


Arcata to Crescent City, CA

Wednesday October 6, 2004

     8:22am  I haven't made an entry this morning. Crow and I woke up at this little cement platform. I took a picture of a banana slug.


They're everywhere in the morning. I'm going to crash there every night from now on. It's right in the Redwood Forest. I did my stretches. I walked down the street at V and 14th Street. At the bus benches there were all these little candies. Before I got to the bus bench I saw a candy on the ground. At first I thought it was an empty wrapper and I hit it with my walking stick and it was unopened. Then I got to the bus bench and there were shitloads of them! What a blessing. Thank you, Love. Breakfast.

     8:40am  I forgot to tell you. Since I found breakfast nearby, I'm all fueled up and I can go type my stuff up at the library. I was going to wait until 11:30 to eat at The Endeavor, but now I have some time to type before, because I got breakfast. Perfect.

                   I'm at the library now. I'm eating some candy, then I'll smoke a cigarette and go type my stuff up. Oh yeah, they're mini candy bars. Assorted.

     12:54pm  Oh shit, I forgot to tell you. I lost my Nalgene. I think I left it at The Endeavor. I'm going to walk back and check.

     12:58pm  I got my Nalgene bottle back. Thank you, San Antonio.

                    Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I had this bigass feast at The Endeavor. I had two big hotdogs and all this food. Now, I'm going to walk to Long's Drugs and see if they have my tape recorder. This one's going to die pretty soon. I've got thirty dollars. Hopefully they'll have it.

     1:05pm  I went to Long's Drugs and they still didn't have my recorder. I talked to Sarah and told her, "I came here last year and you guys had them. You don't have them now." She told me to wait like ten minutes for this guy Josh Davis to come in. He orders that kind of stuff.

     1:07pm  Mary hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Safeway. I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit, thanks.  

     1:20pm  I was outside smoking a cigarette. There's a pet store nearby and I heard this parrot. I went in there and tried to tell the girl my story. I asked her if she was willing to listen and she said, "No, I'm working." I told her, "Ignorance is bliss," and walked off. Oh yeah, I'm going to see if I can talk to Josh Davis about my recorder.

     1:30pm  I talked to Josh at Long's Drugs and they can't even order my recorder. Damnit. That gives me an idea. I'm going to go find Crow and ask him if he wants to go to Crescent City with me. The nearest Walmart is there. He had mentioned that he really enjoyed Crescent City when he had gone through there, so he should be all for it.

     1:42pm  I had a good presentation with this girl walking by in the plaza.

     2:08pm  Kara not only listened to my whole story, through this loud crowd behind us, she also gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kara. Everybody gets credit.

     3:12pm  I had a good presentation with this one girl at the smoking spot between Toby and Jack's and The Alibi. She listened to me great.

     3:55pm  I wanted to find Crow because I wanted to go to Crescent City. He wasn't in the plaza.

                   That recorder is mission-critical, so I need it. I'm going to hitchhike to Crescent City and get it. There's a Walmart there. I wish I would've had thirty dollars when we stopped there with Lena and Barry, but I didn't.

     4:03pm  Whoa! I was walking to the onramp to 101N and guess who I spot over by the bank. Crow! I asked him, "Hey, do you want to go to Crescent City with me?" He immediately said yes. Well, we walked over to the hitch spot and in no time, this truck pulled over for us. David is hooking us up with a ride to Trinidad. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:12pm  Oh yeah, we're at Clam Beach. Right before we got here I thought, "Oh shit, we're going North. There's supposed to be a party at Clam Beach, I think." I told David to drop us off. Me and Crow are going to go check it out. We'll go to Clam Beach and crash out on the beach tonight. I've got a date with Kati at six tomorrow, so I don't want to go all the way to Crescent City. After that I can go to Crescent City.

                   Crow and I walked out to the beach to check it out.  

     5:02pm  Right when I was contemplating going back to Arcata, I changed my mind. Crow and I walked up to the highway and in no time again, we already got a ride going North. What was your name? Chris and Adrian are hooking us up with a ride to a rest stop. We'll get a ride from there for sure. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:12pm  We stopped at the rest stop. I don't know how far we are from Crescent City.

     6:04pm  We were at the rest stop and these people pull up in this car. The guy driving asked me, "Where's the weed?" I told him, "I'll smoke you out if you give us a ride. Hell, I'll smoke you out even if you don't." He's hooking us up with a ride all the way to Crescent City. I might even get a ride back to Arcata tomorrow.

     6:40pm  I just wanted to note the great synchronicity that has occurred here. I told Jim I needed to go to the Walmart and buy my cassette recorder. He told me, "Nah, I'll sell you one for ten dollars." He's got one at his house! That's so awesome! Jim just saved me twenty dollars!

     9:05pm  We're in Crescent City already. Jim is taking me and Crow to a place we can camp at. And he's giving us directions back to his house and we'll walk back there in the morning. He's leaving from Crescent City back to Arcata around nine. How do we get back to your house? He said we go up Pacific. I asked him, "Where are you taking us to begin with?" Down to the end of Pacific.

                    Jim: "You go back up Pacific. Make a left on Eldorado. Follow it all the way down to the schools. Make a right on Harding. Follow Harding down to the apartments."

                    We'll be there at nine tomorrow morning..

                    With bells on.

     9:27pm  Man, I have to make an entry. That guy Jim dropped me off at some place. He told me about this camp he knew about. Me and Crow tried to find it. It's like the side of a cliff, so we said forget it. We crawled back up and now we're just walking to wherever we end up. I'm not sure where we are. In Crescent City somewhere. I have directions back to his house recorded, so I'll rewind tomorrow. We'll go back there at nine in the morning. Jim hooked me up with a blanket. We're going to walk around and see where we can crash.

     10:05pm  Just walking around this neighborhood nearby, me and Crow ran into this nice lady in Crescent City. I don't know where we are. She just offered to make us some sandwiches. We really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

Next day..

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