


Eureka to Arcata, CA

Tuesday October 5, 2004

               Last night I got to sleep with my Kati-Pie at her new house. No sex or anything. She didn't have a working shower yet. That's not why we didn't have sex, though. Kati made it clear that it wasn't going to be like last year. She didn't want to get into me as much as last time and have me leave again. I totally understood.

     10:18am  I am leaving Kati's. I'm going to go buy a pack of cigarettes somewhere. She lives at 1013 17th Street. I have to go to M/11 to buy cigarettes.

     10:28am  Bill hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Bill. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:55am  I went to the store on 11 and M. Pat's Market. I told this Middle Eastern guy working at the store my story. He agreed with everything I said. I'm bringing back a donut for my Kati-Pie.

                     I walked all the way back to Kati's. I wanted to give her a kiss and she said, "Don't kiss me." She told me, "We have to talk." She told me, "The nature of our relationship has changed." Even though when she first saw me she missed me too. I told her, "I understand. I guess I'll go back to Arcata and squat. I've got work to do. I have to go to school and type my stuff up."

                     Oh well, no more Kati-Pie. That sucks. I told her, "I can't even kiss you now?" She told me, "You probably better shouldn't." Awwww, I guess I have work to do.

     2:10pm  No more Kati-Pie, awwww.

                   Well, there seems to be an opening for a traveling partner. Please Love, grant me a companion.

     2:20pm  I'm back in Arcata and I went to Long's Drugs to buy a new tape recorder and they don't sell them anymore. They said that maybe tomorrow they'd get an order in. Hopefully.

                   I got this idea. I'm going to try this little experiment on prayer that I've been pondering. I'm thinking that maybe if I ask for having a good day every morning, I will. And then I'll give thanks before I go to bed. I hope it works.

     3:22pm  I didn't tell you. I walked up to HSU again.

     7:03pm  I'm leaving the library. I typed up a lot.

     7:21pm  I was sitting outside of the HSU library smoking a cigarette. This guy comes up to me and asks me if I had a rolling paper. I told him, "No, do you want a cigarette, though?" I gave him one of my cigarettes. I told him, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I just want you to listen." He said sure, go ahead. I told him, "My name is Victor. I'm a long-distance walker.." He cut me off and asked me, "Are you writing a book on generosity?" Surprised I told him, "Yeah, when have I met you before?" He told me last semester. I had bummed a cigarette off him.

                  Great! My presence is known. I told him, "I'm back in full-force."

     7:30pm  Haha, I had a good presentation in front of the library. This guy wasn't listening to me at all. He kept interrupting me. He walked off. Oh yeah, and that guy who bummed a cigarette off me, I talked to him last year. That's awesome.

     7:32pm  I hit this girl up for a story and she came up to me. I asked her what the world's greatest problem was and she said, "Ignorance." I told her, "You hit the nail right on the head." Then she said, "I'm sorry. I have to go," and walked off.

     8:30pm  Lara listened to my story and she gave me a bite of her ice cream. I appreciate it, Lara. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:08pm  Ha, these kids I tried tell my story to. They wouldn't listen for shit. I told them, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does," and walked off.

     10:53pm  I haven't made an update in a while. Oh yeah, I ran into Crow in the plaza again. We walked up to the Redwood Forest. We're going to crash up here somewhere. Crow knows about this cement platform 

we can crash at. I'll take a picture of it in the morning.(the picture came out bad)

Next day..

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