


Arcata, CA

Thursday October 2, 2003

     7:41am  I just woke up in the barn. I slept next to Maya last night. I had a little warm comforter. And we did some stuff. I'll elaborate about it later, when I type it up. But, I might have a traveling partner to Berkeley. That's cool.

     8:57am  I just took a picture of this bus that we came up to.


We woke up, we went to the Cash Oil. I had this burrito some guy gave me last night which I heated up. I split half with Maya(Maya says, "No we didn't, we shared.") Oh, that's right. We shared, sorry. We walked to the thrift store, St. Vincent De Paul because I desperately need new boots. I was just hoping they would have some. But, they were closed. They open at ten. We're walking into town. We're going to go spange up some chocolate buttermilks.

     9:06am  Lisa just gave me three dollars! I appreciate it Lisa. Everybody gets credit in my game. Whoa, that lady gave me three whole dollars. We have enough for apple cider.

     9:11am  Mark is hooking us up with some change. Thank you, brother(Mark laughed).

     9:14am  Jaraan(I think I'm wrong on the name) just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:18am  Man, we followed through quick. Got a Hornsby's draft cider and a Bacardi Razberry. I was going to get a Bacardi too, at Maya's suggestion, but it's only five percent alcohol, as opposed to my six percent draft cider. I opted against.

     9:20am  Jessie is giving us a couple cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:37am  I'm hanging out with Maya and I told her, "Hey Maya, let's go to the Co-op and drink our beers and smoke our cigarettes." We came out here at the smoking spot I like so much by the Co-op. What were you guys' names again? Jen, Josh, Moonraven(Moonraven said, "Depends on who you're talking to. Some people call my Shitforbrains). We came out here and there were all these people here. I put down my rain poncho and Maya and I sat on it. And Moonraven busted out a pipe. I was all psyched thinking I was going to get stoned this morning. I'm having a good morning. Oh yeah, and earlier we spanged up the money quick to get the alcohol. We bummed a cigarette right afterwards, too. Everything is just going great. Maya's cool.
                   Oh yeah, and this lady had come over to the group and said, "I just wanted to ask you guys not to camp in my backyard." We talked to her and she was cool with us. We had just gotten there and there was this old dude laying on a big tarp asleep. She was cool. She just walked off and we were still smoking. Just like the movie, hehe.

     11:06am  Maya and I walked away to the front of the Co-op. When we took the corner Maya saw some guy at his car and went up to him. She said, "You've got a coffee and a cigarette. Me and my friend would like a donut." Scotty apologized and said he didn't have any money. But, he offered us some good cereal if we had a bowl. I thought for a second and remembered how I had used the cover to my CD spindle as a bowl in Oregon(7-12-03, 4:27pm). Scotty hooked us up with some really good cereal. He even had milk. Thanks, dude.

     11:40am  We're late to The Endeavor. It's weird. With Maya it's like I got a girlfriend, kind of. It's weird, because we had sex last night. Like I had my sleeping bag and my foam mattress and she had a sheet. We just put two and two together. When we went out to the barn last night I suggested the combination since she didn't have a sleeping bag or a blanket. She agreed and I was pleased I would have a warm girl to hold on to and sleep. I got under the sleeping bag next to her and turned away. I told her, "You're more than welcome to spoon me if you're cold." She did and it was totally awesome. I felt like I got a present. A girl to sleep with. I was really expecting to sleep great that night. We just fit together perfectly. She's 5'10", by the way. I was all pressing my knee into her crotch and she seemed to like it. I eventually laid down flat and crashed out with her head on my shoulder.
                     Well, like around midnight, I think, I woke up and we were all going at it. She had her hand down my pants and was stroking me. She brought her pants down and told me to unfasten my belt. She lowered both our pants and touched it some more. Then, she put it in! She just mounted me! I was all shocked at first. I have always prided myself in staying celibate for this mission. But it just felt so good. Before you know it, she was on top riding me. See, I am really out of practice. I haven't had sex in over a year since my ex-girlfriend Chasity. Since I am so out of practice I am always paranoid about coming too quick and her not coming.
                     That's exactly what happened last night. I felt like shit. Hey, I haven't had sex in well over a year. What do you expect? Ideally, I wanted to be in a relationship the next time I had sex. That way, I would have the security of knowing I'm sharing myself exclusively with someone, and them too. I've always thought casual sex was way too risky these days. Like it so greatly increases your chances of getting someone pregnant or getting a disease. The other big turnoff to last night was the absence of a shower before and after. With Chasity we would always shower before and after. We had clean sex, not dirty sex in a barn. I felt so disgusted with myself. I felt like I had failed. I felt like I wasn't practicing what I preached. And now I have to worry about something, even if the odds are on my side(which I don't think they are). She assured me she couldn't get pregnant, that her tubes were fried, or something. And, I am really hoping she would know if she's clean or not, before sticking it in unprotected. I was so mad at myself for having unprotected sex. It just went against everything I believed in. That's just stupid I did that. When I go back to San Antonio, I'll go "donate" plasma again. They test all the donations. It's like getting checked and getting paid, too. Hell, the plasma place was Chasity and I's lifeline for a year. It's easy money and saving lives.
                     But now, she's my girlfriend, I think. Like we kiss and stuff. Thing is, she just doesn't listen to me at all. She's so scatter-brained and crazy. I would even go as far as to call her a wingnut. I pulled her to the side at the Co-op earlier and told her, "Hey, we need to talk about the nature of our relationship." I told her, "Ideally, I want a traveling partner/girlfriend(she got weirded out when I said girlfriend) who will help me with my mission." She was all, "I will help you, I will help you." And actually, when Maya went up to talk to the guy who gave us cereal, she told him, "Will you listen to us?" and the guy said yes. So I felt great that she was really helping me. I talked to that guy a lot. Afterwards Maya wanted to leave, but I still had a lot of stuff to load up. She pointed across the street and told me she would be in some store.

                     I'm going to go get Maya and we're going to go to The Endeavor.

     11:41  Maya went into the Oasis Chinese Medicine and Healing Arts Center. She's reading some book, so I told her I would meet her at The Endeavor. I'm going to leave by myself. It's kind of weird. I had told her, "I'm going to go back to San Antonio and stuff." I don't know if she would be wanting to go with me. I'm going to The Endeavor.

     12:45pm  Today has turned into a good morning. I'm talking to people and getting email addresses. Maya never showed up. She stayed at that place reading her boOkay, so I'm going to walk by there and see if she's still sitting there. If she is, I'll tell her that I have to go to the school.

                     St. Vincent De Paul's. That's where I'm going to go. To get my boots hopefully. Ahh, I shouldn't expect it, but they might have some.

     12:57pm  I walked the wrong way. I need to walk a couple blocks back the way I came. It's because I don't have my glasses, damnit!

                     Passing 961 address of this street and I can hear someone playing a drum. He/she is pretty good.

                     Please Love, let me find my boots at St. Vincent De Paul. I hate my feet being wet.

     1:13pm  They didn't have any boots at St. Vincent De Paul. They didn't have any size twelve shoes at all. I asked them what other thrift stores there were in town. They told me Salvation Army over on 11th, which I knew about and The Hospice Shop, over by the post office.

     1:28pm  I went to The Hospice and they didn't have anything my size. They had these badass boots I saw. The brand was Texas Steer. I thought they'd be perfect. They looked pretty big and I got all excited. They were 10½'s. That sucks. I'm going to walk over to The Salvation Army over on 11th Street.

                   Okay, I struck out on the last two. Now, for the last one. Let's see if good things come in three. Hopefully. I really need boots.

     1:36pm  I got to the sign that said The Salvation Army, but I couldn't see it anywhere. I went in some other place and asked and some lady told me it was right behind the building.

                   There's this big gate. I'm going to go around.

     1:52pm  Nothing at The Salvation Army that fit me. I'm going to ask them if there are any other thrift stores in town.

                   Remember to look up Brahma boots on the Internet.

                   Sweet, back in Weed, NM Sean who let me stay at his place had the same kinds of boots that I did. I asked him where I can buy them because they were going to die soon. He surprisingly told me they sold them at Walmart for $40. I was waiting to go back to San Antonio to check the Walmart there, since the nearest one to Arcata is in Crescent City, seventy miles away(I think). I wouldn't want to go all the way out there without having confirmation that they did, indeed, sell them there. Well, I just got my confirmation from some message board on the Internet. Here, I'll copy and paste it:

"Re: Brahma Boots


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Posted by Robert Kirk on July 15, 2003 at 21:06:58:
In Reply to: Re: Brahma Boots posted by Marshall on February 09, 2002 at 06:40:37:

: : A friend recently acquired via eBay a pair of boots with the name
Brahma on them. Does anyone have any info on them? He loves them, but
would like to know if they're still in business, location, etc.
Thanks for any help you may be able to give.

: Bob,
: I bought a pair of Brahma boots at a Cowtown outlet store back in
the 80's so I believe they were made in Mexico like Cowtown.

I, also, have an old pair of Brahma steel-toed work rawhide boots
that I adore. I got my in Shenandoah, Iowa three years ago at
Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart still carries the Brahma boots, but I have found
out by shopping that different Wal-Mart carries different types of
Brahma boots. The manager said, show him the boots and they would see
about getting that particular style in stock. You may have to do the
same. Take your boots to locate Wal-Mart and see what the manager can
do. Good Luck."


                   Cool, at least I know they sell them for sure at Walmart now. I'm still going to go back to San Antonio to buy them though.

     2:05pm  I walked over to the Jacoby Storehouse and went up the elevator to use the restroom, but it's locked. I'm going to go to The Alibi.

     2:20pm  Scored a shit at The Alibi. When I was coming out, this fat guy told me, "I know I've told you before, but if you're not a customer, you can't use the restroom. If you intend to come back and not be a customer, don't." I just ignored him and walked out. Hehe, I should've told him, "Yeah, and I just clogged your toilet, too. Sucker."

     2:21pm  James hooked me up with some tobacco. Thank you, brother.

     2:29pm  I just asked some lady for spare change and she went, "Sorry, I got three kids."

     3:08pm  James Raymond was nice enough to give me a rolly. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:18pm  I was spanging in front of the donut shop and this dude Josh came up. He was a street kid and he told me he didn't know what to do. He needed a place to put his stuff. I told him, "Hey, come out to the barn." So, we waited for a little bit. Nobody gave me change for a donut. We walked all the way out to the barn and Josh has some marijuana he's going to smoke with me. Awesome. I work on a reward-basis. Now, we're just checking out the barn. What do you think of the barn, Josh? It's been my home for a whole month now.

     4:20pm  Josh and I walked through the field to the railroad tracks 

and Jesse James, Isaac, Dan, Camille, Dennis, and Dank are here jamming out playing guitar and smoking reefer.

                   Earlier when I left that little party at the railroad tracks, where I took pictures of Dank and stuff, this guy told me, "Yeah, I've been meaning to give you a beer next time I saw you," and gave me a beer. When I left he yelled out, "Prophet! Keep learning and growing!" I told him, "I got nothing better to do."

     5:06pm  This girl just came up to me and asked me how I was doing. Her name is Jasmine. I talked to her a long time ago. I'll have to look up her name in my logs. I don't remember. That's cool. It was just a reaffirmation that I am known in this town.

5:08pm Jasmine just gave me a chunk of her donut. Thanks, Jasmine.

5:10pm Jasmine came out and gave me a chunk of her donut and she was like, "Victor, I was talking to my friends about you the other day." See, people talk about me. Jasmine said, "Someday everybody is going to know who you are. You're going to be famous." I told her that's not what I'm doing it for.

             This dude just drove by in a brown Honda and said, "Check this dude out. He don't know how to dress." That's in my book.

             Stupid cars. Don't you see how they give people anonymity and they talk shit? Say it to my face, pussy.

     5:20pm  Sean just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Tristy just gave me a smile.

     5:26pm  Sean just hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother. He said he believed in me, too, hehe.

     5:37pm  Jason's going to smoke me out. He also said he's got a fifty dollar bottle of tequila Wingnut Sunshine just walked up and said, "You are cordially invited to my townhouse motel room with hot tub and bathroom. #43. Tonight. I had to walk all the way from Tweaka, dude. It's right across from the jail in Eureka. It's right before the liquor store."

     5:59pm  We came to the tree 

by the Co-op and we're drinking some fifty dollar tequila Jason stole. We're all drunk and we smoked a big joint of trim, that Crazy Mike gave us. Jason just said, "Victor's the shit." Hehe, I'm the shit.

     6:37pm  I'm walking. I just got all drunk and shitfaced off that bottle of tequila. I took a lot of swigs. I'm all drunk. I want to go look for Maya. I'll stand out at the plaza and bum cigarettes until she shows up. I don't want to sleep alone tonight, hehe. No more sex, though. I'm going to wait until I bring world peace, so I can have a shower before and after.

     6:40pm  John in front of Sidelines hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:49pm  I'm going to go try and hitchhike to Eureka to see if I can go to this party that Sunshine told me about. I have it on my tape recorder. I'll listen to it again.

     6:57pm  I changed my mind. I don't want to go to Eureka. I want to wait around for Maya. I slept warm last night.

     7:24pm  Joe gave me a quarter. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:26pm  Emily just gave me a quarter. I appreciate it, sister.

     7:47pm  Kate was generous enough to give me a cigarette. Thank you, Kate.

Next day..

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