


Arcata, CA

Friday November 7, 2003

     10:48am  I just woke up. Well, I woke up a little bit ago in Kati's bed with Kati. Nice, warm Kati. My lover, Kati. She just sent me off to the gas station. She told me, "I'll feed your addiction if you feed mine." She wants a Dr. Pepper from the 76. She gave me money for cigarettes. I appreciate it, Kati.

                     Umm, I think I just lounged around all day with Kati today.

     8:15pm  Kati had been invited to a party where they're making some mushroom tea. I wasn't invited, but it was cool. She had to go. She had told me, "I don't mean to run you off, but I have a party to go to." I told her no problem. She's so cool. She's so cool. I'm going to go to the plaza and see if I can get smoked out.

                   Oh yeah, and she gave me the keys to Princess, her truck. I can crash in there tonight. It's all raining.

     8:42pm  I am at the plaza already.

     9:14pm  I was smoking on the sidewalk across from the plaza. I told this guy, Adam about all my walking and he asked me if I had heard of Walking Chi Kung. I asked him to give me a summary.

                   Adam: It's Walking Chi Kung. The first five things you need to realize are regulating the mind, regulating the body, regulating the chi, regulating the spirit. What you have to realize that when you do those, you can incorporate that with walking. So that you completely relax the body until it's a complete relaxed state. There's three levels to relaxation. The first level is the superficial level that anybody can reach. Like while you're sitting there watching TV, or you're sitting there relaxing. That's the first level of relaxation. Anybody can reach that level.
                   The second level reaches down to the muscles and the tendons where you can actually relax your muscles and you can relax your tendons. They can be relaxed, just like the upper body.
                   The third level of relaxation goes down into the internal organs. What you have to do is to bring your mind into the inner part of your body. It's very hard to do. It takes a lot of training to be able to do it. You need to have a deep, deep, deep inner feeling to be able to sense down into your internal organs and relax them.
                   You can walk that way. And you walk heel to toe. You feel the ball of your foot push off. What you have to do is feel the lift from your knee. You have to have the intention of lifting your knee. You relax your arms completely. You don't move them. You let them swing naturally. You don't intend to move them. You put your chin, slightly forward down. Then you look straight forward. You squint your eyes a little bit in the middle.
                   There's eight levels of vision. The eight levels of vision are incorporated from Myoti Mushashi who wrote the Book of Five Rings. He says that's one of the main postures. Not blinking and looking straight forward. If you are able to open your eyes for a long enough period without blinking and it sustains focus, it also sends energy to the brain. Because you are relying all your brainpower on what's in front of you. So they go for a long period of time without blinking. The key is to squint right here(he points right between the eyes)because what it does is hold the tear-ducts up so that way the tear ducts don't water too much. It also puts emphasis on the frontal lobe.
                   That all right there can be applied to not just walking, but any part of Chi Kung that you do. Those 5 things that I said. In the later forms of Chi Kung you can learn small circulation and grand circulation.
                   Small circulation was originally done by the Buddhists and Monks in the Shaolin temples. It's a very high form of enlightenment. In small circulation you build up energy in your lower dan tian, which is your lower stomach. It's about 3 inches below your naval. Simply knowing where that spot is, below your navel, you can simply put your mind there and put your awareness there. Then, when you are able to put your mind and awareness there, to the pit of your stomach, that's the real dan tian, the false dan tian is on the surface level, you can do a thing called embryonic breathing. That right there is a major practice that Buddhists and Monks did embryo breathing. Where you would breath and you put all your awareness with your mind to the pit of your stomach. You almost have to feel and picture the pit of your stomach. You use your stomach to breath. The Chinese called it Fang Tong. That means "back to childhood." You learn to breath like a baby again. When you learn to breath like a baby again, the human being will go back to its original pure essence and it's original pure nature. The key is to breath with your stomach. Back to childhood breathing. Breathing with your diaphram. When you do that, you store all your energy here(in your stomach) instead of wasting time creating your heart beating. Because if the energy travels up to your heart, it creates your heart to beat fast. So, if there is any time you need to take energy away from your heart. Feeling fear, anxiety, walking up on a stage in front of tons of people, or you're about to get in a fight. What you do is you slightly tense the gut. And what that does is bring everything away from your heart. At the same time, it's not only there(in your stomach), but it's here(in your mind). You have to incorporate them both at the same time with complete focus. And you have to incorporate the lower abdomen. So once you incorporate that, then you start doing small circulation. Or it can be called microcosmic circulation.
                   It circulates the energy in two main vessels. You have eight vessels in the body and you have twelve channels. Each 12 channels are connected to each 12 of your organs inside your body. The vessels inside your body are like reservoirs. They're like rivers of energy where there's lots of energy circulating. The channels are little teeny branches that branch out through your body. Like, you have one in the palm of your hand that branches out to your heart. You have ones on the bottom of your feet that go up to your kidneys.
                   The two main vessels are your conception vessel, which runs down the front of your body and your governing vessel which runs down the back of your body. What happens is when you do Chi-Kung, you fill up those vessels with energy. Over time they will completely fill up and the whole front of your body will tingle. You won't need drugs. You won't need alcohol anymore. Because you've reached this final state of enlightenment to where you have a lasting, natural high. It stays with you. And you'll notice that anytime you do drugs or drink, it goes away. That natural high will go away. So every time you drink or do drugs, it will bring you ten steps back and you won't feel that feeling anymore because it takes away the energy from your conception and governing vessels. So the key is to fill up two vessels. It's natural energy.
                   What happens is that the conception vessel goes down in front of your face and underneath your body to a point called the Hu Yen point, which is right between the anus and the genitals. The Hu Yen point is a major point where energy manifests. It comes up and then goes up your spine, which is your governing vessel and it goes to your brain. When you do small circulation, you do that first, what you do is you lead the energy around in a circle in your body. It takes a lot of years of practice.
                   What people don't realize is that energy is like water. It can be moved with your mind. Like when I go to reach for something, I am sending electrical impulses through my hand. Now, if I left my hand still, I could still send an electrical impulse through my hand just by thinking about it. As soon as I think about it, I will feel my hand turn warm. Because you're sending impulses there. You can do the same thing to certain parts of your body. You can do that to your stomach, you can do that to your back, to your brain. Everytime you sit there and focus on something, you are doing the same thing to your brain. Small circulation is being able to guide the energy and move it like water.
                   Once you do small circulatinon, then you go to Yi Jin Jing and Xi Suy Jing. Yi Jin Jing is muscle tendon changing which is the first stage which Da Mo taught the monks. Da Mo walked 8,000 miles to get to the Shaolin temple to preach about muscle tendon changing and marrow brainwashing. Da Mo was actually a prince in Southern India and he decided to walk the 8,000 miles to go to the temple to preach to the monks about these two arts. When he got there, the monks did not want to accept him because he was Indian. What he did was he meditated for nine years in a cave next to the Shaolin temple. There are actual photographs of that in books. They finally recognized him after meditating for so long, that they decided to accept him. When they accepted him, he preached to the monks that they had to have a form of moving exercise. They couldn't sit there and meditate and not move at all. That would deteriorate the physical body.
                   The key for Chi-Kung is finding the elixir of life to cure the self of all weaknesses and all illnesses and make the body from weak to strong. Creating the body from old to new. Creating an entirely new body inside to out. In order for them to do that, they had to learn muscle tendon changing. Yi Jin Jing.
                   What Yi Jin Jing consists of is massaging, beating, and whipping using different equipment. Now, these exercises from Da Mo have been done since 555 a.d. They have been studied for thousands of years. In order to do muscle tendon changing you have to completely regulate those 5 things I mentioned earlier. You have to be very centered when you do it. You have to watch your diet. You can't have sex for 100 days. You have to watch everything you consume. You can't drink or smoke when you do it. You have to walk a straight line.
                   How muscle tendon changing starts out, it starts out with just massaging the inner parts of your stomach. What that's doing is just massaging the fasciae. The fasciae connect muscle to bones. The fasciae are like little nodules inside your body. When you start massaging the inner part of the stomach, right where the spleen is, you do it slowly around a circle, you can feel your fasciae moving. What happens is that you can fill up your fasciae with energy and they're like batteries. You learn to energize the skin. You learn to energize the outer part of the body. You are not only trying to change the inner part of your body, you are also trying to change the outer part of yourself. So you start massaging your inner part then work your way out.
                   Then after that, you start using equipment where you start beating your body real lightly. What that does it that there are little branches of energy channels that come from the muscles out to the skin. What you are doing is you're learning to strengthen your guardian chi. Which is called Wey Chi. The stronger that it gets, people can actually punch you or hit you and there's an energy that actually shields that. You've seen people break boards. They can actually send electrical impulses, EMF, electromotor force to support their hand. It's the same thing. What it's doing is actually strengthening the muscles or the tendon. Just take a light object and go over your body. It stimulates your whole entire body when you do it. You have to be careful, you can't do it too hard or else you'll damage your body. You do it real light.
                   The whole training takes 3 years to do. The massaging is a whole year. The second one is a whole year of beating. It takes a long time to do.
                   After you do muscle tendon changing, then you do Xi Suy Jing, which is marrow brainwashing. In marrow brainwashing you actually circulate energy in the marrow of your bone and into your brain. Inside your body, the energy circulates up and into the core of your bone. The more you do Chi-Kung, the more you do deep breathing and every time you twist and relax a bone, it causes energy to circulate in your bones. When you do Xi Suy Jing, it's a meditation where you're completely still. It's called Neidan. That means internal elixir. It's a simple matter of internal alchemy. Internal elixir is simply circulating energy in your body. In order to do marrow brainwashing you have to be aware that there are three points in your spine. What you have to do is widen those channels on your spine.
                   You have the Way Lu point, which is the base of the tailbone. Then you have the Giagi point, which is right near on back, near the solarplexus on the back. Then you have the Xu Yeng point right here(don't remember where he pointed) which is called the Jade Pillow.
                   Now, just by simply having awareness of those three points, what will happen is that you send energy to them, just by knowing they're there. The reason you do that is because those are three of the most biggest neural energy areas on your spine. You have to widen those channels. In order to do that, you have to get to a really deep state of meditation. You have to do abdominal exercises every day. Abdominal exercises are just simple rotations of the waist. Moving your waist in a wavelike manner. When you do that it loosens up your trunk and internal organs. If your internal organs are not loosened up, then you will not have health and longevity because the circulation will not be good. So you have to do abdominal exercises and you have to do them for a long time to build up the energy. Once you do them for a long time, you'll feel like the internal pit of your stomach will start to build up with energy and start to shake. Once it starts to shake, then that's w here you start the foundation of marrow brainwashing and you send the energy up the spine. When it goes up the spine, it goes to the brain to nourish it. Because the brain is the center of all life.
                   What happens is that you keep sending energy to the spine. You widen those channels where more energy comes through the spine to the brain. What happens is that new brain cells will actually start to be energized. More neural impulses will begging to grow. You eventually reach the final stages of enlightenment to where they say that your spirit will become independent of your mind and a spirit-baby will grow.
                   When your whole, entire spirit becomes independent, then you'll see in your third eye. It will start to grow. What happens is that you have to nourish that spirit baby and make him grow. Keep doing the exercises all the way through. That's where you reach the final stages of enlightenment. But it takes lots of years and lots of training. I'll conclude that there.

                   Damn, now keep in mind I couldn't understand it all, so it might not all be like Adam said it. Sue me.

                   Ha, the city of Arcata has made all of us homeless. All us barn-dwellers.

     9:15pm  Oh yeah, I met that dude Adam today. He's going to teach me that Chi Kung stuff. Now, it's raining and it's late enough for me to walk to the nice dry truck and crash out. Yeah, Kati's truck. Princess.

Next day..

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