


O'Brien, OR to Klamath, CA

Thursday September 30, 2004

     5:30am  Oh yeah, I never told you. I woke up. I gotta take a piss. I'm going to go back to sleep though.

                    I don't know if I told you, but I've decided to walk out to Fawn's at the RV park. I almost got there last time. I got to mile marker 40 and got picked up by Barry and Lena.

     10:25am  That sucks. I just walked to Lone Mountain Road and I just realized I didn't bring any weed. I'm going to walk all the way back to my bus. Then I have to walk all the way to Fawn's. Umm, I'm just going to go back to Shadow's and wait until I get can get a ride. Actually screw it, I'm going to do without it. I don't need weed. I'm walking.

     10:55am  I walked to the O'Brien Store. Man, the camera is only $4.59. I just need five bucks.

     11:04am  Man, my prayers were answered. I was just sitting down on the bench in front of the O'Brien Store. I was all bummed out. I thought I was going to walk all the way down to where Fawn is. I was going to see if I could bum five dollars from Barry for a camera. But, I just got blessed! Bob, this guy who came up to talk to me hooked me up with a ten dollar bill! I didn't even ask him for it. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Things happen for a reason.

     11:20am  Man, praise Bob. What a blessing. Earlier this morning, I thought in my head, "Please Love, please let me get my camera today. I need to take pictures. That's the only thing holding me down. I need to get out of here today." I just got my camera right now! This guy just came up to me and asked me, "Hey, how are you doing on cash?" I told him, "Well, now that you mention it I do need a camera to take pictures so I can leave." He gave me a ten dollar bill!

     11:35am  Do you see how things happen for a reason? Just because I changed my mind about not walking back to the bus and getting my weed. If I had gone back for the weed, that would've thrown the timing all off for that guy to be at that gas station and give me ten dollars. I'm glad I chose to do without.
                     Oh yeah, I'm not walking to Barry and Lena. I just saw them right now at the post office. Maybe they can give me a ride back to Our Mountain so I can take pictures. Then, I can get on my way. Maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I don't know.

     12:00pm  Oh yeah, I'm getting a ride back to the camp from Barry and Lena. I'm going to take pictures.

     2:16pm  I was going to take a picture of this, but I decided not to. They're just the signs that say, "If gate it closed, sound horn for entry." "No entry without permission." I want to take a picture of the other sign though. The one that says Our Mountain on it.  

     3:10pm  I told my story to two kids at the four corners. we came back here and they gave me a beer. He's hooking me up with some change and a buck. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:50pm  I was standing in front of the O'Brien market. I took a picture of it with my camera. All of a sudden, Lena and Barry pull up. Cool, cool. They're going to take me to see Fawn.

     4:37pm  Oh yeah, Fawn told me that she couldn't have people near her right now. She's healing from a healing she did recently. She healed some girl of a heroin addiction, I think. She has to absorb the evil spirit of the heroin so she feels it and needs to rest. I decided, "Okay, sign to leave." I'll go stick my thumb out in front of the RV park. Dude, within five minutes, what was your name, brother? Laif and Tonya are picking me up. I appreciate it, guys. Thanks for proving me right.

     4:48pm  Just like that, I'm out of O'Brien. I'm already on my way to Arcata! This guy Leif is going all the way to Arcata! That's where I'm headed! Perfect, perfect.
                    The universe provides.

     5:37pm  We stopped at the Burger King in Crescent City. I'm in California already.

     7:12pm  I'm in Klamath now. Leif and his girl, they stopped at some place and they're kicking me out. They got a bed in the back of the van. They've got a sleeping bag I can borrow and there's some woods close by. I'm going to walk up to the highway and stick my thumb out, until the sun goes down. If I don't get a ride, I can come back to their van and knock on the door and he'll give me the sleeping bag. Then, I'll camp out nearby.

     7:22pm  Welcome to the tiny town of Klamath. You can see each side of it from one point. I'm over here at this ice cream shop. I'm going to tell this girl my story.

     7:46pm  James, in Klamath just got an ice cream and he came outside and hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:05pm  I walked by and didn't even ask him and a different James asked me, "Hey, want a slice of pizza?" I appreciate it, brother.

     8:40pm  I've been sitting here underneath the light in Klamath next to some building. I can see the laundromat from here. I'm glad I got to tell my story to one guy, at least. He hooked me up with a slice of pizza. It was badass. I came over here and I'm just chilling, leaning on my portable recliner(my backpack). I didn't take any of my bags off. I just sat down. I smoked some weed. I smoked a lot of weed. I smoked some tobacco. I'm going to walk that little trail to where Laif's van is. I'll camp out over there, wake up in the morning and go to Arcata tomorrow.

Next day..

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