

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Tuesday October 7, 2008

     6:08am  I woke up at like 5:57am. I got 6.6 hours of sleep. I'm going to walk downtown today. I'm going to put my boots on and eat breakfast.

     6:53am  I am leaving. I wanted to walk OP Schnabel to the Walmart. I have three disposable cameras in my pocket. I also want to go to El Tropiko to score breakfast. I'm going to do that first. I'll walk to the Citgo and fill up my bag with ice and walk to El Tropiko. Then I'll walk Tezel to Braun to Bandera and walk the nature trail all the way to the Walmart. Even though I could just walk down Guilbeau to the Walmart.

     7:05am  Coming out of the Citgo. I got some ice.

                   I think I'm just going to walk the nature hike to the Walmart. I won't walk all the way downtown. I'll ride the bus downtown.

     7:25am  I already went to El Tropiko. Right when I walked in he said, "Do you want something to eat?" Francisco hooked me up with two tacos. I ate and then came to the bus stop to smoke a cigarette. I'm going to walk Tezel now.

     7:37am  I'm up from my smokebreak.

     7:38am  I am walking in front of Stevenson Middle School. Traffic is backed up at the light and everyone is staring at me and my shirt. Good morning, neighbors.

     7:45am  I had great publicity in front of the middle school. These two tall middle school girls walked by and I offered them my website. I asked them, "You guys have seen me walking around before, right?" They said yeah.

     7:52am  Braun Road, turning right.

     8:05am  I just got to Bandera. Crossing the street and going in the park.

                   I'm going to take the right hand trail. Just like old times.  Random Path.

     8:22am  Man, I have totally lost my sense of direction. I got lost on the trails. I'm not even sure where I am right now. I just stopped at this bench to take a smokebreak. I'm trying to make it to the Walmart. I'm trying to get to the new sidewalk they're building.

     8:37am  I hear Bandera Road so I guess I have to go this way.

                   Everybody is talking about some girl who died out here. She fell of a cliff. I knew that would happen eventually at this park. It's dangerous in parts. I'll see if I can find an article article on the internet.

     8:59am  I just got to the paved path they're building. I liked the old path that was here before better. The dirt trail. The picture I took is over by that natural wall with all the roots.  Remember(2-15-04:8:15am)?  Here's a picture I took of it in 2004.   

     9:10am  I got to this part where there wasn't shade anymore, so I double backed a little and sat down on the ground and took another smokebreak. Right before all the construction workers are working on the sidewalk.

     9:23am  I am at the Walmart. All the buses are here. I'll go top off my ice at the McDonald's.

     9:38am  I dropped off three disposable cameras to be developed. They don't have the one-hour service right now, so I'll have to wait until Thursday.

                   Letter of the day is L. When I walked up to the buses there was an 88 there about to leave. I got on it just to "get a schedule" and was able to peek at the letter of the day. I got off and looked through my stash and I don't have any L's. That sucks. I want to go to the Medical Center anyway and catch the bus downtown. I'm going to eat a snack and take another smokebreak.

     10:26am  I guess I didn't walk downtown after all. At the Walmart bus circle I saw some older black dude walk up with a walking stick, but he wasn't walking with it. It was a short wooden pole with a handle, but it didn't have anything on the bottom. Since I always carry a spare tennis ball in one of my pockets I walked up to him and said, "It looks like you are in need of a tennis ball for your stick too." I showed him my stick. He goes, "That's exactly what I need." I pulled out my Leatherman and cut the ball for him and everything. He asked me, "How much do I owe you for this?" I told him not to worry about it. That I was always glad to help a fellow walker. It's not like I pay for tennis balls. I started telling him my story and when the bus came I got on the 88 with him to finish. Towards the end of the Note From the Rich he told me, "Don't be offended, but are you here?" He wouldn't let me take his picture either. I'm all stoned.

     10:55am  I just got off downtown. It's windy. I hope my hat doesn't fly away.

                     I put my beanie on.

     11:35am  I went to the Travis Park Church to get in line for free food. The line was all the way to the door. I saw some guy walk out and looked at his dinky sandwich and changed my mind. I turn to walk away and this pretty girl in a business suit sees my shirt and says, "I love your shirt." I smiled and offered her my website. I asked her if she was busy, if I could tell her my story(and that I'd smoke her out if she wanted) and she ends up inviting me to lunch! How perfect. She told me to meet her in Travis Park at noon, Ruby. I hope she shows up.

     12:07pm  I forgot to mention Ruby showed up. We walked down to The Riverwalk and I'm about to smoke her out. It will bring the story to life. We're sitting down on the river under Augusta Street.

     12:22pm  I am telling Ruby my story and when I was at the part where I log people's generosity, "Anytime I get any generosity, like every cigarette I bum," she goes, "I remember you now. Like three years ago. I gave you a cigarette." Ha, that's awesome. I'll look you up and put a link.

                     Wow, Ruby listened beautifully. She's 24 and works as a lawyer's assistant downtown. She was born in San Antonio but lived on the East Coast for a while. Actually, the whole time I was talking she was writing stuff down. At first it was a little bothering not having eye contact, but then I figured if she was shorthanding stuff about what I was saying she was still paying attention to me and having notes on my presentation will greatly improve recall. Even though it's all on my website verbatim. She said she wants to be a journalist too. I even played around with the idea of taking her traveling with me. It seemed like she was tempted. She totally has the San Antonio look. I smoked her out hardcore and gave her a joint. She volunteered me five bucks. I should've totally given her more weed than I did. I'm sorry Ruby. I'll make it up to you.

     3:28pm  I am already back at the Mainland Walmart.

     3:35pm  I'm on the bus going home.

     3:52pm  I just got off the bus close to my mom's house. I'm going to take a nap maybe.

     9:06pm  I should make an update. My sister pawned off her dog Maggie on me. That's alright, I love Maggie.

Next day..

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