


Arcata, CA

Saturday October 4, 2003

     7:42am  I woke up in the barn. Geba came and crashed out last night. Jonathan and I just came here by ourselves. I just took a picture of Geba . . . for everyone to see. Now, he's going to take a picture of me.

     8:35am  Jonathan and Geba are getting all agro. We're out here smoking by the Community Chest, having a little Monday routine. Jonathan said, "Wake-n-bake, smokin' pot." The cool thing about this barn is that it has no walls, but it doesn't matter to me because I can't see past it, because I'm too tall to see past the overhang. I'm always having to duck down a little if I want to see outside. It doesn't matter anyway because I don't have my glasses!

     9:08am  We're walking away from the barn. I'm over by the Cash Oil already.

     9:24am  I came to the Cash Oil and took me a healthy shit. I bought me a coffee and bought a cigarette. What was your name, brother? Spell it. Hurfor. Hurfor just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:32am  I'm out here smoking. Oh yeah, the guy inside only charged me seventy cents for my cappuccino. How nice of him.

     9:38am  That guy's name is Mike. He also gave me a cigarette. Awesome.

     9:49am  Geba told me that on the back cover of Lord of the Rings at the tape store down the street I'll see a golden unicorn. What's so special about this golden unicorn, Geba? Geba said, "The golden unicorn is the keeper of the scrolls of light." Oh, and you said something about the Dali Lama 

, right? Geba said, "The Dali Lama left a hidden scroll inside of a staff." And you've found this staff, Geba? Where is it? Geba said, "It's in a store called All Under Heaven by the plaza." He's going to show it to me.

                   Geba: "The golden unicorn determines the breath and spirit of the reality dream of each individual. The reality dream is a book that is compiled of any certain ways of life that someone allows to be their own presence. Understand? Otherwise, they are denied the right to write their own book. They have no way of knowing how to pro-create with God. God allows us to be our own pearl within the wisdom that they are, because that's what they are. Otherwise, it's their voice. Understand? God doesn't need people who don't want to be creative. You are pure creation, walking. Pure creativity. You are walking as you are. The golden unicorn brings the lotus and out of the lotus rising brings the phoenix. That's it."

                   Umm, I don't get Geba's gibberish.

     9:55am  I walked over to the ride board by the Co-op where everyone posts ads and stuff. Jeremy asked me, "Hey, how's your book going?" I told him, "Great, every day is a new chapter." He gave me a cigarette. I'm going to go get bus fare to San Francisco.

                   That's cool, we just passed an Arcata Electric car. An old Datsun, I think. It's been redone to be electric. Cool.

                   Oh no, it's a Volkswagen. It's an old brown Golf.

                   Geba can't find the music store. I'm going to go spange.

     10:05am  I'm at my spanging spot. The big farmer's market is going on in the plaza. There should be lots of people today. It's Saturday.

     10:07am  Craig just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, bro.

                     Sweet, got me a dollar. Badass.

     10:09am  Mikaela just gave me a dollar. How do you spell that? Thanks, sister.

     10:18am  Man, I had a badass presentation with Mikaela. She gave me a dollar and she listened to me. How awesome. Her email address is

     10:20am  Los just walked by and handed me a lit joint. Sweet.

     10:45am  John stopped and gave me a donation for the cause. I appreciate it, dude.

                     This cute girl just drove by in a Volkswagen Golf.

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Geba's got a ball on his stick, too. Mine came off of mine when we were walking through the grass this morning. I said, "Ahh, screw it. I don't want to go back for it." I always carry a spare in my pocket. I put on my new one that I had and when we walked to the electric fence we have to hop over, I see Geba found my ball and had it on his stick. He said he found his stick in Redwood Park.

     10:55am  Roger just gave me fifty cents. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:56am  James just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, James.

                     Sweet, two in a row. That was awesome.

     11:00am  Hobi hooked me up with some change. Thanks, dude.

     11:13am  Russell just gave me some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                     He gave me sixteen cents. Like I said, nobody is paying me to do this, so every little bit helps. Pennies make cents.

     11:21am  I just scored me some binoculars for $7.50! I don't need my glasses, now. They're 4X30 Tasco Mini's. This was exactly what I needed. Crazy-Mike just sold them to me.

     11:22am  Jose hooked me up with some change, for the cause.

     11:26am  Siobahn, spell your name. Siobahn, "S-I-O-B as in boy-A-H-N, it's Gaelic. Oh, that's right. I have another quarter." Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?

                     Dude, that was a most excellent presentation. Man, people are believing me now, as they should.

                     That deserves a donut, hehe.

     12:32am  Sean hooked me up with some change.

                     Okay, I deserve another donut.

     11:38am  This guy Anders who knows me stopped by and talked to me. I told him how I type up my days at the school and he asked, "Oh, you keep them saved on a disk, or something?" I told him, "No, I just email myself."

     11:42am  Mikaela came back and gave me some really good cherry tomatoes.

     11:55am  Edwin Walt just hooked me up with some change. Thanks for proving me right, brother.

                     Sweet, that's like fifty five cents and some pennies.

     12:00pm  Bill hooked me up with a whole dollar. I appreciate, Bill.

                     There's the noontime alarm. The alarm just went off and Reed just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:12pm  Rune Mage just walked by. I think he told me his name was Moonraven the other day. Or Shitforbrains, if I remember correctly(10-2-03, 9:37am). He just hooked me up with all this food. This yummy potato salad. He even brought me a fork.

     12:22pm  Isis just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     12:23pm  Caesar just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                      This lady just told me, "I have to go to work for my spare change. I'm supporting you." I told her, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, lady." She got in my face, "You've been panhandling in front of the donut shop for weeks and it's posted you can't loiter here." I got in her face and told her, "Call the cops, then. Don't you know complaining won't do shit?" She was all, "Do you want me to?" I told her, "You do what you think you need to, lady." She just walked off.

     12:30pm  Matt just gave me a cigarette. Badass.

                     Cool, Colleen just gave me fifty five cents.

     12:14pm  Tracey, after she walked past, came back and gave me a dollar. Badass.

     12:24pm  Joey just hooked me up with a dollar, proving me right. He went, "Yeah, I got a dollar."

     12:42pm  Elliot, from The Raven House just rode by on his skateboard. I told him about my near-future plans.

     12:43pm  James hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                      Fifty six cents. I'm on the way to busfare.

     12:47pm  Chad hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother. Call him Sam in the book.

     12:50pm  Andy just gave me some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:57pm  Tim just hooked me up with half a pack of cigarettes! Badass, thanks man.

                      Good 'ol Natural American Spirits. Badass. In a little green box. Menthol filter cigarettes.

     12:59pm  I asked Matt for some change and he said, "No, I have something better for you, though," and hooked me up with some banana bread. Yum. His boss' wife made it and it's really good.

     1:16pm  Sparrow, who I met in Berkeley(somebody else who recognized me today) and Shaggy offered to smoke me out. We came back to the place that crazy lady Rae showed me, conveniently located a hop skip and a jump away from my spanging spot. We're smoking. We're all high. We're just chilling. It's all good.

     1:26pm  I just took a picture of Shaggy and Sparrow. I asked Sparrow if there was anything he wanted to tell the whole world and he said, "Waste not, want not." Exactly.

                   Dude, that's cool. I got smoked out. I'm back at my spot.

     1:30pm  Carolyn just gave me some change. I appreciate it, sister.

                   Whoa, she gave me a lot of change. Like a dollar.

                    I'm on my way to save the world.

     1:38pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Ranger Bob walked by a minute ago. I thought that maybe that one lady had really called the cops. I thought he might be coming up to run my ID or something. But, he just walked by. He didn't tell me anything.

     1:40pm  Man, Arcata has been so good to me. Next to San Antonio, Berkeley isn't my favorite town anymore. Arcata is now. Berkeley isn't that cool anymore.

     1:42pm  I got dizzy, so I sat down on the other side of the alley.

     1:47pm  I'm all dizzy. I came inside the coffee shop and I'm going to count up my money so far. I gotta sit down for this, so I might as well.

                   Ok. I have fourteen in bills and quarters. I have six dollars in just quarters. Lots of dimes and nickels and pennies.

     2:15pm  I'm back at my spot, in the little alley.

     2:36pm  Sal just hooked me up with some change. Thank you, brother.

     2:44pm  Man, the coolest thing. This girl walked by singing a song and I walked up to her and said, "That's a Ween song. Hey, are you singing Ween?" It was that one song Japanese Cowboy. She went, "Yeah! I just got me a Ween tattoo to cover up a burn mark." I showed her the little dinosaur I have on my left hand from when I burnt myself with a lighter. I told her my stuff and got her email address. I'm on my way to save the world.

                    Arcata is so cool.

     2:47pm  I just got the idea to ask people, "Can you spare some change for bus fare? Or are you going to the Bay Area anytime soon?"

     2:48pm  I just asked this lady and she started whining, "Oh, I'm on medical leave and I have two daughters."

     2:50pm  Jody is hooking me up with some change. I appreciate it, Jody. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     2:55pm  Vince Clayton hooked me up with some change. Thanks a lot, brother.

                   Randi just came up and gave me a hug. AJ gave me a hug, too.

     2:57pm  Dan, another nine year old kid helping me out. You know, this other nine year old kid in New Mexico gave me this backpack. Dan just gave me some change, for the cause. I appreciate it, Dan. It's your world that I'm saving, little brother. Every little bit helps.

                   Man, that little nine year old came and his grandma told him, "Okay, you go give him that so you can be in his book of generosity, too."

                   Man, why do people think panhandling even exists? Everybody has it in them.

     3:07pm  David just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:08pm  Whoa, that was fucking awesome. That little kid who gave me some change earlier came back and told me, "Look what I got." He got some origami project book or something. I told him, "Wow, that's awesome. I hope you learn a lot."

     3:15pm  Sam is hooking me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Sam told me, "Hold on, I'm about to go break this twenty and get some more change." Sweet, he's going to come back and give me some more money. Yeah! Cool.

     3:21pm  Jordan just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Jordan was all, "Yeah, I always try to give as much as I have in my pockets."

     3:22pm  Oh my gawd. Sam just came back and gave me a ten dollar bill! That's awesome!

                   Dude, that's so awesome that dude gave me a ten dollar bill. That brings me up to $24.

     3:30pm  I just bought me a donut. I think I deserve one.

                   Oh yeah, I need to revise my scripts so it says, "Money is just a game that you can choose to play . . . or not."

     3:50pm  Adrian and Zachary hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brothers. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Man, people just love giving me stuff.

     3:56pm  Hannah just gave me some change. I appreciate it, Hannah.

     4:00pm  Chris just gave me a dollar. And his friend Tupaul is giving me another dollar! Thanks for proving me right, guys. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     4:05pm  Kelly just gave me some change. I appreciate it, Kelly.

                   This one black dude walked by and told me, "Sorry, I just got paid." Man, I hadn't even asked him. He was all excited about getting fifteen dollars.

     4:16pm  Brother Fonz gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:20pm  Ray just gave me a nickel . . . and some tobacco.

     4:27pm  Chris hooked me up with some change and a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     4:32pm  Brian is hooking me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Cool, Brian just gave me two dollars in quarters. Sweet.

     4:57pm  Michelle just gave me a whole five dollars! Thank you so much.

                    I deserve another donut now.

     4:55pm  The nice girl who works at the donut shop, I asked her if she could refill my water bottle and she said, "Sure!" She had other customers waiting and everything. The bitch manager was standing there the whole time and heard the whole thing. Haha, sucker.

     5:05pm  I counted all my change after I ate my donut. I have $27 in bills. $10.50 in quarters. $37.50 so far. Plus, I have all these dimes and nickels I'm not even going to count. I need to get a total of fort dollars so I can buy a camera, too. I got a ten, a five and the rest dollar bills.

     5:14pm  Rachel just gave me some change. I appreciate it, sister.

                   Sweet, she gave me sixty six cents.

                   Dude, I'm going to go buy my Greyhound ticket, then I'll spange up for the camera.

     5:25pm  It looks like the Greyhound is closed. So, I'm going to go to Long's Drugs and buy my camera first.

                   It looks like Long's is sold out of those five dollar cameras. I asked the cashier if they had any in the back. She said no, but to go check the display by register one, that she thought she saw some over there.

                   Cool, yeah, this is where they are. Awesome. That was scary.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot. When I went to go check out with my camera, the guy told me, "Oh hey, let me save you another dollar," and he put a coupon on there for me. So I only paid like $4.35 for it. Sweet, I'm going to have enough money soon.

                   Oh yeah, I never mentioned that I had given my other one-hitter to Geba. The new one that I had bought for seven dollars. Since I found my old one, I'm going to go back to that same original one.

     5:40pm  I just took a picture of the sidewalk at the plaza. There's chalk all over it. I should really take more pictures of the sidewalk.

     5:45pm  I got $32. I already bought the camera. Three more bucks and I'm out of here.

     5:47pm  Jake hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Whoa, that guy gave me a dollar.

                    I switched sides. It was almost out on side A. I switched it over because I don't want it to run out and me not notice and I'd waste history. So, here I am recording. I have plenty of room. I've got a big buffer.

     5:55pm  Dude, my friend Randi came up and started talking with me. I told her, "Yeah, I just need three dollars more and I got my bus ticket to San Francisco." She gave me a hug, like she always does. She told me, "I hope you have a safe trip." I told her, "I am sure I'll see you again before I leave." She whispered to me, "Check in your pocket," and walked off. I just looked and Randi gave me the three dollars I needed. Aww, gawrsh. How sweet of her. ::muah:: She gave me a dollar at The Endeavor yesterday, too. I love her to death. She's so cute. Oh yeah, and she gave me a cigarette.

                     I just came around the corner and took a piss. I found me A Pentel Sunburst Medium Gel K908-USA pen. Awesome.

     6:17pm  It seems like people have stopped giving me stuff. I have enough money to get what I need. I'm going to go get somebody to try and give me some weed.

     6:27pm  Geba took me over to All Under Heaven. He's trying to point out where that scroll is, but it's closed so we can't go inside. In front of the shop there's a picture of the Dali Lama in the window.

     6:34pm  Penny Lynn Dunn drove by and told me, "Hey, Victor! I just scanned that picture I took of you the other day(9-27-03, 12:10) in front of the donut shop." I asked her, "You have my email address, right?" She said, "It's rightproject@.., right?" I told her, "No, everybody messes up like that. I should make project already. It's" She's going to send me the picture. And she told me, "Yeah, I talked to Mitch and he is really excited about getting into contact with you." So, that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to email this dude. I have a project for tomorrow, Sunday. Hmm, the library closes at 6pm on Saturdays, I think. It's not worth walking to find out for sure. I got a whole night where I can just play. I want some marijuana, though.

                    Let's see if I can spare like five dollars for a little weed.

     6:40pm  I have exactly $37. I have two to spare. Can I afford any weed?

                   I just added it up on my little notepad. I've got $49.86 in cash. Sweet. I got fifty bucks.

                   I'll just spend five dollars on a nug of marijuana and sixty five cents on another donut.

     7:30pm  I just bought me a weighed half-gram for five dollars. A little nugget.

     7:47pm  I walked over to the Jacoby's Storehouse to wash my hands upstairs since I've been handling money all day. Right when I went inside the place these little kids were walking in front of me and went to the elevator. They asked me, "Is this the 2nd or 3rd floor?" I told them about the confusing situation with the floors. They needed to go to the restroom too. When the elevator doors opened, they ran out and into the restroom nearby. When they were done, they left and asked me, "Are you coming?" I told them, "I have to wash my hands." They told me, "Okay, we'll wait at the elevator for you." They held the elevator for me. How nice of those kids. You see, kids love me.

     7:56pm  I bought me a Hornsby's draft cider and some Top cigarette tobacco.

     8:05pm  I'm walking to the barn. Done-day. The sun's down.

     8:20pm  I'm at the barn. It's all dark. Nobody else is home. I'm going to go get that candle out of the bucket at the shrine. I'm going to light it.

     8:30pm  I lit the candle. I'm just going to sit here at the Community Chest, drink my beer, roll a cigarette and smoke it and smoke some weed, and have a good night.

     8:42pm  It's a nice, cool Saturday night. I'm all partying by myself at the barn. I've got my brewskie, my apple juice in one hand. I rolled up a cigarette and I've got a loaded pipe waiting for me. I'm going to have a fun little party . . . by myself. No one came to party with me. That's ok. I'm enjoying life in Arcata.

     9:10pm  I'm going to bed. I made my bed and I'm crashing out. See you tomorrow.

     2:59am  I just woke up. I had to take a leak. I had to go real bad.

Next day..

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