


Klamath to Arcata, CA

Friday October 1, 2004

     6:35am  I crashed out close to the parking lot of where Laif crashed in his van. In the woods. Oh yeah, I'm at the I'm at the Olde Town Launching Facility. There's a ramp that goes into the river here.

     11:17am  We just passed the Humboldt County Line. I am back.

     11:32am  We're almost to Arcata. We stopped and took a picture of all this elk.

     12:10pm  We just passed the Clam Beach Park. I remember we stopped here and partied one time. They throw lots of parties here on the beach.

                      I am a measly eight miles away from Arcata. I'm all giddy.

                     14 miles to Eureka, San Francisco 283.

     12:17pm  Entering Arcata City Limits.

                     I'm taking Laif and his girl to The Endeavor. We're driving down Samoa right now.

     12:32pm  I am back in Arcata. It feels good to be back.

     12:43pm  I'm already in the plaza. I loaded up some of my clothes and Caveman, who I had met with a different name(Richard) last time, this guy I met in Ukiah one time and he let me crash in his motel room. Ahh, I can look it up(120303). Oh yeah, and there's this guy walking around with a big sign that says, "HEMP NOT HATE." It's so good to be back in Arcata.

     12:45pm  I just ran into Devin, from the barn! His mom still lives here.

                     Devin just told my shrine is still up! I'm so excited to hear that. I can't wait to go to the barn again.

                     I'm going to go to the donut shop and spange up a donut, first. I wonder if Josie still works there.

     12:53pm  I just ran into Ian. I asked him about Geba and he told me that Geba sold out and got a job.

                     Whoa, Ian told me that Geba quit smoking and got a job. He even quit smoking weed? Damn, he went straight-edge. That's so crazy. What's this world coming to?!

                     His email is

     1:13pm  James just hooked me up with this badass bracelet for my left arm. Thank you.

     2:08pm  I'm over in front of Don's donuts spanging me up a donut. Just like old times.

                   Please Love, grant me a donut.

     2:38pm  Laura hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, Laura. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Laura gave me fifty five cents. I need a quarter more.

     2:41pm  Jesse hooked me up with some change so I can buy a donut. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Right now I'm over in front of the Alibi. In front of the plaza.

     2:43pm  This girl just walked by shocked and said, "Oh wow, it's amazing the people you see from Colorado again." She had seen me on Pearl Street in Boulder. Some more confirmation my presence is known. Awesome.

     3:05pm  Sonny just hooked me up with this awesome bagel from Don's Donuts. I had gotten me a chocolate buttermilk, like in the old days. I want a cigarette now. I gotta get off the plaza.

     3:35pm  This girl walked by and said, "Hey, it's you! Give me my bracelet!" It's the same girl who told me I had her bracelet last time(102803). She was all, "Wow, you still got it." I told her, "It's part of my uniform."

                   I am known.

     3:37pm  Bo walked by and I asked him for a cigarette. He hooked me up and quickly said, "Don't tell me your name, I'll remember it."

     3:39pm  None of these cops here would listen to me. Thanks for proving me right.

     3:40pm  Nobody hooked me up with a cigarette at the spanging spot. That's what he told me his name was, Nobody. Thanks a lot, brother. Nobody gets credit, thanks, hehe.

     3:50pm  This one lady walked by and I asked her if I could tell her my story. I told her my mission objectives and after I mentioned marijuana she started walking off. She told me, "I'm going to walk away now." That dumb lady told me that poverty was the world's greatest problem. I told her, "It seems to me the less you have the less you have to worry about."

                   I had a great presentation at the spanging spot. I'm not asking for money, I'm just trying to tell people my story.

     4:10pm  Felina gave me twenty cents for a donut. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     4:50pm  I got change for my donut. I helped some guy push his truck and he gave me fifty cents. Just then, this girl randomly comes out and hands me a dime. She said, "Here, I had this in my pocket," and just handed it to me. Her name was Heather, I think.

     4:55pm  Steve hooked me up with a cigarette. There's Food Not Bombs walking by.

                   Man, I am having a magical welcome back to Arcata. Everybody knows me here. It's just awesome.

     6:21pm  Laura not only listened to me story, but she gave me a dollar too! I appreciate it, Laura. Tell your friends.

     6:32pm  I just finished my donut and I wanted a cigarette. James walked by and hooked me up with a Camel. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   That was James' last cigarette.

                   James came back and he told me, "I want you to make a note of this. After I gave you the cigarette and you told me what you're doing, I just wanted to mention that it was my last cigarette. I just wanted you to make a note of that." I asked him, "Are you coming back around?" He said yeah and I told him, "Great, I can tell you my story." Cool, I have him all primed up.

                   That guy James came back and he ended up being all ignorant. He said, "No, I wouldn't work for free." He told me, "Well, I'm going to go now," and walked off with his friends.

     7:15pm  I walked to HSU and the library ended up being closed. Oh yeah, I beat these guys going up the stairs and they took the trail. I walked under the decorated bridge over by the campus boundary and there were two girls there, Kelly and Kelsie. I told them my story and Kelly hooked me up with a cigarette.

     7:27pm  I just ran into that guy who showed me some Tai Chi in the forest last year(11-07-03, 9:14pm). I forgot his name. Ahh, I'll look it up(Adam).

                   I came to Safeway. I need to find Kati's number. I don't think Kati lives at the same apartment because when I call I get Cassandra's answering machine and it doesn't say Kati lives there. But, Cassandra might be able to give me Kati's number, if she's still around.

     8:13pm  Ben hooked me up with a dime. His friend gave me some change too. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sweet, got my donut.

     8:17pm  John is going to let me roll a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. In front of the donut shop. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:47pm  Moses is hooking me up, he's even rolling it for me, a cigarette in the plaza. We're not supposed to smoke in the plaza. Fuck the system.

     8:55pm  John just hooked me up with a cigarette. I came over to Will's. Cool, I have a squat the first night I'm here. Oh yeah, we tried to go out to the barn, but the trail's all grown over with thorny bushes.

     11:04pm  I have a place to squat! This guy Will I told my story to in the plaza, I told him about the barn and we walked over to it, but they ended up putting a big fence in the way. I told him, "Damn, I don't know where I'm going to crash." He told me, "You can crash over by our worksite." Him and this other dude are renovating a house and he crashes in there. I already have a place to crash. Cool.  

                    Thanks Arcata. Welcome back, Victor. Perfect.

     3:48am  I woke up at two this morning. I woke up up wide awake. I called out downstairs and Will was awake. He rolled a cigarette for me. I went down and I got some water. I took a piss and stuff. I'm going back to sleep now.

Next day..

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