


Arcata, CA

Friday October 3, 2003

     7:45am  I just woke up in the barn. Nobody else crashed here. I was surprised. Man, I crashed out early last night. I slept great. I put on my warm sweatpants over my shorts and army pants. I slept good. All by myself, though. Maya never came. She might not know the way to the barn, yet. But, let me tell you about Maya. See, we don't have much in common. I'm sure she listens to a whole other kind of music than I do. The thing about her is that she will not listen to me. Even when I sit there and tell her, "Hey, you won't listen to me," she starts talking about other shit. At first, I considered giving Maya a shot. I told her, "Ideally I've always wanted a traveling partner/girlfriend." She was all, "No, no. Traveling partner maybe." So, she's not cool with the whole girlfriend thing. So she wants a casual relationship. I don't think I can do that. I mean, I really miss the kissing and the hugging and the touching. And, the whole dirty sex thing kind of freaked me out. I haven't taken a shower yet and I had sex last night. I have always told myself that that would be my reward for bringing world peace. A companion. I am hereby renewing my vow of celibacy, that I broke when I had sex in the barn. Until I can find some sex with a shower before and after, hehe. I'm not cool with the dirty sex thing. Anyway, I had bummed a cigarette to smoke in the morning, so that's what I'm going to go do right now. I'm going to sit on the Community Chest and smoke a cigarette.

     8:06am  I got all my shit together. I'm walking away from the barn.

     8:42am  I just thought of a good script I'm going to tell the cops next time I go to jail. I'm going to tell them, "Haha, either way I win. I'm writing a book . . . and you're all going to be in it."

     8:55am  I am just now getting to the plaza. I got all lost . . . because I don't have my glasses. I was over on 11th by Alliance again.

     9:04am  I ran into Dr. Frankenstein.

     9:13am  We've got another guy who thinks he's going to bring world peace. Without the Internet. He's going to have "grandiose rallies" and "his speeches will be profound," and all this other shit. I couldn't get a word in. He was all, "I don't have time for your dissertations right now." He wanted me to help him with simple stuff like setting up an email address. He saw me pull my tape recorder out and said, "I need a Dictaphone, too. Where is the cheapest place to get one?" I told him at Long's Drugs for $30. This dude was a real wingnut. He was way older and had this crazy look in his eye. He told me things like, "I am the catalyst!" I told him, "So you think." Yeah, I really should've told him, "Okay, let's race, grandpa. Bet you I do it first," but then I think he might really be crazy and that my life might be at risk because I'm going to do it, and not him. He wouldn't even let me finish my platform. As soon as I said, "Eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace," he said, "No . . you're not," and he cut in with his bullshit scripts. I told him how I was always at the library and he told me he was going to meet me there, maybe today. If I see him at the library, I am going to tell him, "I don't have time to train you."

                   That dude was all crazy like saying shit like, "By the teachings of Adolf Hitler, I'll be Hitler in reverse!"

     9:22am  I should go to The Endeavor.

                   I'm kind of worried. This guy seemed really crazy. I want to tell him, "Hey, let's race. Let's see who does it first," but he might kill me when he sees how good I back my shit up. Maybe this is all a sign to skip town. I should spange up $35. Yeah, that's what I'll do after I eat. Yeah, I'll go spanging. I won't be at the library. Haha, sweet. That was my sign to leave. It's Friday, I'm going to have a good weekend.

                   I'm going to go extra undercover for this guy. I'm going to make him think I'm a big spanger and he'll ignore me like everyone else. Hehe, I know I sound paranoid, but better safe than sorry. I wonder if I'll see whatsherface today. Umm, Maya. Maybe I'll see her and we can jump a train to Berkeley. Maybe I'll just spange it up. I'm not sure about hopping the freight train thing. It would be really cool. I've never done it before, but I'm scared I wouldn't be able to get on with all my gear. I can't just throw it on, and then jump on, because what if you don't get on? You'll lose your shit. Or vice-versa, it might fall off or something. Or what if you throw your stuff on one car and by the time you're on, you're like lots of cars away. Are you going to be able to climb to the other car while it's moving? That's dangerous.

     9:30am  My good friend Randi 

has lots of weed. Nice crystally stuff that smells great. She's all teasing me with it asking me if I want to smell it.

     9:40am  It's so cool that the guy who serves lunch at The Endeavor smokes weed. I told him how cool it was and he said, "Yeah, every day." 

                   Okay, I'm on the shower list.

                   Randi is telling me, "That if you ever go to the Market Street Thrift Store ask for Randi's mom. She owns it. Tell her you know Randi from Arcata." She'll give me a place to crash? Where is this, Randi? Meeker, Colorado.

     9:51am  Randi just gave me a dollar! I was telling her, "I thought I was going to catch the bus to Scotia and start walking, but I don't have my glasses. I have to wait until Monday." I was just blabbering to Randi. She just came over and put a dollar in my pocket. I'm going to go give her a hug.

     10:35am  I had signed up for a shower at The Endeavor and I just got out of it. Whew, there's nothing like being clean.

     10:40am  I just came outside and some dude came up to me and said, "Hey, I know you from Berkeley." I love it when people recognize me. Me and my stick.

     11:49am  I just finished eating at The Endeavor. I'm going to go see if I can bum a cigarette at the red curb.

     11:50am  Ed is hooking me up with a rolly. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:00pm  The siren just went off. I ran into another guy who told me, "Hey, you were in Berkeley not too long ago, weren't you?" I love it when people recognize me.

     12:07pm  Randi and I are walking to the barn. She left something in the barn.

     12:46pm  Randi and I are at the barn now. She's changing. I'm exploring around seeing what I could find. I found this old folder with schoolwork in it. 


 I see a page dated 1974. I ran into this big report some guy wrote. I don't know his name. It's entitled, "Why unto man was this depth given?" It has a lot of good stuff in here. This was here for me to find. I don't know who wrote this. I'm going to look for a name, but if I can't find one, it will be anonymous. It'll be from the Red Folder in the barn.

                     Here, I'll try to copy out some of it. Not all, though. There might be some parts I can't read. It's in cursive. It's long:

Why unto man has this depth been given?

                     "Man has advanced more than any creation on the earth. He has become the master of all living things. He is only a slave to nature and the course it wishes to take. It is man's whim of selection that determines the outcome of other creatures, now. Man's advancement has given him the opportunity and the ability to seek out his meaning and his purpose. Humans can question and try to understand anything in our environment. This characteristic of his mind has led to depth in his soul.
                     Man has three basic quests in life. The first quest he must make is the quest for a purpose. He must try to understand why he has been given life and what it means to him. He needs to evaluate himself in respect to his environment and decide for himself how he will handle that environment.
                     Humans need to learn from everything that involves them in each of their days. They must compare things which are real and decide which things are unreal. They must evaluate everything and establish priorities. They must determine which things are most important and which things are least important. Man must discard or stay away from those things that have no importance. With this knowledge of his self and his knowledge of his priority he must establish a goal. His quest for this goal is his second basic quest. It involves a lot. Each individual needs to set an infinitely high, extremely idealistic goal and then seek to attain it. He should make it his purpose to achieve it and not stop short of attaining it. It is really best that he constantly broadens it and never becomes satisfied with his level of achievement until he find complete fulfillment which he will never be able to do if he is a mortal man. I believe that if a man feels he has achieved wholeness, he simply has failed to set his goals high enough. A person should always strive to become a better person. There is no limit to the heights a person can reach within his self as well as within his environment.

                     The third quest for man is his quest for love. A person is constantly trying to make unions between things, constantly trying to tie things together in an attempt to achieve a whole. When a man has found a group of wholes and and united them with himself he should seek out another whole and incorporate it into himself. He should grow with this other person or thing and attempt to be one with it. Everything becomes mutual and symbiotic. That is love and from the fellowship in love, two people or things will always seek oneness or wholeness. If they ever achieve it they are that much closer to fulfillment. Then "they" or should I say "it," seeks out another implement to add to that whole.
                     I realize that more than has been mentioned here is involved in each man and man as a whole. I believe that everything is a function that branches from these basic concept quests. A purpose, a goal, and a love can only be classified into only one more basic heading or quest. That is "Man's being." But the quests for a purpose, a goal, or a love are atomic characteristics of Man's being. Atomic because they cannot be reduced without losing "their" characteristics.
                     When I stop and wade through my ideas I see that I can only stumble. If I could really say what man is I would have to be fulfilled and whole myself. But then that is an impossibility for mortals. I'm glad I am capable of thinking and reasoning. This is when I wonder once again, "Why unto humans is this depth given?" Couldn't it just as easily been given to another living thing? Or perhaps, couldn't I just as easily been another living thing?"

     12:49pm  Randi and I are still in the barn. Randi just told me, "Hey, come here. I have something for you." She threw me these two little boxes of cereal. I love cereal! I have a bowl and everything. I can use my CD case cover. Kickass. I love cereal. This will be breakfast someday.

                     Oh yeah, I found another binder in the barn. I think this guy's name is Koben Baily. This one says 9/13/76. The other one is from 1974, that has the report in it. Which I am going to take.

                     Here's another paper that says Eric Ericcson.

     2:06pm  Wendy just hooked me up with the quarter I needed. And right before that William hooked me up with the change he had. Excellent, I'm going to go buy a milk and eat my cereal.

     2:24pm   The stupid cunt manager at the donut shop. I asked her if she could refill my water bottle(so I could rinse out my bowl) and she tells me, "There's water in the plaza." Like I don't know that. She could just fill it up right there if she wasn't such a cuntrag. It's not going to cost her anything. Bitch. She's the same one who charges me tax on donuts. She charged me 70 cents one time for a 65 cent donut. She's Asian with black hair.

     2:40pm  I'm back out here spanging. I'm going to read my book. I need $35 by Monday.

     3:06pm  Allie stopped by. She's giving me change for bus fare. She likes my hat, too. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Cool, she gave me 75 cents. I can get me a donut if I want, but I'm going to hold off.

     3:13pm  Seth hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. I got Seth's email address.

     3:37pm  Adrian just walked by and I asked her for some spare change. She came all the way back to hook me up. Actually, she dug in her pocket and didn't have any. It's the thought that counts Adrian. She gave me a smile.

     4:10pm  I had a badass talk with this one guy. I didn't get his name, but his email address is

     4:15pm  Paul hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:19pm  Almost time to celebrate. Jesse just hooked me up with a quarter. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:35pm  Noel just gave me $1.35. I appreciate it, Noel. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     4:38pm  Greg just hooked me up with fifty cents. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Time for a donut.

     5:45pm  I came and bought me a donut. I thought maybe since I was actually buying something that the cunt would let me have some water. She was all, "Why don't you go to the plaza?" I told her, "Because I don't want to. How does that inconvenience you. You're getting paid either way." I told her, "Hey, aren't you the one that charges me tax when nobody else does?" She said, "Yeah, I do it my way. Do you have a problem with that?" I told her, "Yeah, it's not fair. Are you the manager here?" She told me yes, but she might be lying. It's bad business.

                   Damnit, now I have to walk all the way to the plaza to get some water.

     5:03pm  Some guy I had told my ideas to stopped and told me, "How is your project going, Victor?" He hooked me up with some change. It's so cool people know me.

     5:27pm  These people came down the street banging drums chanting, "Comida," and "food not bombs." They were hauling a big cart of food and they're going to feed in the plaza. I'm going to go eat. Then, I'll come back to work. I got lots of quarters.

     6:20pm  Nicole just hooked me up with a cigarette. That's very generous of you, Nicole.

     6:32pm  Megan's giving me some change . . . for the cause.

     6:56pm  Man, these two girls stopped and they listened to me forever. They were all into my shit. They didn't interrupt me one time. That was awesome. Dude, that deserves a donut . . . and a cigarette.

     6:56pm  Megan and Alexis are the girls who were listening to me now. Megan is referring a book. Which one? Megan said, "It's called Gaviotas. It's about a place in Columbia. A society that doesn't exist on money. It's based on scientific intelligence. I couldn't make out what she told me afterwards because a loud truck passed by. Damn noise pollution.

     7:00pm  Chris just hooked me up with his rolly. I appreciate it, bro. That's very generous of you.

     7:07pm  Bill just hooked me up with two cigarettes! I didn't even ask for one.

     7:15pm  Dot-dot-dot just hooked us up with some banana liquor.

     7:32pm  I just took a shit at the Jacoby's Storehouse. Oh yeah, and earlier I saw Randi and offered her a donut. I bought her a donut. A chocolate buttermilk.

     7:36pm  I'm back at my spanging spot. It's all dark. There's not that many people out.

     7:38pm  Sammy just gave me a quarter and Turtle Time just gave me a cigarette.

     7:47pm  Turtle Time and Sand Girl just hooked me up with some tobacco.

                   Man, people have been listening to me all day today. 

     7:52pm  Mike and Jay just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brothers.

                   Oh yeah, I was going to say. I have $10.30 right now. Let's see how long it takes me to make $35.

     8:05pm  Nathan is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Nathan.

     8:20pm  This old dude just came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder and told me, "Everything you do is good." I asked him, "Have I even told you what I'm going to do?" He said, "You don't have to. I just know you are." Wow, that's awesome. He just came up to me.

                    Cool, he threw me a Copenhagen tin with some rocks in it . . . and 50 cents.

     9:38pm  Me and that old dude Terry, we just smoked out. He bought everybody a slice of pizza and now he's going to get us some donuts. He's a crazy old dude.

     9:48pm  That dude Turtle Time I met earlier, he invited me out for a beer. He saw me again and asked me if I wanted a beer. I told him I was about to get a donut so he told me to just meet him at the Humboldt Brewery. He said, "I might see you there. I might not." I went to the brewery. I walked in and then walked out. I don't have my glasses. I'm going to walk back to the plaza and get another donut.

Next day..

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