would've rained? It would've snowed. I'm like a mile away from the gas station. I'm going to walk back there as soon as I find the courage to get up. I've got my candle lantern lit and warming my hands with it. 

     7:02am  Okay, I'm going to brave the elements and get up. It's light outside already. I wish the sun would come up.

     7:43am  About ten minutes ago I walked back to the Subway with the Super 8 across the street. I see their car. Hopefully I'll catch them when they walk out. They might be going to Gardiner tonight. Fifteen miles. Umm, I'm thinking about calling my mom and asking her for a bus ticket. It got fucking cold last night. First freeze of my trip.
     8:15am  I am standing here waiting for the sun to come and Wes walked up to me wearing a cowboy hat. He asked me if I had breakfast and volunteered me some money. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, man.

                   Hell yeah, I was just standing there waiting for the sun to come up and this guy walked up to me and asked me where I was headed. He told me he was going to Billings and I asked him if I could get a ride, figured I could go South at Billings too. He told me he could only take me as far as this other town and that I was better off staying there. Whatever. I might as well stay here and see if those people go to their car and see if I can get a ride.

                   Six bucks for breakfast, that's good.

                   I ate the rest of my sub right before I went to bed last night. I assured myself that I would walk to the gas station in the morning and manifest some breakfast somehow. I just did, sweet. Thank you, LOVE. Man, it got cold last night, freezing. I woke up and everything was frosted over. I even whipped out my emergency blanket and tried using it. I'm not sure if it helped much.

                   I had considered going to Billings, but screw it, I'm going to go check out Yellowstone. Hopefully I'll get hookups.

     8:29am  About ten minutes ago they went out to their car and it turns out they're not going to Gardiner today. Unless they're lying because Brandon's mom is still freaked out with me. I'll get a ride from a gas station, it's alright.

     8:47am  I stood in front of Way Out West since like 7am waiting for them to come out to their car. They finally did, but couldn't give me a ride so I'm going to try my luck at the gas station here.

     9:30am  Michelle just volunteered me some money. I appreciate it, Michelle. Everybody gets credit. She saw my shirt and came over and said, "Here's some money for your cause." She gave me nine bucks.

     9:55am  I got blessed with some money so I went and bought some Triple A batteries. I needed them.

     10:00am  I came in front of the Conoco/Town Pump and I'm going to try and thumb it South.

     10:08am  AJ and Cody just hooked me up with some weed! You guys made my day. Everybody gets credit.

                     AJ the Caregiver. I saw these kids pumping gas and figured they wouldn't be heading South. They left at the exit that I'm standing next to. As they were waiting for traffic to pass they got a good luck at my shirt. I noticed them reading it so I ran up to the car to give them my website. AJ tells me, "I'm a caregiver." Cody reaches into her purse and they give me a handful of weed! AJ gave me his card.

                     Did I tell you I called my mom yesterday from the mom's cellphone? I thought I was going to wait and surprise her, but I told her I was coming home for the winter.

                     4917467, this guy in a truck stopped to give me a ride while I was reading my book. He said he was only going twelve miles. I asked him if there was another gas station and he said nowhere nearby. I told him thanks anyway. Of course I gave him my website too. I've been giving everybody my website lately.

     12:34pm  I got tired at the gas station so I went back to the road to thumb it. Michael just pulled over for me. I appreciate it, Michael. Thanks for mobilizing me. Everybody gets credit.

                     ADW-527 Montana. Nice Michael.

                     Drying tarps in sun

     1:13pm  I've had this idea in my head for a while now. I want to wash off my tarps at a car wash. Well, I just got dropped off at this gas station I don't know where right in front of a carwash! I've got change in my pocket too. I'm going to follow through. I see a sign that says Livingston 23 miles. He gave me a 23 mile hop. I'm like halfway to Gardiner.

                   I just sprayed down my tarps at the car wash here. Two bucks I spent.

                   Oh yeah, Michael hooked me up with the last of his American Spirits too, sweet. He liked my story a lot.

                   Murphy Lane is where I'm at. The Sinclair gas station on Murphy Lane 23 miles away from Livingston. 30 miles away from Gardiner. Oh yeah, Michael warned me that the whole park is government owned and you have absolutely no search and seizure rights. He told me to be careful with my mission, my stance. Maybe I should take that as a warning and try to score a ride all the way through.

                   I'm in the town of Emigrant.

     2:23pm  Ron Price pulled over just to give me some Kongin Alkaline water. Ron: "This is an approved medical device in Japan, the machine. Usually when people are sick their bodies are acidic."

                   Ron: "The 2.5 kills e-coli, bacteria, virus, fungus, even AIDS." Elixir of Life. Ron: "You know, I woke up one morning with the idea of drinking of the water of life freely. I realized if this isn't the water of life then I would like to know what is. It's been out in Japan since 1965. Kangen Alkaline Water. It means Return to Origin. What the means is, you know like the Hunses in the mountains, they lived to be 110, 120, 130. They drink glacial melt water high in the mountains. That water is alkaline. It's hexagonal shaped in the mountain. By the time it gets down the mountain from the glacier it becomes pentagon shaped or no shape. Any bottled water you buy is not worth carrying home. It's reverse-osmosis, it's dead, it has no minerals. Anyway, this water, return to origin means when it goes through this machine it is going back to the hexagonal shape just like in the mountains. It's anti-aging. I've had people tell me when I was younger, they would ask me what I was doing. Anyway, I don't know why I'm going into all that.

                   Download Blue Gold. World Water Wars. Ron: "It was a film festival in Hawaii in June. I think on Amazon they call it Blue Golf - Future World War. The reason I say I think that's a major problem is because my son works for the state department. When I went to Hawaii in June and saw this movie he was called back from Washington. He has the rank of a general even though he's state department. He was called back for a strategic commodities meeting. There are four companies that are buying all of the fresh water around the world, as strange as that may seem. Coca Cola, Bectel, Nestle, and Perriere. They've already bought all the water in South America except for in Uruguay and Bolivia where everybody got together and fought it. Then they come to the U.S. Here's a big map of the interior department. They've bought all the water in the great lakes. It even shows the date they bought it, the company that bought it under those four I just mentioned. They go to Atlanta, Dallas, Florida, across the United States. Their aim is to ruin all of the freshwater, which is only three percent around the world. 97% salt water. They ruin the water either by running it out and depleting the source, or letting it set and getting agae, or letting companies dump their chemicals in it and ruining it. It's their goal. Then, big companies coupled with the World Health Organization or whoever they want to join up with. They build a billion dollar plants, in fact they're building one right now in Kona, they build it wherever they need it. All of a sudden, whoever builds the plant, the water that comes through that plant they now own, right. It's an actual fact. When I saw the movie I knew what my son had told me, but I had forgotten it sort of. Then the next day I am in Maui telling this guy hey, when I was here thirty years ago there was only one water source here. Well, according to Blue Gold people could bring in pipes there and deplete the water, dry up the aquifer and then everyone on this island will be tied to a desalination plant. They can do it one islad, they can do it on the rest of them. Blue Gold shows that they're doing it in Africa, they're doing it in every country in the world." Does Kangen water have the same properties as regular water? Ron: "Good question. The desalinated water, some people say that the ocean water has some of the same properties as blood. We do know the ocean has all kinds of minerals. The body definitely needs the minerals. People like bottled water because it's convenient and assume it's definitely better than tap water. It's still dead water with no minerals." Wasn't stuff like that in that movie What the Bleep Do We Know?" Ron: "Yes, exactly. The point of that movie, which I saw six times, is that our brain is 85% water, our blood is 92% water, the body is 70% or 75% water. We're walking bags of water. So every cell in our body is reacting to our thoughts. Have you seen those books by Dr. Moto called Messages in Water? Since 2000 Dr. Moto has been able to take pictures of water molecules around the world. The water molecule can look like whatever the shape, their beautiful, they're like crystals. If it's polluted water could be rusty colored. It could be brown, ugly. As people pray and bless the water, you can bring in another sample and it's lighter. You bring another one and it can turn to gold, violet, purple, all different colors. Same molecule, but changed frequency and vibration and color. Their point was that when we thank God, when we are greatful for whatever we're greatful for, we are literally changing out whole bodies through that gratitude." With thoughts we make the world. Can I get back to my story?

                   Watch the movie Cash Crop also.

                   Also remember to stare at the sun for the first hour when it comes up. They rays aren't supposed to hurt your eyes. Start at ten seconds. Progressively add another ten seconds to it each day. Ron: "The goal is 44 minutes. 44 minutes is still within the hour window. Also, try to be standing barefoot in sand. If it's too cold to be barefoot, wear your clothes. If you can't do it from outsude then stand inside looking through the window. What happens is the sun's rays his the optic nerve and charges the brain like a battery. The guy who teaches Solar Healing is from India. He was here two years ago and I talked to him at length. He's a follower of Baba-gi. Point is he goes around the world, 200 locations around the world, and teaches thousands of people solar healing. When I talked to him I told him that when I was at 21 minutes I had this insight that when the sun hits the optice nerve, you know how when the sun shines though a prism it has a rainbow ray everywhere? In this case, the rainbow rays are going inside and the colors of the rainbow are healing the body. Blue is giving us power, Pink's giving us love, white is giving us purity, green is giving us feeling, blue and purple are giving us strength. I told him that and he said I was exactly right. I also told him I'd read the King Solomon had built a temple just for solar healing. He said, "Yes, that was four thousand years ago. Back then everybody looked at the sun and was healed. Everybody got involved. Everybody shared, everybody was generous. Until the government came along and said you cannot look at the sun under penalty of death. Look at when you get the chance and see what you think." As the mission evolves. Thanks for helping me educate the masses, Ron Price.

                   Ron tells me there's an angel named Victory. Ron: "Victory, in fact his name is Mighty Victory. His symbol is a Star of David. The Star of David as you know there's a point coming down and a point going up. Thats representing heaven coming down and earth going up and becoming heaven, or meeting. Victory has been Victorious for hundreds of thousands of centuries. He says when you call to Victory and visualize the golden triangle of the Star of David. Like right now I am visualizing it between the two of us, we are getting the benefit of that energy. We can also call it Victory's garden which is his consciousness, which is not only this planet, but the galaxies and the stars. However, when I wake up in the morning and make a call to my Victory that I see the people I'm supposed to see and meet the people I am supposed to meet. That my thoughts are encircled in the golden triangle of Victory and my thoughts, my feelings, my vibration, everything about me, and that Victory goes ahead of me and meets the people I'm supposed to meet. That's why when I had the prompting to turn around and see you, talk to you, I thought I was coming to give you water, but I was coming to hear what you had to say, and I didn't know it."

     4:37pm  I had such an awesome time right now with Ron Price. He said he had gotten a feeling to pull over for me. He turned around and came back and gave me some water, this badass alive water. He's not giving me a ride anywhere, but that's cool.

                   When he first appeared and I tried to tell him my story I had to wait turns. Then he suggested we go talk over there, by the mother Mary, this nice garden they have here. Perfect setting for my story.

                   You know what, I have to hand it a little bit to the cars. They're bringing the eyes to me.

     4:43pm  That's the third guy who pulled over for me and he's not going to Gardiner. I don't want to take a ride unless it's all the way to Gardiner.

     5:54pm  I've decided I'm giving up at six. I'll go on a snipe hunt and try and score food somewhere.

     5:57pm  Wow, out of nowhere. I was just about to give up and all of a sudden Carla pulled over for me! She's from Carbon Springs. What accent do I note? Carla's originally from Holland. Oh really? I've got a good story for you.

                   I took random shots out of the car while Carla was driving.

     6:21pm  Electric Peak I took a picture of, right? Carla climbed to the top of that.

     6:27pm  I just got dropped off by Carla. She dropped me off in the town of Gardiner. The entrance to Yellowstone Park is here. Hmm, I don't know what I should do about my shirt. I'll hang out at the gas station here.

                   Me in bathroom mirror.

     8:02pm  I haven't made an update yet. See, I met Joe. I bought a The Bomb burrito and then went outside the gas station to look for snipes. I hate those smoking posts that have that big long tube you pull out. Then Joe walks by and smiles at my shirt. I offered him my website and told him I had a great story for when he came out of the store. I offered to smoke him out and he invited me over to his apartment. I'll take pictures. He's going to let me crash here tonight, I appreciate it. Thanks for hosting the liberator in Gar-diner.
     8:17pm  We're walking back from the gas station. Joe just bought me a pouch of Buglers. Thanks, man. Joe's idea: "What if you were in a world where basically what would be considered darker elements of the world were pushing for a type of world order that basically had your dreams calculated in it. It had the dream of you want a better world, right? Then there's this alternative counter-culture that basically wants a better world too and they're doing it in these other ways. So, you've got sort of a little bit of a problem because the same thing that you're going for is the same that these great international forces are trying to offer you. So you're basically begging for the control that you don't realize because you haven't seen under the structure of the fact that you are basing all of your anxiety and  your psychology on this value system which is just a symbol for something larger about all of our interconnectedness.  So,  but here's the twist, you can't fight something like that head-on because if you are an agent of change, you're popping up  right on their screen.  So you can't fight this thing because they're going where you're going, and when you get into the  political ring, I think you know what I'm talking about as far as how it spins out in the political arena."  I took the red  pill.  I'm not afraid of no agent.  I AM an agent.  Undercover agent of change.  Joe: "So what is this undercover agent of  change would really start to be something in a larger context.  Like what if it really was an invisible force, you realize  that you are trying to hit something head-on because you just discovered it.  Why don't you just step back a minute and  figure out how do you hide in the Trojan horse that you didn't even know you were in?  Or how do you work within that?"  On  that note I realize full-well that I might even be assassinated for having all of these great ideas, but I take great comfort  in knowing that if I am killed, not only will I die a martyr because I'm doing nothing wrong, my mission will be accomplished  even sooner.  My site has been on the web for years.  You cannot stop bytes.  The one thing that would skyrocket the visits  to my website would be my death or disappearance.  It would blow the lid off of it.  I would die one happy man.  Joe: "You're  completely right and you've locked into something there that has to do with once you've already gone through this shift where  you're like wait a minute, I'm just a slave.  A paid slave, but I'm not even that in your case.  You see, that's the only two seconds you got."

                   "Here's the idea twist on that idea and then I'll finish for you, the things that you talk about make me think of  these, the possibility of an X-factor.  What would it look like?  This thing that could twist things at the last minute, or  twist things so substantially.  You'd have to have knowledge in there and a lot of free-flowing of it.  So what would be the  action-point?  I am always trying to but the action point in there.  I was thinking you have those kinds of underground  organizations that started to realize that it wasn't benefiting from sticking its head up so much.  So, a paradigm, I don't  know what this is, I don't have too many details for it, spinning in this corner and it's like right at the moment that the  people are getting pretty much what they think they're getting.  Then all of a sudden you're like, we live in this great  little world, things seem to be so good.  We've taken this economy the better times, it's more pretty, beautiful and  comfortable with, even though you got robbed.  But then someone comes up and says, "You know, if we did all this, we figured  out how to liberate money to this point where we've got this world and we're just doing all the right things for the right  reasons, we're attacking fossil fuels, then why even play with the money if the ideas are already living up to it?  Why even  do that?  That being a sort of shift that would happen in consciousness.  Why are you going to pay for something and continue  to pay into the system that was only facilitating you.  And if you really look at history it didn't do very fast either.   It choked things up.  It put the whole world in slow-motion sort of fixation."  There is enough on this planet naturally to  provide for every single person living on it.  Why are we paying for food and shelter, etc?  It's been stolen from us.  It is  our birthright."  Joe: " And we're begging and borrowing and stealing to get what's already ours and what we could already  give each other.  And the skills that we could have are being taken away from us too, then that starts to hit on some kind  of, people need to realize that money really is death.  You don't know how it feels until you really allow yourself to be  without it.  Who's going to do that?  Because that consciousness state is just like an LSD trip.  You have to actually be in  that state for a period of time.  How many people get in the state where they can do what you're doing, where they are  alllowed to go find another slipstream?"  With my website and all my pictures people can live vicariously through me.  Joe:  "The first virtual reality is just reading something and then being able to relate."  I don't describe as much as I should,  but people can use their own imaginations.  I am giving the exact location and time markers.

     11:06pm  I'm in bed.  I secured some floorspace in his tiny apartment.  Kitchen.  He let me use this other orange sleeping pad he  had.  Joe really liked my stories and he had some great stories himself.  I had an excellent time with him.  I gave him a set of those dog-head pictures I have and he put them on his fridge.    


He had some really good ideas.  Joe is really smart.  Sorry I don't elaborate more on it, but I'm stoned off my ass, hehe.  I'm going to bed now.

Next day..

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